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Everything posted by W3RKD

  1. Have you fitted the rail ?
  2. Its not my rallye unfortunatly - its the bloody car that has delayed your mapping :( hopfully to be finished monday evening.. Spent over 40hrs sweating over this engine so far in the last week.
  3. I need to get this finished then lots of cleaning...
  4. W3RKD

    2.0 G60 threads?

    We have been telling him this from the start Jat - We have a few brewing at the moment also.. Did you also see the big valve head pics mate ? Daz, I've been meaning to email you but been so busy at moment. Not seen the the pics mate. If I don't speak to you before I shall be at Inters so we have a chat there, I'll be at the sprint! LOL :lol: Jat ill look foward to it http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... light=head see here /\
  5. click on his www box and all will be reveled
  6. If the painters not a friend of yours and has only quoted 700 for all that work i would honestly find another painter for that kind of money either the materials will be very cheap or he isnt planning on spending much time on your car. We see so many crs that have had cheap resprays and it really devalues them in my opinion do it once and do it properly.
  7. Roys car has come along way since those pictures posted above. i would imagine the supercharger on this set up wont be clutched it will just run a slightly larger pulley to stop it revving the arse of itself. I also disagree about it being a waste of time on the 8v head now we have them flowing well it makes staying 8v a very good option. Back to Back on the dynos there was no differance between our big valve 8v and a modded 16v head.
  8. Ian is using 1 of the 2 origanial prototype big valve heads.
  9. Why would you want to do this ? Arghh - Ive just seen you have a flamer kit.
  10. Full specs including Flow data available on our website also as im sure people would never by somthing like this without being able to see all the figures first. If you were to run this head on a std g60 expect to see your boost gauge reading @ 0bar ...
  11. W3RKD

    2.0 G60 threads?

    We have been telling him this from the start Jat - We have a few brewing at the moment also.. Did you also see the big valve head pics mate ?
  12. For those that might be interested and dont venture on to dubforce i thought i would show you one of our proudest developments to date.. Look at the work in this -
  13. You can have one ian, No problems just give me a call.. :lol:
  14. I totally agree with this but not about the flexi joints as these are allways the weak point of any exhaust hence the reason decent manufactures dont like using them if possible.. There are aeroquip style flexis available for headers but these would outweigh the price of most cheap tubular manifolds. We see huge gains maybee 7-10% gains when we utilise our 1.75" primarys on the g60's and is a very effective sub £300 modification
  15. Updated with some new big valve head pictures... :lol:
  16. kev - we have just got a set of AP's behind a set of lm's :wink:
  17. i think its a tough choice between the rc's and the rx's on the rado's both look fantastic.
  18. :wink: see its allways good letting me go for a drive.. can identify problems whilst going sideways. :wink:
  19. W3RKD

    BBS RC's

    Yes in the above size the only offset possible is perfect for the corrado.
  20. Was this a completly unprovoked attack on your car ? if so thats really bad.
  21. Why not just cut the parts you need from a good breaker ?
  22. they will fit im sure. we have run the boxster s calipers on 305mm discs to in the past.
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