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Everything posted by filski

  1. filski

    Temp guage

    right, so went and got a new thermo-switch 3 plug stylee (round) and found it down the side of the rad. my next question may be very obvious, but i thought i'd better check anyway, do i have to drain the coolant before removing the old one? i don't ewant to get it off and find all my coolant all over the pavement. i presume as it's under the top level of coolant in the rad it'll all drain out - or is it a closed system and can be removed easy?
  2. filski

    Temp guage

    here's to staying cool - cheers guys i'll have a play..
  3. filski

    Temp guage

    right, so i have replaced the temp guage switch and now the temp guage reads normal driving temp 100 - 105, and in traffic it hits 110 + and the fan kicks in at about 109/110. once the water temp warning light flashed and i stopped to cool down , after sitting in traffic for ages. so i presume i need a rad-fan thermo swtich to kick start the fan ealrier as mine seems to be getting too hot. i have looked at the GSF parts website, and they list several red-fan thermo switches...part no 93470/93474/93478...i don't have a manual and can't seemt to locate them on the car..can you suggest where to look and which to replace?
  4. Hi Andy, you still making the looms? i would be interested in getting one..driving in the dark is not much fun. got any prices?? ta filski.
  5. filski

    Temp guage

    Hi, i got a '94 2.0L auto and all is good and well. but, my temp guage (original dial on left of dash) has bee slowly showing a lower avarage running temp over the last few months. it all seems to work fine, the guage works as expected in normal driving, (goes up when hot and down when cooler) but normal running temp shows under 70'c as opposed to 90'c-100'c. the guage seemd to react to hight temps and also when fan kicks in aroudn town - as i said all seems normal but as if somehow the scale has been moved. oil temp is normal, so i figure it might be the temp sensor is on its way out, or the guage. any ideas amigos? cheers
  6. Auto Shades near sutton were shut, but got a quote from a place Near Heathrow - found ad in Friday Ads. Rear and small rear sides = £140 limo black Driver/passanger sides 25% tint (legal is 28 % max i've been told) for £190 the lot. not too bad..£55 off as January sales. can get number if anyone interested. need to save up more pennies as crimbo was lots of expensive fun. :) ;(
  7. hi - is doing the Max Power tint easy? and a good result PhatVR6 ? i live near sutton so wil try to get down there and find their detials. bben after a good mod to do and tints i think are pretty cool..
  8. well plug and play, but happy to test the 'meduim' quality loom if you want so not really bothered..will be good to have a quality loom put in. let us know what happens... nice on Andy.
  9. what a load of little b*****ds...such a mare!! such a horrible sight to see :( i had a stupid thing happen to me a few weeks ago - working under the car on a saturday, i had jacked up the back and was fiddeling with the rear brakes. I park just infront of my house on the street, and live about 50m from centre of town in a little side street. so i was lying under the car, and i usually leave my front door open as i'm always popping in for tools, tea etc. it was a sunny afternoon with lots of shoppers just before xmas walking about, and when i had finished i went inside, packed everything up and wanted to make a call. but no moblie?? i was sure i had left it by my wallet on the table inside, but no wallet either.. turns out that as i was under the car, 2 guys came up and one kept watch as the other dashed inside my house - MY HOUSE, into the living room, and snatched my stuff. i remember them walking away as i got up and they even stopped to see what i was doing. It was fairly normal as i have a zxr750 as well and am often taking bits of car / bike apart in the street, and often peeps come over and just chat , everyone from kids to bums to traffic wardens - a friendly street i thought. i was gutted - how can they come into your house in the middle of the day and snatch your stuff..????? F%$£ers!! now i'm paraniod to even unload the boot by myself without shutting doors and locking everything each time...
  10. filski

    Headlight Loom

    well Andy, be good to see what you come up with - we await more news. :)
  11. filski

    Headlight Loom

    Whitedog, i got the same loom of the same gu a few months back. i've been tinkering with cars and bikes for years, not an expert but fairly compintent. but ialso didn't quite get the instructions. After fitting the loom, i lost my side lights - on the switch inside the car, the frist click is for side lights, the second for main beam, and on the stalk for high beam. but now i have only main beam on first click, and have to second click if i want to activate the high beam. i followed the colour coding and did it all right as far as i can tell, but something seems to be wrong so wripped it all out, and now awaiting someone like andy_vw to make a nice loom with proper connectors, not silly little blue things needing to cut papart the original loom. got quite a mess there now. there is alink in the supplers bit to an Andy (not sure if the same) who makes them - or used to - http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=46291
  12. not got one, but i like the Style DTM 2 pipes upswept. :)
  13. filski

    Oil lamp

    seems to be - will find a nice level car park anbd do a proper check though..
  14. filski

    Oil lamp

    Hi - Happy New Year to all !! Has anyone had a similar thing happen - when i do a sharp turn right - going round a roundabout or something, at a bit of speed, the oil lamp flashes and beeps. Presume this is due to the fact that when the car lurches to the left the oil level drops due to the G and the pump starts to panic. On normal driving all is fine, oil levels are good etc.
  15. no reply from Andy...is there anyone out there???? :turn-l: ( - who does these looms thst is)
  16. contacted Andy and we'll see if he still does the loom, i'll keep you updated on the progress.
  17. filski

    MOT failure....:(

    cool, just found local stealer and got one ordered - £9,52 is better that a whoke new light. thanks
  18. filski

    MOT failure....:(

    thanks jonny5 is alive, any you can reccomend?
  19. filski

    MOT failure....:(

    p.s. got 7 working days to get it sorted and put it through the MOT again for a partial MOT and payment. if i were to tape/glue on the broken bit to fix it, it should work properly and is this enough to pass the MOT, and it would be adjustable but not perfect?? any ideas? or anyone got a spare o/s headlight for a '94 model??
  20. Morning all. Alas i have sad news, my c failed it's MOT yesterday as the o/s headlight adjuster is broken and the light is pointing up. the little bracket which snaps into the back of the light casing has got the 4 'wings/lugs' snapped off and cannot be srewed in, so therefore the reflector cannot be held and so flaps around. i tried to take the washer out and it fits in but loose. the original washer seems fat and it's hard to get the part in, even hardewr now without the lugs. do i need a whole new headlight or can i just get the small plastic bit and put it in. I've asked around but only been quoted loads for brand new lights from stealers...
  21. well i have had my c for 7 months now and just yesterday saw a wet patch in the passenger's footwell for the first time. I haven't got a sunroof and my screen is original so that rules that out. roof strips are kinda perished but not going to move them. went to the jst wash at the weekend so could be from that as i havn't driven it in the rain this week yet. i heard of this passenger's footwell leak problem on the forum before - but this is the first time it has happened to mine, first winter for me too though....
  22. filski

    Rear Callipers

    so got the tool and life is simple again.:) it was tough at first but once turning it went in easy - i've done lots of calipers on bikes before where you just release the pressure by the nipple and push the pistons back in - never heard of having to turn them, hence why i got stuck. all good now and new pads on all 4 wheels. thanks for the advice. F. :lol: 8)
  23. filski

    Rear Callipers

    hi..just spent ages trying to put in new brake pads at the back. managed to get everything off and loose fine, got old pads out and put new in - but am stuck when i need to put the calliper back on as i cannot get the piston to go back in :mad: . i have undone the bleed nipple, opened the fluid resevior and followed instructions, but as i do not have any swanky tools i'm having trouble pushing the piston back in to get enough clearance for the new fat pads. any home-made devices / tips on how i can od this? :?: :lol: many ta's. f.
  24. cheers guys..gonna think of lowering as like to low look, is it just case of getting lowering springs ..J-TEC Lowering Springs Kit - VW Corrado 94 35mm like these on ebay? is it a do it yourself jobby?
  25. Hi all, so i've had my rado now since May, and loved it. :D it is all standard, with no mods or anything, and i've only put in a parcel shelf with speakers and a new radio into it, and now am starting to get itchy fingers to do more. I've seen smoe amazing cars on here, Toffee for ex, and want to go a stage further. I am thinking of upgrading the headlight wiring loom, and also getting Lupo wipers if i ever find them, but i guess my main question is what are the popular mods i could start playing with. as always money is an issue to consider, but i am mechanically sound and could do most things myself. so i ask your expertise guys.. what do you suggest??
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