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Everything posted by dazzyvr6

  1. and order new bolts from the stealers BEFORE you do the job...my local stealers didnt have any in stock :?
  2. dazzyvr6

    Wrong oil?

    £900 for a g60?? :shock:
  3. you say it doesnt burn oil,what state are your plugs in,pay particular attention to numbers 1 and 6 as they seem to be the most likely to go first
  4. nope,if its got a hairline crack it will missfire.especially in wet weather
  5. well you wont be doing the cat much good,if its got a missfire then it must be electrical related,is it a dizzy or coil pack vr6?
  6. dazzyvr6

    oil overfill?

    quite a lot of people say stay away from flushing agents as they can do more harm than good
  7. going to stealth is no good when you live x amount of miles away
  8. if its the same as the vr6 then the pipe costs around £6,it goes from the oil cooler to the block or if its the 2nd pipe it goes from the oil cooler to a plastic water pipe,dont know if its the same as a vr6 to do but i had to take the front panel,radiator etc out to do it :shock:
  9. dazzyvr6

    Fuse box

    pic thumbnailed-vr6storm
  10. dazzyvr6

    Fuse box

    it should have it printed on the fuse box cover
  11. nah its the same as the golfs,but i wouldnt whack the bearing in and out,get them pressed out and back in
  12. i had the same on mine,the pipe goes a bit brittle at the end,i just cut a couple of cms off the end and refiited it,been ok since
  13. if they cant see it in the usual place they wont bother looking any where else,and they will give you a ticket
  14. Koenigsegg CCR - 227mph+ that would do nicely for me :)
  15. dazzyvr6

    Leather advice...

    best to get a quote of mj to see how much they will cost you to get them recovered,if its just the bolsters then i cant see it costing that much
  16. ive got a vid of the dahback racing(sp) golf which is around 900 bhp somewhere on my comp,now that is nuts
  17. they would fit the golfs with 256 discs as standard the earlier ones had the carriers cast onto the hub
  18. the silver eip r32 was just running on 2 wheel drive when it was on the rollers,that was only 400bhp though :)
  19. lol..im not having a go kev,just saying because you think they are sh!t it doesnt mean they are sh!t,toyos have had some good reviews off experts so how can they be so crap? look at these reviews http://forums.audiworld.com/a6/msgs/171952.phtml
  20. ahhh thats because im an everton supporter and always notice that straight away
  21. dunno who the owner of the VR that he hammered was but.............pretty sure the VR in his pics belongs/belonged to one of the forum members...........akacheesy IIRC :?: i thought i recognised the EFC number plate
  22. PMSL!! What ever gives you that impression?? :lol: It's always the same...everybody is biased towards their own oils, brake pads and tyres and woe betide anyone that begs to differ. Sure I am as guilty as sin on that front but given I've had VWs for 14 years and have tried all the products out there, I feel I can offer a considered & experienced opinion. as with the rest of us kev
  23. so youve tried them all on your vr6 then kev,all with the same set up,same road conditions etc..???
  24. they fit toyos to some high end sports cars now...even the evos,unless youve tried every tyre out there,with the same set up,same tyre pressures same road conditions,etc then your not really in a posistion to judge tyres,given the manufacturers spend millions on research and testing
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