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Everything posted by stuarttaylor37

  1. Is that on the 8v engine?
  2. I've got an 8v (2E engine code)daily that gives about 35mpg in summer and about 32mpg in winter on a 10 mile commute on A roads. Shorter journeys and any traffic sees it drop to 28mpg The original gearbox gives good torque around 2600rpm but it tails off quickly. There is absolutely no point in revving it! It is the most 'diesel like' petrol engine I've ever driven. Whats it like with the 16V box then?
  3. What MPG are you getting?
  4. someone just sent me this...need your sound on! https://www.youtube.com/embed/JHixeIr_6BM?rel=0&autoplay=1&iv_load_policy=3
  5. I think it is easy to think it seems expensive for what it is but when you add up the production and shipping costs to bring specialised parts to what is a very limited market with a slow turnover coupled with the potential for only a small overall profit, I think it is very cheap.
  6. My landlady had one years ago, I remember the engine sounding like it was about to die any second and it started off blue but quickly bloomed orange from the ground up
  7. Hi Is the cat shield still available please?
  8. I'm not 100 per cent sure but I thought they only fitted to the early interior?
  9. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/like/281395750826?ops=true&hlpht=true&viphx=1&ssPageName=ADME:B:ONA:GB:5386
  10. Thanks Roger I was hoping that they were different and I'd mixed them up when trying to sort the front drivers side dragging-oh well another look needed
  11. Cheers Dave Not sure if its the switch because it effects all three switches at the same time
  12. I got in the car yesterday no windows working, on the way home both sides working again This morning the same and working on the way home again. I'm guessing at possibly a faulty relay? Does anyone know which one it is or what else it controls? (if anything so I can check that as well) Cheers Stuart
  13. Sorry for the hijack but do you know if this is true of the front calipers?
  14. If you cant afford or don't want to be bother trying to fix it why don't you offer it for sale at a price that covers your expenses but still makes it attractive to another enthusiast? Put it down to experience and allow someone else a chance to save it?-Seems a shame to break another good car for a few quid profit.
  15. stuarttaylor37

    VR6 gear knob

    I bought one recently from the dealer-cheaper than ebay as well
  16. Cracking engine, had one in a MK2 Golf and I loved it, 90 bhp and 50mpg no matter how you drove it
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