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Everything posted by Andi

  1. Hate to point something out, but if you make a maneuover doing your driving test which relies on another driver doing as they are indicating (and not yet done), you will fail! Example: turning left out of a junction, when coming from the right the person is indicating left to enter the road you are just leaving. Always remember being told that by my instructor, and yes I may spend a little longer getting out of some junctions if its not obvious they are going to take the turning, etc, but not been in a car crash yet... However, cutting directly accross you is of course completely wrong...
  2. willis, the answer to your question is no. Corrado-only I'm afraid!
  3. Andi

    Revs disappear?

    Jonboy, I'd have a hunt round the search, but my initial guesses would be: a) faulty ignition switch (I had one which flickered on and off whilst driving!) b) failing earth lead under the bonnet (big strap, far back right) A fuel block wouldn't cause the revs to drop to 0, as the engine will still turn without fuel if driving along in gear... So it's going to be electrical!
  4. http://www.eurosportacc.com/lamin-x.htm Yes, they do clear, but you have to buy the headlight covers too - which I don't need... anyone wanna make me an offer? I bought clear headlight protectors if anyone wants them for a donation! :)
  5. Anyone fancy photochopping a carbon fibre bonnet on the above pic for me? ;) Juuuuust curious (thanks Dom - but not in the way you are curious!)
  6. Hmmm, carbon bonnet on a Blackberry car................
  7. That's cos its the original driver + passenger arm+blade setup, so it can't go completely flat. You can push it down a bit though - was a spare-of-the-moment photo though ;) Handy for if your tax is overdue though :)
  8. Needs a clean, needs de-stone-chipping, but still running good... Now sporting 65% charcoal Lamin-X fog/indicator films.
  9. Yikes - sorry dude! Had a similar annoyance - but not to quite the same degree with this bloke..... 40mph fixed, no matter in a 30 or a 50. Nice plate! :roll:
  10. corradoman24, mileage is nothing, care over the years is everything. Take it from a VR6 owner with 205k miles on the clock on the original chains :) If she's been well looked after, you should do fine. Welcome to Corrado ownership! You'll be here lots... better let the g/f know... :lol:
  11. Gotta love the US-UK language divide ;) Uprated mean they've had the 'stage 2' and a boob job too? ;) Nadia?
  12. Andi

    C**TS !!

    Reminds me of when my Dad caught someone trying to steal his car outside our house at about 2am. The guy was pissed as a fart, and managed to get into the car but was failing miserably to get it started. My Dad calmly went outside and starting helping him! ;) (He had called the Police already obviously). Dad proceeds by helping the guy bump start the car down the road (it won't start - the ol' HT lead removed trick) to get him round the corner, with help from my next door neighbour also chipping in. Guy must think its his lucky night, until they then pull him out of the car, and sit on him for 10 mins until the cops turned up. Ah those were the days.... (was about 15 years ago now!) That story is closely followed by a couple of years ago when a Driving Instructor school car careered into my Dad's car one sunny Sunday afternoon. Made even more funny the fact that the driving instructor was driving! Hmmm, I'd book him! ;)
  13. Topic split. pkripper's pictures can now be seen here in the Member's Gallery: http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=29100
  14. Mine is: Keys in - nothing. Switch to ignition, accessories on, dash lights, etc. Switch to start, car starts (!), and pulls back to ignition. Switch to off - accessories stay on until keys are removed. Most handy for the car kit - so you can carry on talking with the engine off. It only disables when you remove the key (bluetooth kit). I've also wired my stereo to its own permnament live feed. Makes me take the face plate off, and means I can have it on whenever I want, regardless of keys :) Is it possible your ignition switch has been replaced with a Passat one or something?
  15. Good luck, matey. Can he fix it? Yes he can! Looks a little similar...
  16. Rather than this just being a list, I reckon you should pull your best and worse from Google Image Search ;) Will make it more interesting to read if you don't know what the person's on about!
  17. Mmmmmmmmm Audi.......... *goes to order audi-forum.net* 8)
  18. saysomestuff, can't blame them - its a *&^*er of a job!
  19. Lots of dealer parts that are cheap go on ebay for silly amounts. Parcel shelves straps for one! Be savy ;)
  20. You don't want to extend the lock-pulse though. Lock pulse should only goto a max. of 3 secs, else you'll start burning motors and pumps out. You need to have an auxillary control on the alarm, which will provide power to the full closure system to let it close. Depending on alarm it'll either: a) be a button you press first, then set alarm when done b) one button does it all if you're lucky c) can't do it, rip it out ;) Cliffords, for example, are b), but mine shorted one of the control ports out, so I'm now a) ;)
  21. HiAsAKite, OLD! Been on fastpurple's Video selection since: January 07 2004 6:39:27 pm So glad people check all my hard work.. hehe.
  22. Ring them up wishing to claim for damage to your car/wheels because of a road surface, requesting the form, etc. Watch how quickly that road is then repaired....
  23. It's sadly not how council funding works. They get set money for repairs, then some for safety, etc. If they don't spend it all, it doesn't carry over, and they get less next year. It is stupid though - the council's should be more creative and put a repair of a road down as a safety measure ;) But, they're thick. So hey.
  24. Or upload them here ;) http://the-corrado.net/upload/
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