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Posts posted by emu

  1. Just had Corrado for the past 8 years, almost since I did pas my driving test and I would like to swap.


    I'm no bother at all about MPG, my allroad has 14,7 mpg average and vr6 is not much better at all. I'm doing average 300 miles a month, my job is less than 1,5 mile away, shops are even closer so just fancy something different, don't have to be practical as still will be keeping allroad or will finally get so diesel myself.


    Skyline, always love look of r34 gtr, and always wanted one.


    EVO, looks great but why insurance is double than skyline ??

  2. Thought you say that. It really is a special car but Im kind of getting bored of the whole VW thing if Im honest.



    Now I can see I'm not alone. Fantastic car but you get bored, how is it possible, have no idea but have exactly this same with my vrt project.

  3. Believe me around 400bhp is enough in one of these things for the roads. I'll give you a run in mine next week sometime of you want when picking up the fog light. I know there are faster things out there but as a package I reckon is hard to beat for smiles which at the end of the day is what you want. There will always be someone with a faster/better car than you.



    I know, I know, but when fitting turbo why don't remap it on maximum power if everything else i capable to hold this power. To be honest I don't need more than 300 bhp, it's just what i want, not what I need :lol:


    Of course I would be very happy to look and feel your vrt.

  4. skyline gtr's are nice motors but ive read some horror stories about the engines. Something to do with oil delivery to the sixth piston :shrug: . Looks like you have a lot of tasty parts there already for the corrado so youre a good way there to becoming a vrt owner. Why not build it up as a front wheel drive car and see how you get on with it and if thats what you want. Then at a later date go the four wheel drive route. There seems to be some fairly monstorous vrts on here that are front wheel drive and manage ok. I reckon this would cut out a good chunk of work and cost for your dream corrado.




    4x4 is must when going over 400bhp and it's not as that expensive as you think, anyway original vr6 gearbox doesn't hold 550 bhp for long but 02m will be fine for long time.

  5. Spent some time on skyline forum and look through few sale advertise (not much of them) and to be honest have to thing about everything once again.


    VRT like I want will cost me around 15-17k and will be running 550 bhp 4 wheel drive having almost all new parts at least all new mechanical parts. Is it worth to build it. Of course yes.


    GTR like I want will cost around 25-30k and will be running 330-600 bhp depends what will I manage to find. Sadly this price way over my budget :(


    There is a 3rd solution of buying GTT with GTR looks like conversion and running around 400-500 bhp, depends what you can find at the moment. Very tempted about it.


    Both GTR and GTT will be low mileage cars but not new and always something can break.



    It's very hard to make some reasonable decision but looks like GTR have to wait, maybe some day will won a lotto :)

  6. I bought my first Corrado in September 2002, can't remember exact day but it was beginning of September, in the past 8 years I had 2.0 16, 1.8 20vt, vr6, 1.8 20vt and vr6 again which I was planning to make turbo.


    It was great 8 years, Corrado is fantastic car but is time for change. It's time to say good bye to Corrado. Lack of use and lost of love, thought it will never happen but last few months was thinking about change and decided to do this.


    What next


    Don't really know yet, first of all have to sell everything so please expect few for sale posts in near future. My dream is Skyline r34 gtr but we will see. I'd like to try cars like tvr, m3, maybe something else.

  7. Build the VRT if it's what you want. You've got some top kit there. No one in this thread, apart from 1 or 2 people, has any idea about VRTs , so don't be put off by people saying it's a waste of money, because it isn't. Anyone can buy a Skyline or evo, but few people can build a decent VRT.



    Was waiting for your answer and was expecting similar answer from you.



    Still didn't make any decision, just want both very badly but GTR is something what I always wanted.

  8. For £15,000 you should stop looking at elderly projects and buy something like a RS4 or RS6.


    Trust me if RS6 would be with manual gearbox I would go for it long time ago.


    RS4 - perfect car, but there is to many of them on the road, I need coupe anyway.


    Already have allroad 2.7T as a daily so don't really need another big car.

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