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Posts posted by Henny

  1. ...the 1.4twin-charged VW engines give around 50mpg and 170bhp as standard... They're also chip-able to 205bhp without screwing the MPG too much!

    The new generation of petrol engines are using similar designs to diesels with much smaller capacities to get the fuel economy, and a turbo (and/or supercharger) to get the power... It's the future I tell you... ;)


    Thanks for that Henny... just what I wanted to hear on a Friday! So how long do I have to wait for one of these twincharger Polos to go scooting past my VR6 and there I'll be - probably unable to keep up with it, and also in the knowledge that he's getting probably double the mpg that I am.


    Great... just bloody great... :(


    It may be a Corrado that comes past you with one of the twin-charged GOLF engines in it sometime soon... you still won't be able to keep up with it, and it'll still be getting nearly double your MPG... ;) :lol:


    Have you ever driven a car with that engine though? My mum has the 140 version in her A3 with 7spd DSG and it was so underwhelming to drive. In fact I hated it.


    Yup, the 140's naff as it's only turbo'd... the 170 twin charged that's in the golf isn't bad once it's been chipped to 205bhp, but you NEED the manual gearbox to make it fun to drive... ;)

  2. you have to be scene. god henny what kind of idiot are you pffft :lol:


    Ah... ok... Thanks for clearing that up... 8) I'll just go back to being able to drive my performance car quickly without wondering if the tyres will come off around corners... 8)


    p.s. if you wonder how far a low profile tyre can stretch during hard cornering, look at the front wheel in this pic and compare it with the rear tyre profile... these are 205 45 16 on a 7.5" rim... I wouldn't want to be anywhere near someone with "stretched" tyres going near a corner... :nono:

  3. ...the 1.4twin-charged VW engines give around 50mpg and 170bhp as standard... They're also chip-able to 205bhp without screwing the MPG too much!


    The new generation of petrol engines are using similar designs to diesels with much smaller capacities to get the fuel economy, and a turbo (and/or supercharger) to get the power... It's the future I tell you... ;)

  4. 195s on an 8" rim? blimey, I wouldn't want to corner hard on those... :eek:


    I'm running 195s on a 9" :shock:


    WHY?!? What's the point of having a 9" wheel when your tyre only has a maximum of 7.67" of tread?!? Sorry, I just don't get it... :?

  5. for the fiddling around it'd take to do it without taking the dash out, it'd be simpler to take the dash out in my opinion (having done it both ways, and on MKII golfs too!)


    It'd probably only take an extra hour or so to do it with taking the dash out, and you'll get a much neater job in the end... Taking the dash out isn't that big a job, I got it down to about 90 minutes out and about 2 hours back in again (including routing the wiring loom properly!) with about 30 minutes to change the matrix...


    Oh, and I'm not a professional mechanic, I just cracked on with it and got it done... :)

  6. I took all my nuts, bolts and screws into a local shop called "thread fast" (can you guess what they sell?!? :lol: ) and said I wanted like for like, but in stainless steel please... came back a week later and they'd matched my bag of rusty bits with some nice shiny stainless bits... 8)


    Didn't cost a lot either, so yes, you can replace them with stainless... ;)

  7. Henny, are u aware of DG's front disc shield for larger brakes?


    Yup, but seeing as they weren't around when the car was last on the road, I couldn't fit them then, and it's not moved in over 3 years (under it's own power at least!) so there's not a lot of point fitting them at the moment... I'll probably get/make some when I get an engine and gearbox back in my 'rado though... 8)

  8. front ones are much more essential than rear ones (I didn't run rear ones on my Corrado G60s in the 6 years I had them on the road with no problems)... the front ones are partially a safety item in case the outer CV boot splits, as they stop CV joint grease from splattering the disks and making your brakes not work... They're also easy to fit on the front (from what I remember...)


    Saying that, I don't have them fitted behind my 305mm Brembo setup 'cos they were smaller than the disks! :lol:

  9. the bit (spring plate) you're missing loops over the bar (where the rust is) and then slots into the slot under the red arrow in this pic... I have no idea if it's available seperately, but you'd get one off a car that's being broken for not a lot... ;)

  10. ooh, missed the loom and gearbox...


    A G60 loom (complete) with ECU goes for about £100 to £150 (my last one went for £125, and I'm about to sell the one that's currently in my Corrado too...)

    A G60 gearbox goes for anything between £60 and £200, again depending on condition and history...

  11. PG engines without charger go for between £200 and £400 depending on condition and what's with them

    Chargers go for between £250 and £600 depending on history and how recently they were rebuild (and who by!)


    Together, they tend to go for between £600 and £800, although I know of one that's just sold for £400 with charger, and I just sold a complete one without charger for only £200...


    Basically it's all down to condition and history...

  12. summary of events?


    i'm not reading 45pages of internet folk



    Read the first page (only need to read the first 6 or 7 posts) then click on the second page and read a few on there... you'll know when you hit the magic post (not page!) 44! :lol:


    You can then ignore the rest of the crap...


    That's the quickest summary.... ;)

  13. I had £300ish Supersprint ones from Venom on my first G60 and they were on there for about 18months and several track sessions with no problems... they weren't the smoothest over bumpy roads, but were by no means horrible for day to day use... I think these are the ones that Venom commissioned to replace the supersport ones...

  14. Does your clutch have a good bite or does it slip?


    Could be a cable issue...?


    I doubt it... Corrados have Hydraulic clutches, so no cable! :lol:


    Are you sure it's the clutch you can smell and not the rear brakes binding?


    It may be worth trying a second gear launch to see if you get much slip when launching from higher revs than you would in first to prove if it's the clutch...

  15. also check for a build up of crud under the throttle arm (the bit that swings and is pulled by the throttle cable on the engine!)... this can mean that the throttle sticks instead of returning to it's idle position...


    I had this on my G60 which was a bit scary when it stuck at 3,500rpm while giving my dad a demo-run in her just after she'd been mapped! :shock: quick spray with some carb cleaner to get the crud off and all was fine once again! :lol:

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