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CaiosG60 PWR

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Everything posted by CaiosG60 PWR

  1. Garages make them up with copper pipes. Think there likely to use your old ones as a template when bending the new ones. You maybe able to get it done cheaper by removing the old pipe your self. Then take them into a hydraulics specialist who should be able to copy them.
  2. If the light comes back on at 15mph then it should defiantly be a sensor. It’s a safety thing, if all but one sensor are telling the ABS brain that the cars travelling at 15mph then it disables the ABS for safety. Think your car will have the same ABS sensors as a mk3 Golf depending on its age. Personally I'm not that keen on those TSW wheels. Looking forward to seeing what splits you go with!
  3. I used to do that. I'd get the Sun and the Guardian.
  4. Just seen this post. Gutted Ant, cant think of anything more annoying than a drive off like that. Skyline looks pritty good for jap crap! :lol: Seriously looks very tasteful for a rice car! :lol:
  5. Different grill on early car too. Not many have still got an early grill on them though. Everyones changed it for the late grill.
  6. The Daily Mail is an awful paper! There the first to jump on any media scare story band wagon. I think tonight with Trevor mcdonut is the TV news equivalent. Its also aimed at middle class house wife’s! As for ‘travellers’ the only reason there’s a problem these days is because Thatcher made it okay for local council’s to close all of there official sites. They used to be obliged to provide a legal site for travellers. Some will obviously believe understandably that the tax payer shouldn’t have to pay anything toward these official sites. But if they still existed then there wouldn’t be problems with illegal sites now. Crime is also not on the increase infact its down quite a bit! It’s the fear of crime that’s at an all time high. (maybe due to journalism like that found in the daily mail) my 2p! :lol:
  7. When you start your car does the ABS light come on and then go off? If it comes on and stays on when you start the car it could be the ABS pump. :-( If it goes off, then when you drive away comes back on just over 15mph then it’s probably a wheel speed sensor. You can find out which sensor either using a VAG-COM or an oscilloscope. Apparently before changing a wheel speed sensor its worth cleaning the contact on it with a wire brush as this can fix the problem. My ABS light been coming and going for months! I just havnt got around to finding out which sensors caput! :lol:
  8. Welcome to the forum! Car looks very clean. :-)
  9. It'd be worth checking the wiring on your oil sensors before panicking about anything else. The wires that attach to them get brittle and can snap. I've had it happen to me, light comes on, noise, shit your self and then with a lot of relief discover that its only a broken wire going to one of your oil sensors. :lol: :lol: A VW mechanic I know says 9 times out of 10 its just a faulty oil sensor or broken wire! ;-) ;-)
  10. Hello, welcome to the forum! I wouldn’t tell your self that because it has no rust its mint. In my opinion VW's (including the corrado) don’t rust like Vauxhalls or fords, etc. I think VW’s came with a very long body work warranty when bought new. The things that show on a corrado’s body work are stone chips and nasty little dings. To gauge the price of corrados have a look in the for sale section on this forum for similar cars for sale. Remember that valvers don’t fetch as much money as G60’s or VR6’s. Choose which model you want carefully because once smitten with the corrado you’ll probably want a VR6 or G60. ;-)
  11. I've always used Mobile 1. Can’t remember exactly which one but its not the really thin stuff. It’s the stuff with a mclaren on the bottle. :lol: I thought everyone said to use mobile 1 in G60's. Think I’ll use this Synta Silver next time because mobile 1 is sooo dam expensive!
  12. Cheers Darren, I reckon I’ll get one of these then. Think he's selling them for £44 which I reckon is good value. I really need one my cars destroyed a standard one in 12 months!!
  13. I like the sound of something that was banned from drag racing!! :-) :-)
  14. What the title says. :-) I haven’t seen a JMR one so cant compare it. Anyone have a picture of one. LINK to thread on ClubGti
  15. Sweet, Have you tried puting the front on? Just wondering what the fits like.
  16. Yeah, coolrado I had always been told that displacment type chargers like the g-lader where better than screw types. However reports of how good the lyshom (autorotor) is are changing my view. Think it may be down to which model or make the screw charger is. People who own a lyshom report that 15psi from one feels like it gives more power than 15psi from a g-lader!?!?! I think a lyshom provides less boost at the same rpm when compared to a g-lader. But a lyshom can be used at a much higher rpm safely so this isnt a problem.
  17. Yep, thats what I was refering too! ;-) :lol:
  18. Gixxer, I think I got them from C&R for about £47 but I bought them about a year ago so can’t really remember. It’s taken me until recently to get around to fitting them. Fitting them wasn’t really a problem. I was lucky that none of my brake lines where that badly corroded. If your brake lines are badly corroded, well the connecters on them, then it can turn into a nightmare job if anything snaps. You just need to be really careful not to snap anything. It’s also worth checking you can get the bleed nipple undone on your callipers before messing around with your lines or you won’t be able to bleed the brakes once you’ve fitted the new lines. (Almost happened to me :lol: )Also, if your cars has one fitted you’ll need to remove the bracket on the rear auto-brake bias thing to get at one of the pipes. A buzz gun is handy for this to give the badly corroded bolts a jolt.
  19. I've just had a 6 line goodridge set fitted. Makes the brakes feel more modern. The ratio of progresion of the pedal compared to the ratio of effect on braking is now spot on too. If that makes sense!
  20. Think its well sweet apart from the leather tassles and stickers. Even if you dont like it surley you'd rather have that than any Saxo on 19's or something!
  21. Not quite plug and play. But its all under control. Think Sams go it pritty clear in his head how its all gonna work! :lol: ;-)
  22. I'm pritty sure that a correctly installed lysholm can use as little as 1 or 2bhp to 'drive' it. Something to do with having the boost return setup correctly to help drive the charger when off throttle. Dont quote me on that though. 25bhp to drive the g-lader! Thats seams quite a bit really.
  23. I can vouch for that! :lol: :lol: ;-) Must be all that Stella!!
  24. yeah, swirl marks are from the apex seals rubbing on it. Petrol Head G60 Cab, you can't know for sure really, just get it rebuilt regularly to reduce wear, listen to it for new noises, keep an eye on your boost pipes for excess oil and get it opened up and inspected.
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