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Everything posted by W3RKD

  1. The bolts can be reused but make sure they are free of sealant before refitting..
  2. W3RKD

    rebuilt charger??

    Unfortunatly that is just the manufacturers casting ident number and has nothing to do with any kind of service it may/may not of had.
  3. Very nice example, Perfect year Car too with all the right bits from the factory.
  4. Last i heard it had been crashed into a ditch and is under going a restoration.. that was a few years ago now. I hve some pics of the other one also that i belive is stored at karmann now ?
  5. W3RKD

    Another G60..

    I disagree with that but then i would i suppose.. :lol:
  6. W3RKD

    Another G60..

    ......thought you were trying to stop me from buying a VR6 corrado??? Dan if i owned your Corrado i wouldn't be buying a vr.. I only want one as i want to try out some 6cyl Forced induction :lol:
  7. Bal - Pm Mike on here as i think he may have a set for sale Looking Good dan.
  8. W3RKD

    BMW bbs rs rims

    Thats not fair.... How can you be allowed to get my hopes up like that I'm not playing anymore... [/quote:ba9af] I think your confused mate.. Mike has a set of awesome D90's "and" a set of silver rose's :lol:
  9. W3RKD

    BMW bbs rs rims

    Nice work Mike These will completly change the look of your car again... Awesome
  10. I would either make / buy the correct loom for this job. They then become a plug-Play item into the fuse panel.
  11. Due to some unforseen Circumstances i have now become the owner of a brilliant blue G60.. I have started to carry out a few Tweaks and should be going in to have the bodywork sorted very soon. Pics - Plenty more to come before E38... :lol: Hopfully And to think i was actually thinking of getting a VR corrado.. Perhaps after E38 now instead.. :lol:
  12. I would ask andy if you could borrow his ecu for 20mins to do some testing. Or try your ecu in his car to elimate it from you testing
  13. W3RKD

    G60 Sparkplugs

    W5dpo's are no where near £15-£20 each sam, If you paying that someone is pulling your pants down.
  14. W3RKD


    i would mount the horns in the old intercooler position the looms long enough to do this also, all you have to do is make a bracket to hold them in place.
  15. Thats Luke's Car and he runs in the VWDRC and runs very low 14's on his first outing on a completly stock engine/Charger.
  16. what made you relocate your ISV then bill ?
  17. Looking Good Bill... BigTartanJudge, Brought from a forum member i belive...
  18. Could you not just add a joiner and remove the split section to get you up and running again?
  19. The design of the schrick sump allows it so sit squarer to the road (if that makes sense) as it has a flat bottom to it. These are 6mm thick on the bottom which is alot thicker than most sump guards so there shouldn't be any problems (you could quite happily jack your car up from one of these (although not recomended) billinjah, you doing bloody well to touch your sump on the road there mate as even when Furks Car goes down to our preset *show* height the sump never comes close to the road. It may be worth checking your front mount to make sure the engine isn't sitting at the wrong angle.
  20. W3RKD

    My New Suspension

    2_Door_fun, sorry if it looked that way it want ment as a general comment about how-to's and was in no way directed at you.. lets all be happy again now..:lol:
  21. W3RKD

    My New Suspension

    If anyone requires fitting instructions on any of our products we are allways on the end of the phone line and more than willing to help/offer assistance. This is one of the reasons why we dont do online buying so as that we can make sure the customer is getting the correct product first time. We do not agree with putting how-to guides in with the products we sell as it could mislead the buyer into having a crack at fitting there parts (on a sunday afternoon when you know nothings going to be open )when it should realy be left to a profesionall. 2DOOR - If you read through you should of found the paperwork you were supplied with at the time of purchase you would of noticed one part was the TUV and the other part explains who the adjustment on the rear dampers work. Cheers Darren
  22. Mike he is some light reading for you - http://dutchdub.com/Brakes.htm :lol:
  23. Im sure that they will fit inside the wheel diameter wise mike.
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