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Everything posted by Bolster

  1. Wayside have been good to me for parts (they will give a discount if you ask for the 'parts for older cars program') Always given me the right bits. The dealer near my home is woeful so I have got everything from Wayside for the last few months. I will let wayside have a crack at servicing my car in about a month so let me know how you get on.
  2. Boy that thing is on steroids! Just say NO. :twisted: I'm not into the whole body kit thing, but each to their own. I much prefer unassuming/stealth power and performance.
  3. And mine doesn't lower the wind deflector when it closes (I have to close my fingers in it first whilst pulling down the wind deflector :shock: ). Is this going to mean complete replacement or is there a part or a refit that will fix this?
  4. Bolster

    What's in a name?

    So what about Rabbit? Caravelle? Touareg? Touran? Beetle? Derby? Lupo? Phaeton? Sharan? That should test ya! :wink: :lol:
  5. Thought I'd already posted this but may have ommitted to hit the submit button ?? :roll: I saw on another site that Corrado is from the Spanish verb to sprint (could this be the influence for the name of the CCGB mag?) On another site (for baby names - does anyone have a kid called Corrado? or G60 maybe? :lol: ) the German derivative of Corrado means Bold. Does anyone know of any info from VW about where the name came from? (a spanish quick step or a washing up powder?) Reminds me of some other car names that had to be changed because of their meanings in other countries (Mitsubishi Pajero - 'Camel's Beef curtains' in Mexico so the urban legend goes hence the Shogun name)
  6. LoL :) he he he. :lol: Not that I was about to flame anyone (cos I know the VR6 is the dogs cods :twisted: ) but does anyone know of any good flaming smilies apart from (which is v 8) )
  7. ... or move to somewhere sunny !!! :)
  8. Na - doesn't seem to fit mine :lol: :lol: :lol: I'll get me coat
  9. Bolster

    Corrado VR6 MPG ?

    Yep - temp of the engine makes a huge difference to mine too.
  10. Bolster

    Throttle Response

    Or a fuel supply prob? On the odd occasion mine will starve itself of fuel fangin round a roundabout but easing off then on again (usually in the change of direction off the roundabout seems to let it catch up with itself (?) and boom - off we go again.
  11. VW in Walton-on-Thames (or more correctly the service dept in Hersham) I will NOT visit again for any reason. However Wayside in St Alban's have been very professional and helpful and given me discounts on all parts I've got from them, and their workshops look a thousand percent better managed than Hersham.
  12. He He - Nothing but respek for the Hilux. I used to have a Hilux 4runner (Surf) in Oz - bullet proof. And what about the one they 'tested' on Top Gear !!! :lol:
  13. ... well it should feel pretty special after stepping out of the Dual Cab !! :lol: :lol:
  14. Bolster

    Corrado VR6 MPG ?

    Well, as always it depends what you do with your right foot. I travel 100 Miles a day of mainly motorway and A road stuff (some of which is on the M25 carpark). Average for me over a long period has been around 28-29 MPG. The other morning I tried to do an eco trip and lay off the smiley pedal and managed 35-36 MPG on the same trip. In 5th gear doing less than 50mph it will give over 40mpg. I don't think I'll see 35mpg again - what's the point? :lol:
  15. From another thread: Does anyone know where the petrol is leaking to give this smell or is it just running richer when cold? Is this a CCP (Common Corrado Problem)?
  16. When I first got my C I had the same problem but no matter which way round I wired it - same problem. Turned out the battery was roooted (also explained the slow starting! :roll: ).
  17. I've just put VW Stealer shocks on the rear as the prices were comparable with GSF etc and my dealer is much closer to work. I get 10% off from my dealer throught the 'parts for older cars' program (not it's official title). My old shocks were as good as not having any shocks. Handling Difference is OOTW. :D
  18. Any pics of the work?
  19. Cool - I have similar noises (and many more of them since a trip to the Isle of Wight!! :mad: ). This sounds like the answer.
  20. That's why my address became a bit OTT :lol:
  21. :lol: Well it's not so much the cost of the teapot but a donation to buy shares in the offshore company that makes the teapots. Then find eight friends who will buy shares in the idea that you have a share in the company and then get them to find eight friends ... :roll: tee hee Should this post be moved to the General scams section?
  22. bit of a cheat - clue - you just have to live in the right place! :wink:
  23. Slow puncture could be the rim has annodised and just needs clean and refit. If you do need a tyre(s) I'd recommend mytyres.co.uk. Get them delivered and fitting can be done for 5-10 quid a tyre. Works out quite a bit cheaper.
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