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About Nuggit

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  1. Cheers guys! jslootweg : I'm going to keep it updated, just waiting for a bit of good weather so the nice man can come and put my sunroof in! gezza : hehehe ... yhpm mate! corradude : dude! we're ten-away brothers ;D therapor : Cheers :D Been a hell of a sweat so far! vr6storm : Good God ... cheers for that! what a difference!
  2. Just dealt with them to get my RM outer dishes. Cheapest in the UK that I could find, and believe me, I tried. Customer Service is refreshingly excellent. My rims were delayed, and rather than bullshit, Simon from RW contacted me virtually every other day apologising and keeping me updated as to where they were, and their work is well worth checking out on the website. Some beautiful jobs, and the rims I've got are excellent quality, really well finished; I deal with polished ally and chrome a lot. These are mine : http://www.retro-wheels.co.uk
  3. Can't find the original thread, so a new one! Rescued this puppy from the car auctions, decided to do the best of everything to it, it's now 'my' car due to spending so much on it, and believe me, you don't want to know how much. She's only a 1.8 16v, but that might not last. I've put so much work into her, it's untrue. As she went in. Gary@EPIC Paintworks is a god. I'll plug the guy (not literally) until the sun goes down. Beautiful job. The skimming stage from the back, couple of parking dents/key marks. (The windows did get taken out) And from the front, Gaz's cup of coffee is irrelevant. She was a cup stand for a short while. Outside EPIC, ready for going. Loaded onto our transporter shortly after. Front lights in, looking pretty damn sexual! From the side. Don't get used to the rims and the ride height! And from the back with the M3-style lights, courtesy of Richard @ Venom. Another top bloke. The rims, as ordered and arrived beautifully from 'retro wheels', 2x2" dishes, 2x2.5" dishes, gold bolts. Top guys to deal with as well. Really nice chaps. In addition, we have : A mint dark trim, (restored by me), FK Coilovers, Lupo wipers, badgeless grille. Wheel 'baskets', alternate spoiler and badges to be painted 'glitter-rainbow-flake-black', electric spoiler-type sunroof, new roof-strips and rubbers all round, small integrated boot build coming shortly (also by me), just what I can remember. I've got this horrible suspicion she's going to end up with a G60 or Audi T lump under her. Let's see ;-) Edit : The sills have been painted with stone-chip, they'll be going yellow later, just letting it cure a bit, so it does look a bit high. Edit #2 : Might as well plug us properly ;-) Outside EPIC, undercover Loaded on our wagon. We used the winch, due to laziness. And randomly, a picture of my incredibly rare Series 4 Innocenti Lambretta, only 1500 made for Saudi in the 60's, this is one of only 6 in the UK. For anyone who cares, that's my R1 to the right.
  4. *cough* I have a massive soft spot for Defenders :D I like the fact that if you wanted, you could just ... drive in a straight line until you ran out of fuel. Houses, gardens, hills, swamps, lovely :D
  5. In answer to the previous question, nearly every Alfa I've heard of being sold (and I know of a few, I don't do them anymore) has come back with faults, and usually serious ones. Nearly every model, nearly every engine, ranging from gearboxes through to bits falling off it. The only one I'll touch is the 3L GTV, purely because they sound so utterly utterly gorgeous.
  6. I've had a Chimaera 4.5, and can confirm it was utterly wonderful. Didn't like being sat around, admittedly, and the roof leaked a bit (and I do mean only a bit), but by god it was fun ;-) The kind of car where you sit at traffic lights hoping for a boy racer, and then stick your right foot down, leaving only two huge rubber trails and the distant sound of a manic hyped-up idiot screaming 'AHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' Literally.
  7. It'll break within twenty minutes, I'm utterly sick of hearing about problems with them. *grumpy and cynical, despite the fact they are, admittedly, gorgeous*
  8. *cough* someone not a million miles away had ambulance air-horns under the bonnet of their Cosworth, and blue flashing strobes. ..... Very illegal I understand, but I can *imagine* it's very very very amusing.
  9. Glad to hear you're having fun Andy! Ignore the philistines :D
  10. Try this mate : http://www.rockfordfosgate.com/rftech/boxcalculator.asp Works for me... if you're going to the back seat, take the opposing angle to the rear bench, and try to apply it to the front of the box, so it evens things out. Make sure you line it properly, acoustic wadding etc. Sealings damn important as well.
  11. As random top-tip, and I've known mechanics who haven't clocked on.. If your alternator goes screwy, replace the brushes. They're available from all good industrial electrics places, it'll cost you about ten quid instead of 90. They're located on the rear/side, and have a model/serial number printed on the back, usually held in by two screws. I used to work at an AutoFactors, and the sheer amount we took back, charged huge amounts for, and they just needed brushes, is scary. I wouldn't usually bother mentioning it, but C's seem to be a high mileage car, worth spreading it maybe. Steve
  12. Ack! those waterways are lurrrvely!
  13. Not that I'm one to cast aspersions, but I've cracked rims before on cheap coilovers. Not that I'm saying these are, but they tend to come with ridiculous poundage springs. I can post pics of the rims :-(
  14. Fastest I've owned, Sierra Cosworth c) 400hp Fastest I've been in, 184 in a Supra TT, awesome machine. Most interesting... I had a beach buggy for a bit with a 2180cc flat-4 aircooled in it.
  15. This is a beautiful level of insanity :D You have my respect... and have made me think about finishing my Mk1!
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