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Posts posted by Goldie

  1. We aren't talking about watches here gents, these are time pieces…


    In an ideal world, win the lottery i could have serious collect of nice watches.. My work watch is the traditional 'Casio Submariner' (G shock) but at all other times i wear an Omega Seamaster, bought it a few years ago and i have never regretted the cost of it.. To buy the equivalent model now would cost considerably more..

  2. I could well be wrong but i thought the Edition Blue was a LHD only. Id imagine it was similar to the Edition One and Fire and Ice model so was available with 8v/16v/G60 engines and a special interior of some description…


    A non rust Mk2 is a limited edition thing and with prices being high a little work could make it a far better option to tart up (as Graeme) says and buy another plus have some change...

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