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Weber firebreather

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I am about to fit a Weber Firebreather Throttle body to my 1.8 16v


What is it going to do to the low/mid-range torque from the motor?


Anybody fitted one before?..... Henny?!


My other mods have moved the power up the rev range, which I wasn't expecting.

I want as much low/mid-range as I can get from that motor... not much it seems!



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I've not fitted one to a Corrado before, and the one I had on my MKI 16V (corrado engine) was fitted from when I put the engine in... all I do know is it made it go like a fecking rocket! :D 8) :lol:


This mod should increase power through the whole rev range, as it's allowing more air (upto 300% more!) into the system at any time you boot it!


Good luck! 8)

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im actually on the look out for one at the min


gutted i didnt bid for the one i found on ebay a while back :( :roll:

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IIRC, it works out at just over 300% increase in total butterfly area from the (combined) original twin butterflies... :crazyeyes: :twisted:

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I do a lot of motorway driving and not much else at the mo, would a single butterfly throttle make it use stupid amount of fuel? Would it burp every time I filled it up :-P

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The single butterfly just means that you have to be more careful with how much you press the loud pedal... It CAN'T change the fuel economy if you drive it the same way you used to, as at the end of the day, it's still a butterfly which opens and lets air through into the engine, so can return the same fuel economy as the old twin butterfly if used properly... The bit which WILL make the difference is when you do boot it, it WILL drink fuel like an alcoholic in a free lock-in... :lol: The extra air getting in will cause more fuel to be used too, hence the lower economy, but much better performance... 8)


The smaller butterfly has nothing to do with economy, it's about ease of driving... you'll find that for the first couple of weeks your car feels completely different to drive at slower speeds and may seem to be a little jerky as you get used to the instant-ness (is that actually a word?!?) of the throttle, but once you get used to it, you'll be getting similar (if not identical) consumption around town and HUGE grins when giving it some! 8)

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I am looking to graft 4 throttle bodies of a bike on my 9a valver, 1 per manifold intake tube, 42mm each butterfly, should be able to pass more air than air flap can supply :mrgreen: Should be interesting, as it will be effectively k-jet on throttle bodies :!: Just need some spare time :(

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Holy moly that's a big throttle.... looks to be nearly as big as a VR6 one!


As Henny says, the smaller throttle opens first on the standard one to give a more progressive throttle response but with the Weber, when the valver comes on cam, you should get a noticable difference. The WUR mod might be advisable on the 1800s to lower the base fuel pressure a smidge to enrichen the mixture slightly.

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Kev, you just reminded me that my MKI 16V with the weber was running an Audi WUR which got around that problem... 8)

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I am looking to graft 4 throttle bodies of a bike on my 9a valver, 1 per manifold intake tube, 42mm each butterfly


sounds very interesting :D i'm currently chopping two 16v throtttle bodies in half and welding the two larger throttle openings back together. With a bit of fiddling this retains the progressive opening of one and then the other - only difficulty is incorporating an idle


be interested how you get on

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for the first couple of weeks your car feels completely different to drive at slower speeds and may seem to be a little jerky as you get used to the instant-ness (is that actually a word?!?) of the throttle,


My car struggles a low speeds anyway for some reason, maybe it needs setting up, as it is running factory settings for idle etc....never been changed :o Goes like a kangaroo sometimes when it is above around 2000rpm and trying to maintain a steady speed in town.


I guess cos you change the throttle, all the idle etc will need to be setup anyway?

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It should be smooth in its power delivery, mine is, I'm running a standard throttle body.


Goes like a kangaroo sometimes when it is above around 2000rpm and trying to maintain a steady speed in town.


Is that the Australian version of going like a rabbit? :lol:


I would definately go for checking everything is set up correctly, check the positioning and operation of the idle switch on the throttle body, if the switch operates too far away from idle the ecu runs an idle setting on part throttle, then jumps to the part throttle setting, giving kangaroo symptoms in traffic jam situations.

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Yep still going to do it, i've got one TB which i'm working on and as soon as found a spare garage i'll be dismantling the one on car.


Unfortunately it isn't just a case of chopping and rejoining, I'll have to fiddle with the springs and stops too. Other thing is the actual TB grows about 20mm, so the inlet manifold requires chopping and rewelding too! Seems a lot of work, but if you look at the OE inlet manifold the opening is pretty restrictive and I'll be getting over this problem with the mod..


I'm experimenting more than anything, as I'm consdiering forced induction route so this is just me messing in the garage for the moment :oops:

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