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Everything posted by dazzyvr6

  1. Oh don't pull that one out. Michelin and Bridgee have enough money to p*** away on F1 and that's about it. It's not like they then go and use much/any of that on their road tyres. thats exactly right...they pay bernie loads of money aswell
  2. still..even when worn they are still 90times better than the original wiper arms
  3. seen that vid loads of times..it sounds so sweet,youd never get a 1.8t to sound like that :wink:
  4. Aye, but 25% is only 1/4... and if you've had F1's on which are undisputedly the best in the wet it's gonna be a shock. have you tried toyos then dinkus??
  5. not had any grip problems with my toyos,but they do wear pretty quick
  6. same here..i think mine need replacing already...they dont seem to live long :roll:
  7. how much did that lot cost you,if you dont mind me asking :)
  8. my god have you read the specs on that shopping trolley :shock: :lol:
  9. ive just taken mine off,and where the top hose joins the rad there a rubber o ring, part number 535 121 687(just happen to have etka running)
  10. the vr6 is not bad on petrol actually,i sometimes see 32-36 mpg which is better than some g60's etc..
  11. dazzyvr6

    Smoothing ???

    it depends on the mot tester..ive been toying with the idea of incorperating them, into the door mirrors,but gave up on the idea after my 6th pint
  12. :lol: :lol: ..was that anywhere local then?? :lol:
  13. by the looks of mine they are the original handles,and are covered in gease so it does help
  14. dazzyvr6

    100w Xenons

    i originally bought them as show plates,i just couldnt be bothered to change them back :)
  15. dazzyvr6

    100w Xenons

    yep i sure am...i even do the jobs that need doing on my car myself unlike some people
  16. dazzyvr6

    100w Xenons

    its the way vw have done the wiring that causes the votage drop...and nothing wrong with my refelectors from using over rated bulbs
  17. dazzyvr6

    100w Xenons

    mike its a well known fact that the corrado headlights are well..not very bright...due to the voltage drop..by the time it reaches the headlights its something like 9volts instead of 12...THATS why people buy uprated wiring kits off gavin...then the bulbs get the needed 12volts
  18. all them jobs are easy to do,why not get your hands dirty and save yourself some cash..as the labour costs will be at least £200 or more
  19. dazzyvr6

    100w Xenons

    do you think i dont know that??and ive got german style plates on my car now for 2 years and still no problems...and its hardly the crime of the century is it??
  20. that paint must cost a fortune,looks really good :)
  21. the ones from justmatz arnt embroidered,they are transfers glued on
  22. as long as your moving the cold air will keep them cold enough,to stop them cracking
  23. im sure i read somewhere(could of been on the yahoo group by andy bryant)that the headlight switch is very similar to one found in a seat car,i think it could of been a toledo,could be a quick cheap fix
  24. ive no problems with my turn2 engine mount,and isnt 16vg60 using solid aluminium engine mounts with NO vibration at all??
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