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Posts posted by aide

  1. You can't adjust co2 on two litres manually, or you shouldn't as the adjusting hole is sealed. Also you ought to use an eg analyser as that method above is a get you going quick fix and not wholly accurate, i never got it accurate using it anyway!


    The micro switch is fixed to the side of the throttle body by two small screws form what I remember, it should be activated when the throttle body is closed to operate the ISV. Theres a threaded screw for adjusting,it's also simple enough to test the microswitch with a multi meter, and if it's faulty maplin sell them.

  2. I actually just painted the shutz on with a brush, but being honest I wasn't bothered by the finish so it hasn't got the dimpled effect like OEM. Maybe if you took your time with it and built the layers up gradually it might be possible to get it to mimic the sprayed dimple effect, certainly seems like a good product though, it 'gloops up' as you apply it, then it goes rubbery for a few weeks and now (a year later) its completely solid.

  3. Giants have always had decent range and good reputation.


    Have you considered a make called felt, relatively new to the mb scene having focused on racers, but they,re very good bikes and for that kind of budget you,ll get a decent setup. Also they,re not as common as other makes. Worth a look!

  4. i've done it before, it wrecked my battery charger so i didn't bother with it anymore, good results from it, but i've since found deox-c powder gets as good if not better results without the faffing with wires etc.

  5. i remember getting the studs new from vw, good few years ago though. be cheaper buying another 2nd hand head off the bay and stripping it maybe.


    as for torque wrenches if its a cheapy/ old maybe its way off, but for anything under 50nm i'd use a small one not a big one that can measure small.

  6. really surprised they've stripped on the cam caps, on the exhaust maybe but never had it on the caps before. tbh i've never used a torque wrench on cam caps either, prefer to do it by feel.


    no idea on part number but they're a couple of quid each from what i recall for exhaust ones, to remove you can double nut them.

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