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Everything posted by seanl82

  1. Cheers Bill, its really testing my patience at the moment though! You know when you have those days where nothing goes smoothly.................Well I've had three!!! I started out Friday and refitted the rest of the interior. All went in fine, and ran smoothly until I realised I'd misplaced the upper rear seatbelt securing bolt and associated bits, and frantic searching heralded no results. I've managed to fudge it with a random bolt and some washers for now, but it doesn't swivel, so I don't know if this will be picked up at MOT time. It doesn't seem like it'll be any time soon anyway, as you'll see if you read on..................... I then started early Saturday morning, and thought I'd begin by changing the rocker cover gasket, as it was leaking oil. I was gonna clean the TB and ISV whilst at it, and do the oil and filter change, and possibly thermostat and coolant flush and change if I had time. As soon as I popped the bonnet and leaned on the block to take the cover off, the first problem was encountered! There was faaaarrrr too much movement for it to be right............... Notice anything missing!!!??? No wonder my gear changes have felt a bit sloppy and its been difficult engaging gear on a couple of occasions! Undeterred, I cracked on. Inlet manifold off, Rocker cover off, and second problem encountered! I'd ordered an early gasket, instead of the later type with the lip. :censored: This obviously meant it was pointless doing the oil and filter change, and I couldn't be arsed to do the stat change either as I wouldn't be able to run it up and bleed afterwards anyway. Decided to just clean out TB and ISV, and polish the inlet up a bit whilst I was there. TB nice and clean! Little polish............... I then called it a day as I had a kids B'day party to take my daughter to. On to today. I decided to start on the brakes. Car is now fully up on axle stands, and will probably remain like this for a while now! First off was the O/S/R as the handbrake cable needed replacing on this anyway. Got it all stripped down and had the first good look at it. ****ing amateurs! The only thing that went well today was the caliper bolts came off without issue. Slider pin boots were replaced, and all surfaces were stripped of paint and cleaned including the pad backs. I then Removed the handbrake cable and sorted the compensating bracket from this............. To this. The trouble then started. The collar from the cable where it enters the pipe that goes into the cabin had corroded in. Lots of pulling, tugging, and naughty words later, the drill had to come out which as you can imagine, had a flat battery! More bloody waiting about for it to charge, so thought I'd put the caliper back on and mount the cable with the caliper in situ. I then noticed a nice big bulge in the brake hose near the metal collar. FFS! Carried on to try and wind the piston back a bit and refit the caliper, but nooooooooooo! Won't wind back will it! Spent a good hour and a half trying, but its a no go. I have an insert that goes onto a ratchet, but not a proper tool. I'm now in two minds whether to buy the tool, even though the caliper might be shagged, or just get a set of Mk4 Golf Rears as I'm gonna need to replace the hoses anyway................... I wrapped for the day again feeling utterly deflated once again, and I just feel like breaking the bloody car for parts! Just need to keep the receipts well away from the missus as she'd throw a bloody fit by the time its actually road worthy! I will get there eventually though, and I suppose on the plus side I'm getting pretty intimate with the car now so I'll know it inside out by the time its finished, although this will be quite some time!...........................................
  2. I suppose you could, although by doing that you wouldn't be able to accumulate any NCB.
  3. And THAT is the kind of Corrado I aspire to own one day!.....................................drooling!
  4. Welcome to the forum Amar! Have a look here mate, and make sure you follow it to the line! http://wiki.the-corrado.net/the_corrado_buying_guide_checklist.html If you don't, you may end up with a bit of a dog. Ask me, I know!.............................
  5. Yeah cheers Wes, I got it off vagcat in the end and ordered one direct from VW. :thumbleft:
  6. Yeah thats the one! Also if you have them, a gearbox mount bolt, and 2 VR wheel bolts too please. How much for all posted? Cheers, Sean. ---------- Post added at 1:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 1:27 PM ---------- Yeah thats the one! Also if you have them, a gearbox mount bolt, and 2 VR wheel bolts too please. How much for all posted? Cheers, Sean.
  7. Cheers guys, a different one ordered now..........:bonk::censored:
  8. Hi all, Im in the middle of changing the rocker gasket, but think the new one is for early models. Its a 95 VR with the plastic cover, and the one thats come out has a central lip that goes up inside the centre of the cover. The new gasket doesnt though. Is the new one an early type, or is it just because its a pattern part as I bought it from AVS spares? Any help much appreciated!
  9. How much for a rear upper seatbelt securing bolt, spacer and washer, a door barrel securing clip, and a drivers upper door pin rod? I know its just little things but it'd be great if I could get them! Cheers!
  10. They are both budget products and you get what you pay for tbh. With regard to the detailer wax, its just a quick detailer at a guess, so is not gonna give you any sort of lasting protection anyway.
  11. Dave, what is the rough turnaround (obviously taking the farce that is Royal Mail into account) if I sent you mine? I know your having trouble with returns, and as its not a daily driver I'm happy to show good will and send you mine before you start. Your welcome to send a completed shifter mech upon receipt of mine to cut down on time though mate. This won't be until next month btw, and think I'll have a Headlight Loom and some various bolts etc as well tbh. Cheers, Sean.
  12. As title, misplaced it during interior strip out, and have MOT at the end of the month. I know its not worth alot, but hopefully someone will help a fellow member out in their time of need.............................
  13. Except for the fact the mechanic will charge me a minimum labour charge of an hour for removing the handbrake tunnel, and fitting a little piece of metal that would take about 2 minutes! I'm sure I'll survive doing it myself, but thanks Kev.
  14. Cheers guys, much appreciated! He's awsome! Very contented and happy, which helps no end tbh! Got the car insured today, as its been off the road at work since I got it. Bought it home ready for a good bit of work in the down time between feeds! My order arrived from AVS this morning, so all ready to go. Will update at the w.end or early next week with some pics and progress though.
  15. I just got mine insured today through classicline (check out other post). Its gone up since the quote I got last month, but still only £241. Thats £100 excess, and all the trimmings. The NCB doesn't make a single bit of difference to them, as I questioned it when I called to set it up (I put down online that I have 5 years, but that was on the daily.) Its limited to 4k miles, but unless its a daily, I'd say thats more than enough for most!
  16. All Corrados are OBD1, but the later models have yhe OBD2 diagnostic port. Start off by giving the throttle body a good clean as it may well be gummed up. Also disconnect the MAF and see what its like. If the MAF is on its way out you should notice an immediate difference at idle and under acceleration.
  17. seanl82

    1.8t questions.

    Ha ha, just read the first post, and first line again saying you'd checked out the thread, sorry!
  18. Check wiring around the battery, and get a multimeter on the battery if you have one. Clicking suggests your battery doesn't have enough juice to turn the engine over. May be worth checking your alternator too seeing as it happened after a run.
  19. Ooooh page two, slacking! Not really much to update atm either. This has been due to a delivery that arrived last Sunday.............................. Heir to the Corrado wealth, Jacob Ryan. Born 07/04/13 @ 22:27 weighing 6lb 13oz. As you can imagine, been a little busy, and sleep depraved since! All healthy and good though, and I'm bouncing tbf! Already have a 5yo girl so that's now family complete, and time for the snip....................:help: I have managed to make a small order for the car this week though, and all will be delivered tomorrow. Just oil, filter, sump plug and seal, a new stat, housing, coolant, a handbrake cable, slider pin boots and carrier bolts, and a rocker gasket. Should get me going at least, and I should get a little time this weekend to finish putting the dash back together. I've decided to insure the car and bring it home too. MOT is up at the end of the month, and it seems I'll get far more time to work on it if its on the drive (provided the weather remains fair). Will update with something decent in the next few days hopefully.
  20. seanl82

    1.8t questions.

    http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?36117-The-Forced-Induction-20V-Thread I know there's a lot in there, but well worth the read mate. As for the turbo, if your likely to go standalone management which would involve custom mapping anyway, you'd be stupid not to fit it now tbh.
  21. Think there's an entry point just under the ABS pump. Well there is on mine, but it wouldn't surprise me if a hole saw was used to create it tbh! That was where the feed to the sound system was run on mine before I ripped it all out anyway mate.
  22. If it wasn't completely shot, a look in on the group buys would have been a good shout.
  23. You won't get the kind of shine from white you would recognise when using wax's on darker colours, I'd recommend a sealant instead. Something like Chemical Guys Jetseal 109 gives good results, or Dodo Juice Supernatural Acrylic would be a good bet. Personally I prefer sealants too, although it won't give the amount a shine and flake pop for metallics, I think they weather much better than waxes and outlast them by miles. If you go for a wax, finiskare 1000p, or Collinite 476s last VERY well, and give good results.
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