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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. Well. Distinctly not there..! Looks like silicone sealant it is then ... And, is it likely there's a puddle of water in the fan housing? Much as I hate to, I think I'm going to need to strip that off yet again.
  2. I might send a huge snottogram to my tappet supplier too, suggesting they fork out for a new camshaft.. Just for kicks like, doubt they'll comply. "Buyer beware", and all that. Pain in the ass these old cars though? Sheesh.
  3. ...and the whole plastic foliage grille unit on top of the fan assembly is loose... No wonder it's ****ing into the car. Right behind all the electronics. Nice. Looks like there's supposed to be a clip holding it down on the outside edge. Nothing there now (see v. bad pictures). What should be holding it down?
  4. Did check the scuttle areas - all look good. But you're right, coincidences rarely happen .. will take another look when I get a moment.
  5. If this is indeed the case it's just because there's not many Corrados around and they are purchased by the type of people who ALSO buy personalised plates.. :)
  6. Good suggestions, will take a look at those thanks. I did look at the plastic cover on the foliage filter and I don't think that's out of place on my car, but I'll take a closer look later. The drains from that area are certainly running pretty freely. I see a mention of drains to the rear of the sunroof?
  7. Hi guys, a few annoying little issues coming up on the VR6 now, wonder if anyone can provide any pointers. The Corrado sits on the drive, a lot, and there's been a number of extreme rain showers of late. So, it's once again wound up with a soaking wet passenger footwell and I can't work out where it's coming from. The usual drains have proven to be clear, ish, and it's definitely rainwater not engine coolant so... Anyone else had this? I have been wondering if it's just the level of rainfall overwhelming the sunroof drains, added to the fact that the car has to sit facing up the hill I think this impairs the ability of these drains to work properly. I'm also just considering getting a car cover .. Secondly, the bloody interior fan just decided to stop working yesterday. It stopped working, then I drove along for a bit and it started working again (on all four speeds), and now it doesn't work at all again. Never done this before.. ! Bloody car. :) I should have gone and bought the Wheeler Dealers car.. :)
  8. Don't make your own brake lines, unless you definitely know what you're doing. :) But I agree with the other points. The emissions fails (two of them) points to one likely fault elsewhere. Most likely MAF, but just as likely a hole in the inlet system somewhere messing with fuelling. But bear in mind the car's idle won't change if you unplug the later, coilpack car's MAF - that old story only seems to apply to the early car's hot wire MAF. Best bet on the emissions stuff is to get the car on VAGCOM.
  9. Have to say, water in the footwell also indicates that it rained really, really, fricking heavily. On old cars, it's common to get flooding due to blocked drains. Had this a couple of times on the VR6 now with the recent ultra-heavy rains.
  10. dr_mat

    Heater matrix...

    ... and check you don't have a small amount of coolant in the car that you can smell, and a leaky sunroof or blocked drain ...
  11. Was held up on the way over, and the plane was running three minutes early (!?) so had to literally slam on the anchors and dive into a layby, grab the camera point and pray...
  12. They are actively telling people NOT to go to Doncaster to watch the launch.. The website may not handle the load this weekend.. There's an Android/iOS app too, I have yet to check that out.
  13. http://www.vulcantothesky.org/news/710/82/Latest-on-National-Tour.html
  14. Jeez I think I'd rather leave the screw head exposed than pay £20 for a used broken pair. That's just extortion.
  15. We need to set up a 20 Corrado salute... Dammit it's gonna be cloudy round our way this weekend.. :(
  16. I made the executive decision to remove them from the car about six minutes after I got it and they've never gone back on since. To be fair, I think the time that this was a risk has been and gone, these cars aren't even recognised any more by the unwashed masses..
  17. For sure, I realise that it's a standard shared component. Just doubt that any company will keep an array of model-specific tester units unless they are a well-known national facility that does this all day long for the OEMs too. FWIW when my ABS unit started doing the same thing about eight years ago I picked up a used one off ebay for twenty quid. Touch wood it's been ok since..
  18. Yes, would very much like to know where he "has a vinyl replica made up" .. magical mystery suppliers known only to those in the trade.. I am guessing that the ABS unit remanufacturing company used in the program is the same one that VW assigned specifically for the UK, otherwise no way they would have a dedicated control box for this specific ABS unit .. ! How does he find this stuff out?! Stuff I want to know: Where the feck are ABS sensors £4? Where the feck are front disks and pads £25?
  19. Twenty versions on YouTube most of them don't work.. But found one that does and really enjoyed it. Damn, Brewer loved that car.. :) Car looked brilliant and sounded awesome too. Nutcases decided to drive it round the go-kart circuit, lots of inside rear wheel in the air type action.. Mine gets driven like that every day... So, I assume that Dave the buyer joined the forum?
  20. I need a dropbox version .. anyone??
  21. dr_mat


    Tis the future, don't you know? The open source PHPBB system has now been usurped by the proprietary tapatalk and panjo systems.
  22. (I think it's actually worse that people think I wrote "f .. ed off" above, than what I really wrote. I love censorship..)
  23. I for one am ****ed off that the drop in resale values on modern VW cars will cause a drop in value of my Corrado by almost £1. The barstards.
  24. But it's the legendary "Storm" .. ! Awful pictures make it look like a blackberry metallic too.
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