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Everything posted by P3rks

  1. [ATTACH=CONFIG]56157[/ATTACH] there you go buddy
  2. Are the RM's 15's? Looks lush :luvlove:
  3. So the rear axle hoses, were they the same as mine pictured? If so how did you fit them?
  4. Please do Jay, I've just contact C&R and sent them an e-mail, they seem very helpful so we'll see what they/Goodridge say. :thumbleft: I'll update this thread as and when. Rich Edit: For reference I'm fitting the ATE calipers from a '01 V6 4 Motion and my thread size for the caliper hose bolts is 1.5 (same as a pair of ATE calipers from a '01 20vT GTi I have)... I received x3 1.0 and x1 1.25 bolts.. :scratch:
  5. I've just bought a 6-line 312/MK4 rear Goodridge set, Front caliper Hoses are correct (the bolts aren't but that's expected as there are two different thread pitches and sods law dictates you always get the wrong ones :bonk:). The rear caliper hoses and bolts are correct and fit, albeit a tad short. But the rear axle hoses seem about an inch shorter than OE (meaning the curve is very tight and suspect dangerous) and a different end? The thread and pitch are the same meaning the solid and goodridge physically mate, but the ends are fatter meaning they wont physically fit into the allocated slots on the rear axle so they'll just flap around.. Is this just what Goodridge supply or have I been given incorrect hoses? I just want to check before I ring up and complain.. :awesome: Hose on the left is the rear axle (incorrect). Hose on the right is one of the rear calliper ones which is the type required for the rear axle. Thoughts?
  6. Early... As in Pre '93 VR6's had Red VR6 badges and colour coded Corrado Script. Post 1993 has chrome/alloy style badges. Mines a late 1993 (Mid December) and has chrome badges.
  7. Yes. It's fit straight on. All thats been done is that the middle lower fixing has been removed and it's had a tiny little section cut off the back of the grill (which can't be seen). Rich.
  8. Thanks for the offer matey.. but i'm going a nice Silver for a smart OE look :)
  9. Right! Got this off now.. Just need to order the oil cooler. I'm just awaiting for Merlin Motorsport to get back in touch regarding the centre thread bolt they supply (unsure whether its for use with or without the OE cooler). I'm planning on going a 13x235mm cooler, thermostatic sandwhich plate, removing the OE cooler, fastening together the water hoses and mounting the cooler half behind the grill, half behind the bumper. I am fully aware that oil coolers on a VR are prone to over cooling so want the best of both worlds :) I'll try and do a 'how to' if time permits
  10. Managed to get some. I'm fridnly with my local garage and got him to do the rounds. £55+vat.. Cheapest I've found and better than nothing. The OE pads only cost me £19 anyway, win some, you lose some..
  11. No, MK3 and MK4 callipers and carriers are the same. The hoses and discs are different. If I was using MK4 discs I'd need to offset them
  12. Right a little update.. I have got the hoses, pads, new retainers and bleed valves on the way. But I'm struggling to find a decent priced Brembo standard disc. GSF do not stock them any-more, they have duratec or some crap to replace the Brembo's... Same quality allegedly .. My arse, more like higher profit margins.! :bonk:
  13. I'm excited now.. I love new brakes.. No idea why, it's just one of those parts. Just need to choose the colour.. Black, Silver or red?
  14. Nice one, I'll call them tomorrow. 312's are on the list. I need something to fit under speedlines for the next month and in winter. 312mm will come in due course. Just need to find the elusive carriers from someone who isn't charging scene tax. i.e under £100 joker:
  15. Hot Rod! Not the transformers variety either.
  16. Cheers man. GSF or elsewhere? I've had redstuff/greenstuff before.. Never again! You wouldn't happen to know the part number for the OE pads would you? Just called my local dealer and they are useless and listed loads of different pads.
  17. Can you remember what you paid for the Brembo Discs? Cheapest I've found is £75!
  18. Yes it did, Pretty much what I thought. I'm getting the conversion hoses because they are cheap at the moment, I plan to go 312mm and Mk4 in the rear.. Might as well! I'm going Brembo Discs with OE pads. Should be fine for road use.. I never ever cook the brakes anyway. Thanks man :thumbleft:
  19. Word, My current brakes are binding so I've got hold of some MK4 288mm calipers and carriers. My understanding is that I need MK4 - MK2 conversion hoses. C&R do a 312mm/mk4 rears Goodridge set for the Corrado; do that's the hoses sorted. I believe I need to use late MK3 288mm discs - correct? Also what discs are recommended? What pads do I use? MK3 or MK4 pads? Also what make are recommended? Is there anything I've missed? What about bolts and stuff? Thanks.
  20. I'm planning on getting a Mocal oil cooler on the VR and I plan on removing the existing oil cooler at the same time. I understand I need a specific bolt from merlin motorsport which should screw into an early style cap. Early caps you can unscrew the thread from, where as late are one piece. I'm unsure whether my cap on the car is early or late and I don't want to find out it's the latter when the car is in pieces. I've bought one from ebay which I thought was the early style but when it's come it seems like it doesn't want to unscrew.. Its this style: Part number is: 021 117 063 Can anyone actually confirm which cap I need to buy? Thanks
  21. How good is the paintwork? Any marks? Is it a good dragon green match?
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