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Posts posted by Bally

  1. Bally I was given the sub as a present from my sister and bro-in law, I told them that I would love a Diamond Audio sub, initially I was gonna buy the CM3's but got a surprise when I was given the M6!! :D


    I'm planning to do a install, my other future bro-in-law does installs and I'm planning to get some serious kit in the car, I'm after quality not loudness!!! Whats your install mate??


    Easy Sanj welcome to the site chap..


    Thats a cool pressie matey :wink:


    I'm planning an install all standard crap at the mo :lol: plus the weathers pants so not in any rush, but once it's done it'll be good... :wink: who's your bro-in-law work for then?? what are your plans? PM me... :wink: I'm after the same sort of set-up as you, see what happens.. :)


    Khida Maj, yeap sounds like a plan, its just making time, probably won't start the install till next year... :roll:

  2. :shock: Ok guys, I was waiting for someone to post the link of this car.. :cry:


    when I was on my hunt for a rado, I went to viewed this car back in August, it was priced at £1900 in the loot, cars was described as good condition etc, but was I in for a shock, it was so dirty inside it made my wife sick! we had never ever viewed a car which was so poorly looked after, nothing worked on it, the speedo, rev counter, windows, sunroof, it ran ok, bloody noisy, yes the leathers nice, the rear bench is standard black cloth, the cards are all leather etc the electric window switches were hanging out, IMO the cars not worth more than £1000 if that! best of breaking it!! I told the guy straight the cars a nail, needs alot sorting to even be for sale!


    Not sure if he's had any of the bits sorted?? but advice is to stay clear from this car, the history seemed allover the place, nothing proves the mileage etc.. which is a shame, cos the car was almost dent free..!

  3. now now chaps :lol:


    I don't class smoking as one, but the fone and make-up thing isn't safe..


    I see loads of funny ones on the road, peeps shaving whilst sitting in the fast lane, women eating yogurt :lol: what a joke! maybe they call it multi-tasking :lol: still aint funny if they cause an accident... :x

  4. AVO do make them, but if you speak to people on here they arent highly spoken off :roll:


    The badge is a minor thing, its the engine/mechanics that count really, the car don't seem bad, but being that its a garage I'd still make sure is all sweet before going ahead with it etc.


    Just been looking on the trader theres a few there, whats your price range?? were abouts are you?

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