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Posts posted by veeDuB_Rado

  1. I expect you'll find that they've got a few signs up in the carpark stating that cars are left at the owners risk :(


    Otherwise Mr Tesco would be forever paying for trolley dents to be removed


    Isn't it the trolley walleys jobs to put the trolleys into the bays with the rest of thm though?

  2. If you want technical, pick up a magazine!


    TG is all about entertainment these days and it is extremely entertaining imo :-) Even my G/F loves it and she's not a fan of cars at all. It's just an hour's escapism from the UK's tedious roads and a reminder that cars are, and should be fun.


    Butcha can't hear sounds of engines or vids of dials when they floor fast cars in magazines..


    (Both of which top gear dont do :roll)

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