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Everything posted by W3RKD

  1. humm where did u live then as i also have freinds in jersey too
  2. W3RKD

    co pot on g60

    i would recomend you get a copy of the bently manual this comes on cd format or book it has all the figures u need and then you can check to your hearts content i like you like checking thing like this too when i bored :lol: just cos i like gadgets etc.. i would be more than happy to help you if you need any more info and also a copy of the bently manual on cd rom :roll:
  3. W3RKD

    My G60

    here here tom !! resize please !! but i like the black corrado lot!! have you done any other mods to it then "g60"
  4. here's a pic of 16vg60(johns) rear!!
  5. umm here borrowed this from another forum.. i think it goes through this subject quite in depth.. http://www.clubgti.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=17928
  6. that is only the 2nd set of them inpros i have seen fitted!! the other set is on pdm's 16vg60 :lol: looking good
  7. i will g60 what time do you want me to pick ya up?
  8. we will sort somthing out for you mate !!! should of come to us for fitting !! :lol:
  9. was the chip put in back to front first time then?
  10. did you get it sorted jimbo??
  11. i still want them mate
  12. it isnt paul mate my mistake !!
  13. well tonight i had the old girl running for the first time in about 2 mts tonight (v busy @ the moment you see ) and my inital imperssions are WOW gonna get the bumper back on tomorrow and take it for a good drive :lol: :lol: roll on inters!!!
  14. why is it so bad to do then?? :shock:
  15. i wouldbe in on the gauges too as im bored with the usal vdo ones! :lol:
  16. paul give me a call mate...
  17. have you tried hic?i used to drive a 1990 sepec 16v when i was 20 think it used to cost around 800 ish to insure f i remember correctlly? i was quite a while ago now.
  18. ok mate million thing going around me heed @ the mo !!! inters is coming up so quickly....
  19. humm you wuld have to look after it a bit more than yours then!! no tools scatter'd around the passenger footwell!!! :lol: :lol: one day i will let u have a go in it though! :lol:
  20. may be he has a spare one mate :lol:
  21. i like mine aswell :D but then im moddest :oops:
  22. euro cool like this then!!
  23. pdm sort's ant (bananaman) out again!! :lol:
  24. http://www.pd-motorsport.co.uk/pages/chargers/main.htm this will give you some info on charger rebuilds/costs etc.. like g60 says a 68mm(preferbly)pulley and chip(see bilal) and fpr can be brought or around £200 for the lot ,this will give you around 185-190 bhp then add this to a k&n panel filter/exhaust and you should nearly get the 200bhp you are after all for under £600... hth.
  25. i think so :lol: :lol: i think his car was trying to eat him!
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