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Everything posted by Jon_vr6

  1. £50 quid bloody cheap and still look alright for winter wheels!
  2. Greedy is all i can say storms are rare as it is and you have two! lol! Looks just as good as the other one you own how many miles is low milage???
  3. Buy stans 24v beast he only wants £5,800 for it and 24v is better than 12v just a thought anyway fella seems like a low milage car http://www.the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=61310
  4. check here http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12310&highlight= Theres a couple more the search in the top right is your friend! BMC CDA is best IMO!
  5. Seems like themo housing to me!! You getting any mixing of the oil and water atall main sign of HG failure ??
  6. So basically just ask for the full thermostat housing and they should order the whole lot??
  7. cheers fella i dont need the themostat as its a new one just the housing gaskets, o-rings etc! No rush wont get to the stealers till prob mid week anyway!
  8. will see mate if i find it a pain in the arse with the front end on ill take it off!! Cheers for the help!
  9. Cheers dude might just try the way on this thread as ive had the front end off before and its a pain in the arse lol! Silicon sealant ?? is that really needed ??
  10. im goning to have a crack at this next weekend a new thermostat has been put on and it still leaks from that area so to me it seems as if its the thermo housing! It doesnt leak while the engines running nor when i turn it off its about 1-2 hours later i look under the car and there is a very small puddle of pink coolant!! Are the part numbers around ?? And is it easy to distiguish what parts go into where seals, o-rings etc?? Just dont want to be pulling my hair out next weekend going where the hell does this go??
  11. You can now leave your condolences on his website http://www.colinmcrae.com/
  12. :shock: Cant believe it a true champion and a true gentleman!! There was nothing he couldnt do in a rally car a great sportsman lost! RIP Colin!
  13. What did you use michael to dress the tyres forgot to ask you at tatton?? Looks fantastic fella! Keep up your fantastic work! 8)
  14. Think your raddo is getting jelous of your daily driver mate so its throwing a wobbler lol! :lol:
  15. Just got it back from psi woo just thought id share that all with you! Had a little play with a bmw 530d on the way back haha! :lol: :lol:
  16. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=250151859235&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=015 The old ebay link ended now obviously!
  17. didnt the same happen to one when they tested it on the Ring in germany?
  18. when i went to get some brake lines made up and i said that the nuts had rounded off he was like they shouldnt round off them they should come off easily i felt like saying yeah ok mate you come and have a go lol! Goldie on here had the same trouble and he told me that he just cut the solid brake line as near to the nut as possible so not to lose a lot of the brake line and take the whole brake line to a local garage or similar and get them to swage a brand new union onto the end so new flexi hose can then be connected to the new union! What i cant understand though is with 288mm coversion you have to change the hoses because they are banjo fitting but with you changing to g60 and the hoses being the same as before why bother going through all that trouble?? Is it for braided hoses??
  19. had the same problem when doing my 288mm conversion absolute ball ache the nut just rounds off we ended up cutting the solid brake line for both the fronts and then running new solid brake lines! So in my opinion no easy way im afraid!
  20. Ah yeah remember now!! The recaros look so much better than the standard ones imo!
  21. how easy were the recaros to fit with them being electric?? Is the wiring already there to connect them or not??
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