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Posts posted by Goldie

  1. Looking great Goldie . I'm at a similar stage to you ATM . I have so many parts in the shed for the underside . I removed my bushes , took a while but I got there in the end . Just waiting to send the beam off . Looking forward to seeing your car one day .


    Thanks very much, I'm the same, I've got bits of car everywhere.. My beam needs to be refinished as well.. Car will hopefully be at some shows next year..


    Good luck with the matrix :) It's really not so bad - just daunting, especially when all the dash is out with cables everywhere. Seriously, if I managed it, ANYONE can do it :)


    Im sure i won't particularly enjoy the matrix, i would feel more comfortable knowing it was done rather than as a result of failure. Plenty more to do before i get to that stage though, i want the car back down on all 4s before i start on the dash..


    Couple of shots from todays progress, 3 rear heat shields on with new and refurbed exhaust brackets. I have a local repair to do to the underseal near the fuel filter and then that will be secured back onto the car. Custom made section of exhaust is in progress so i think its coming together..






    And the rear tunnel shield, i haven't even touched this but feel its probably ready just to go straight on..



  2. Thanks gents, its just a 3D jigsaw puzzle. Am just trying to ensure that everything is up to standard..


    Sean J - jealous, you shouldn't be, your car is great and all your own work.. Plans next, finish the underneath and then I'm going to do the heater matrix.. Yipppeee

  3. Looking great, Michael.


    Pure vanity... I think many of us have been guilty of that at some point. I know I certainly didn't need those centre gauges... Hope you'll be posting pics of the exhaust when it arrives.


    Gauges provide the driver with essential, live information about the engine….whatever, they look great..


    Pictures will follow once its had the polishing treatment..

  4. Same technique used Jim, took some drilling to dispose of the rubber..


    I can't ever imagine using mirrors, it'll never be good enough for that.. There are a few of you who have cars of that standard (you know who you are)..


    Exhaust should be here in a week or so. It had better look nice as i didnt really need it, pure vanity..

  5. Seems Clumpy has felt the need to remove his comments from this thread - pathetic..


    Anyway, progress has been slow.


    Rear beam is now fully stripped. Really appreciate the help from Easypops (Martin) with getting the bushes out and a very nice Bacon Roll.. They bushes take some getting out when they aren't that old.




    Exhaust, centre pipe just isn't fresh enough to justify the ceramic treatment so have ordered a new middle box (stainless) from Italy and am having a custom stainless pipe made. Both will be polished before fitting.


    Heat shields, very easy to have them polished to a mirror finish but thats a little too bling for what I'm after. Plan B, have had them Satin polished and now they just need some handraulic work to finish them off, slow process but theres no rush. Fitted the little shilled on the tank tonight underneath zinc plated and coated tank straps.






    I think I'm winning overall, i have all the parts so there will be very little left on the underneath that isn't brand new.. Beam will be off for a refresh soon and then it should start to take shape...

  6. Ideal situation, you know where you are with your Corrado, you get to try something new and you can come back to it whenever you fancy..


    So long as you keep doing odd little jobs on it which are far more pleasurable when there isn't the urgency of thinking 'i need this car to be running to get to work etc' then the Corrado will continue to improve.. Its easier to grab 'bargain' parts as well when there is no urgency..


    I like Fords, although i haven't had a go of a new Fiesta.. Try all the competitors that meet the same criteria and budget and go with what you like… As already said if a dealer isn't keen to let you test drive then walk away, another one will, they want the business...

  7. How much is the exhaust bracket Anna?


    People seem to go bananas for non sunroof headliners but the market is very small..


    90mm splitters going to come back in stock?


    Just buy everything including the tooling, it will all sell eventually..

  8. Just curious to know where you picked up your fan switch? I got a pattern part one but it seems to come on far too late (when the coolant is at or near 105-110 centigrade) and I keep meaning to replace it. Did you get a genuine VW one?


    Have you checked that the first two fan stages are working Jim? On my old green one i didn't get a fan running until 110 deg. After investigation that was because the first two fan stages were dead..

  9. Good thinking on getting one (regardless of condition) for a template. Surely if your search is broadened to 'condition not so important' you should get what you need..


    As with anything Corrado, if its broken/falling off/rotten on one then it will be on many others.. Batch production is what will keep these cars alive and slightly affordable..

  10. I have bought two lots from Mr Lobitos. I think i attached a message with words to say why the donation was being made but couldn't say for definite. Im also not sure if the 1st set i bought whether the donation was included in what i payed..


    I do hope that no one has abused the service that has been offered by Mr Lobitos, it would be a shame if it were ruined for potential future (and revisiting) customers..

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