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Posts posted by Bally

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    RAC have been, it was the selecor thing under the bonnet were the two cables joine, it had become stuck, he pushed it down and the lever became free to change gears...


    Been advised to have a new selector and cables looked and and maybe replaced....


    Cars hey, new to the VW still... :oops:

  2. Just drove into work and it seamed fine, just went to park it and noticed the gear lever won't got all the way to the right, it seems to be sticking nearer first & second gear :shock: but is very stiff going in? any ideas what the problem is? has the cable snapped?? I work in London and am worried I won't be able to drive the car home :?


    Thinking of ringing RAC to see if they can help.... :?:

  3. Bud, my mate fitted the same kit to his 16v rado, and has the exact same problem....


    there was a guy on here with it that says after a while it does settle. My mate also stripped out his rear seats, which aint helpin the cause...


    stick in some dead bodies to weigh it down a bit... or alternatively, sand bags or bags of cement to help them bed in...




    Cheers for the reply mate :lol: , alot of peeps have said to give it some time to settle, done 1000k in it now, see what happens then... :roll:


    Cheers G60 you have a point, but I'll give it some time to settle then decide.. :wink:

  4. Easy Sanj


    I'm not sure wht sub to go for yet, had Alpines for years which rocked and are now in cousins MK2 GTI, had a 15" JL in the escort which was LOUD! now in mates car, got amps etc so no worries there.


    I'm looking for a simple but good SQ system, with some BASS to turn some heads at shows, been looking around sites etc see what happens, brothers got some bits and pieces I'm thinking of looking into, but not sure as I said.. but it'll be good.. :wink:


    good to hear yours in coming on well.. will be good to see it once your on the raod, bet you can't wait... :D


    BTW, what the rear lamps like? looking to do myn this wk... :wink:

  5. call yourself a VW fan??? I dont know! putting your wife before your car!


    I dont have lowering caps, but I cant see how they will take off much more than 10-15mm




    :lol: mate, I've put the car first before and it aint worth the hassle :lol:


    I'm not sure about the lowering cups either, but then they must work otherwise they wouldn't be selling... :roll:

  6. its all an illusion! it's suffering from pink syndrome quite badly, and it's been t-cut that many times by previous owners that doing it again would most likely take it back to bare metal!


    OMG!!! :shock:


    well goodluck with it mate :wink:

  7. Hey Rob, cheers for the reply :D I'm wondering who said the front lower than back thing too :?


    I really want coilovers, but I can't really afford it at the mo... :cry: unless a set came along CHEAP :roll:


    I'll have to meetup with you and see how your car sits oneday!!!


    I found with my corrado, that the front sat higher before it was lowered... :?


    cars hey :lol:

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