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Posts posted by Bally

  1. I looked for over too months, looked at loads of cars, best thing is to keep looking, one will turnup, mileage aint a major problem, as long as is been looked after etc it'll be fine, with the G60 make sure the chargers been looked after etc...

  2. Hi DM, he's fine mate, thanks for asking, he's dealt with it very well, the police have been helpful, they think they no who they are now, only thing is the SCUM are laying low:x but the cops have said its only a matter of time catching them at it again!! :roll:


    They seem to work for City to City, so be aware..... :twisted: :x

  3. does look good in Black, must admit.. but don't think a Blue grill will look very nice :lol:


    I got a Black VW badge over the wkend, did find the rear one won't fit?? the recess is slightly smaller, is yours the orignal badge colour coded?


    I ended up fitting the black rear badge I got for myn on the mrs's MK4 polo, looks sweet :D

  4. Gutted for yah mate, I can imagine how you must feel, one of my cousins had an attempted theft of his S3, they violently beat him, he was lucky..


    The scum need shooting!! :mad:

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