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Roger Chatfield

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Everything posted by Roger Chatfield

  1. Bloody bonnet cable has snapped, how can I get the bonnet open. Help, before the grinder comes out...lol Rog.
  2. Managed to get one from Eurocarparts this morning and got it all primed and fitted. Started it up and a little clatter, then a louder clatter... bugger bugger bugger... left it warm up and still loud cluttering. So, went back up the house for a little cry and a coffee, goes back down the garage and I honestly thought it had stopped. Nope, still running.... now sounds like a well oiled sewing machine... cancels my call to The Samaritans and realise my smile muscles have started working again.. :) just need to put it back together and test drive time. Rog.
  3. Tried that mate but the check valve in the bolt is now not working so it won't take up any tension unless at pressure, I tried turning the engine over by hand and chain just jumped a cog so there is no way I'm risking a start. I'm going to try and get a tensioner local today, if I get no joy I'll take you up on your kind offer please mate. BTW I need the old original style one and not the newer Mk4 style. Rog.
  4. Had a little look on the net and read somewhere that the upper chain tensioner has to be free of air, well guess what, when I cleaned mine up I managed to get air trapped in it, I assumed this would bleed off once the engine was running but I've just removed the tensioner and yep, its still full of air. I've managed to prime it up with oil but now the internal check valve isn't closing so I guess I'll need a new tensioner... bugger. Hopefully that will solve it. Rog.
  5. Yes mate so I cant understand why one has failed. Anyway, quick vid. I'm just praying this is an easy fix and I haven't got another duff engine, can't afford to spend any more cash on it. Rog.
  6. Well it started on the button but is making a hell of a racket from the top end, sounds like a follower has failed. Guess I'll have to pull the cams and have a look.... bloody cars... Rog.
  7. So, one of my work buddies kindly offered to paint my rusty starter motor whilst on nights.... This is the result...lol Managed to get the engine in, not too difficult, got it fitted in under 15 mins. Spent the rest of the day connecting everything up. I've put oil in it and turned it over on the starter with the plugs out, oil pressure got to two bar so I'm happy it's all good, just to refit the coil pack, leads and plugs and we are good to go, hopefully have it running tomorrow. Btw, for info GSF now stock G13, and are open til 4pm on a Saturday. Rog.
  8. VAGCOM, get it scanned and see what pops up, if you are in the Devon Cornwall area I'll happily scan it for you. Rog.
  9. Looking at this pic Rob i wonder if you are better off removing rod 8, attaching it to bit 7 and then poking it back up the hole rather than trying to connect it in the door aperture. Rog.
  10. I've been working nights so progress has been a little slow. New oil pump fitted, this is the pump I bought for my original engine to try and solve the low oil pressure problem, it never got fitted so I thought I might as well fit it to my new engine. Pulled the gearbox off the old engine and gave it a jet wash.. New engine on the right, old engine (original) on right. swapped over a few more bits like the sump etc. Gearbox now fitted with the original clutch, loads of meat on it so not worth replacing, I assume Andy may have replaced when he had the box rebuilt. All ready to fit now, hopefully dropping it in tomorrow. Rog.
  11. Mic, I'd be interested in the oil if Rob doesn't take you up on your offer mate. Rog.
  12. Cheers mate, any info greatly received. Anyway, quick update, I've been or king nights so progress is slow. But, I'm managed to get a few things done, crack pipe, thermostat housing, cams, oil filter housing, chain covers, wiring loom, new oil pump, oil cooler, rocker cover and alternator all fitted. I've also fitted the follows from my old engine, these only have a few hundred miles on them so seemed silly not to reuse them. Rog.
  13. Is there any real need for the rear engine mount heat shield? seems a bit OTT to be so I'm thinking of leaving it off when I fit the new engine. Rog.
  14. Thanks for the offer mate but I've got a set of 2.9 cam here that I have fitted for now, but really I'd like to get these repaired if possible. Rog.
  15. As some of you may well know I'm in the process of fitting a newer engine to my rado. So, when I removed the cams from my old engine I discovered this damage. Now, ideally I'd like to reuse the cams so I was wondering can these be repaired?? I'm thinking maybe grind the journals smaller and fit bearing shells but I'm not sure if this is possible. BTW I'm using a different head so I'm worried about the damage to that. Rog.
  16. Bitter sweet day today, managed to get some more done but I think I've found what's causing my noise and high oil temps. The cams are buggered. I'm pleased in a way as I now know what's been causing my problems but I'm also gutted as I was hoping to reuse these as they are performance cams. Luckily I've got a set of stock cams here so I've fitted them to the new engine... for now...wink.. Rog.
  17. Nice car, I had a look around this when Gareth had it, hopefully you'll get the little problems sorted out. Rog.
  18. Managed to get a few hours down the garage today. Quite pleased with my progress, managed to get the engine and box out. Just need swap over the box and ancillaries to the new engine, fit it and we are good to go....simples...lol Rog.
  19. I've used this a number of times now and even have it saved in my book marks, a good find and a must for any Corrado owners...lol Rog.
  20. Mmmmm deterrent... I'm not so sure any more, didn't exactly deter the Argies from invading the Falklands did it. Everyone knows that no one will push the button so it's not exactly a deterrent any more, don't forget trident was ordered in the 80's, the world was a very different place back then. I don't know how many countries there are in the world but only 8 have nuclear weapons (7 if you don't include North Korea which doesn't really have the capability). All those non nuclear countries seem to be ok, big old places like Canada and Australia don't see the need so why the hell to we. Rog.
  21. Afternoon chums, One of the subjects that has been bought up by the Scottish independence vote is Trident, an independent Scotland has said it doesn't need or want it. This has got me thinking, why do we actually have it? Now that the Cold War has finished is there really any point in spending vast sums of money on a weapon we are never going to use. Let's face fact here, we are never going to use a nuclear weapon against an aggressor, it just won't happen and tbh it's unlikely that someone is going to use one against us. Most of the other counties on this fine earth don't have the 'bomb' and they are getting on fine so maybe it's time we got rid of it. Discuss... Rog.
  22. Am I the last man in, the 11th man... I wonder chocolado! Rog'O'
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