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Posts posted by Bally

  1. I've got a late stainless backbox I'm looking to get fitted on Friday, however after having a closer look lastnite, mate & I noticed that the hangers on the car are different shaped to ones that are fitted on the stainless backbox :roll: the car had early hanger type, were as the backbox I've got has later rod type hangers, my question is can I mod the box to fit? or am I better of getting one that actually fits my early Corrado?


    The backbox came of a 2.0L Corrado..


    Please help.. :(

  2. Bish is a good bloke, I've had a few bits of him when he used to break... COUGH FORDs!


    Goodluck with the re-spray :D


    as for headlights, no idea mate, arent they US spec? :?

  3. You did mention it maybe the T post.. glad its sorted...


    Yeap its the letterbox style one... not sure what make it is, not even sure if I'll keep it on there, may end up with a full stainless, you never no :lol:


    should look better once its dropped etc... I'll keep yah posted matey :D

  4. Ok matey, look forward to em


    Myns ok, need to give it a service.. stuck some new rubber on the rear y'day (yoko's) got me springs y'day too, just got to speak to mate about fitting em & a rear pipe for me over the wkend! when i get a chance I'll get some pics up.. :D


    gooodluck with yours, did you get the heater thing sorted??

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