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Everything posted by Goldie

  1. Has taken me a while but here they finally are!!
  2. Couldnt confirm the time but i had a one and it was no flyer. You had a quote for a VR or G60? i found there wasnt that much difference.
  3. A friend of mine is running a 2.0 and hes having a few probs. He can only get 30 to the gallon on the motorway which seems far too low and sometimes has problems getting the thing started. Hes had it looked at and the guy reckoned it is a thermostat problem and therefore the choke is constantly on leading to overfuelling. Can a valver guru advise on this or suggest any alternatives. Cheers
  4. The new ones are mounted with spring loaded brackets, no screws. Think i paid about £30 for one from Europarts. Headlights are over £100 from the dealers, second hand around 40 quid for a gooden. Ensure that its not from a left hand drive.
  5. At the moment mine is a daily runner, ideal that i dont need it for work but still the miles are adding up. Intend next year to make it a weekends only, no long journeys etc. Future plans, recaros and if the engine packs in id quite like the idea of an R32 Storm. Definitely a car for life.
  6. Quite keen to have a go with a gel as the spray stuff just ends up all over the shop. Cheers for the tips guys.
  7. No need to aplogise biggerbigneil, jus like to know what it was.
  8. Big congratulations on the feature. What a cracking motor it is, the interior is the best Corrado mod ive seen. Nice one
  9. Am a big fan of the autoglym range but got to admit that i think the tyre shine stuff is poor. Anyone using anything else worth recommending??
  10. Im approaching the time for my original exhaust to go and reckon ill have the same dilema as most in that i want it to sound original and look subtle. When i was at the Leeds VW festival OSV flashed up his Silver Rado so i could hear his exhaust and it sounded lovely, more of a purr than a growl. I believe it was a janspeed, anyone else using one of these??
  11. I had one on an escort a long time ago and it did nowt but make a raspberry sound at idle. No noticable gains in economy or power. Id Ebay it if i were you.
  12. Nice one bristolbaron, ill have look into it.
  13. Depending on where you are some of the guys on here have kindly volunteered to carry out pre viewing for prospective buyers. May be worth seeing if someone would mind checking it out who is in your neck of the woods.
  14. Seeing photos like that makes me want to empty my wallet and fill up the credit card. Very nice indeed.
  15. That makes the £640 sound not too bad. I may give them another ring and see if they could do us a group buy deal, ill put something on here if he comes up with something good.
  16. Been quoted £640 all in for a set of konigsport Silverline X from speedbox. Is this a good price, any suggestions for another supplier??
  17. Ive been following that thread and im afraid i was one of the people who could only make the 23rd, got a visit to Belgium on the 30th. Definitely keen for any future meets.
  18. Heres a couple more. Hopefull in the not too distant future ill have some ones of it closer to the deck!!
  19. Right, ive just read through all this lot and dont feel much further forward. Can anyone give me some tips for the following. I want to lower mine and will remain on standard 15s. I reckon aboput 40mm should do the trick. I dont want anything too harsh at all, its not a track car so want it for the look really but want something that feels quality. Budget £700 max. Cheers guys.
  20. I know BLACKG60, , hence the comment about lowering it. She definitely needs to fall a few inches closer to the tarmac, and she will, when ive got the cash!!
  21. As ive been on here a little while now i thought it about time to pop a few photos of my baby. Shes a 95 Classic Green Storm with approaching 90k on the clock. The guy before me had it since it was about two years old and had wrapped it up in cotton wool!! Hed gone to the trouble of having aircon fitted and has had it maintained and serviced at the dealer. It has even had a main dealer head gasket fitted at just shy of a grand! Ive had it about a year now and have done a couple of bit and bobs in that time. My main plan for it is to lower it. From what i gather konis go recommended but any advice would be good as i want to get the best kit available. Other than that and a few subtle changes i intend to leave here as she came. This is my second corrado, i had an Aqua 16 valver first which i enjoyed but i ended up wanting a VR. Cheers to everyone who has given me advice on here and i look forward to admiring many mor Corrados in the coming years.
  22. Ive got a set frfom justmatz in mine. I had them made to order with stoirm logos on and delivery was still fairly prompt. Think they set me back about £70. Theyve been in since december and still look absolutely fine. Definitely get my seal of approval!
  23. Goldie

    rear lights

    Opening this topic up again. Have done a set of red rear clusters which im happy with but curiousity has got the better of me. Would anyone with a green C mind popping a photo of their motor on or giving me a link to a pic if theyve got the following: Red and Clear Red and smoked. Just fancy seeing what its like. Cheers
  24. Goldie

    VR6 fan belt

    Happy with that price, is it a carry on to fit the thing??
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