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Neil VR6

Too tall for car!

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My head is about 2cm off the roof on my G60, can you get the seats "lowered"?! This must be a problem for other tall owners. I'm only 6 foot 1 - 6 foot 2!

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I'm around 6'2 and find the Corrado has tonnes of head and legroom - have you got the rear seat support dropped right down or are you sitting with the seat max raised and body pressed to the steering wheel or something? :)

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I'm 6foot1 and I've got LOADs of headroom in my Corrado G60.... :|


There's 2 levers under the seat, one alows the seat to be moved forwards and back, the other allows the seat to be lowered or raised... 8)

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I'm 6'1 and have no problem. I have the seat quite high as well, you sure your adjuster handle hasn't fallen off :wink:

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Hey, I'm not a girl! I drive in what you would consider a normal position, fairly upright with my arms slightly bent. Does the seat have a height adjustment? (can you tell I've only had the car for 3 weeks! :D )

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The lever which should be on the left underneath the seat is like a handle you can pull and then pivot the seat up and down... ANYONE can fit into a Corrado with the seat set as low as it can go! :)


Its also the bloody annoying one that passengers ALWAYS pull when getting into the back thinking it will help move the seat forward, and it goes with such a bang that you think the seat is going to rip itself off the rails! :|

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You have single handedly made my Corrado experience more enjoyable although my osteopath will no doubt miss my daily appointments (that was a joke by the way) Thanks guys, I shall enjoy my drive home a lot more now. I thought it had changed since I had the stereo fitted (seat was removed for power cable) but I thought there was no height adjustment!

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Its also the bloody annoying one that passengers ALWAYS pull when getting into the back thinking it will help move the seat forward, and it goes with such a bang that you think the seat is going to rip itself off the rails!


Yeah, I get that all the time, why do passengers have to fiddle :mad:

In my old MK2 Golf, if the passenger seat was too far forward it got very close to the gear lever, so when you selected reverse you would wedge your hand between the seat and the gearknob. I was tempted several times to disconnect the adjustment leaver so it couldn't be moved.


One of my mates is 6'4" and he can fit in the rado ok :wink:

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i am 5 foot 9, and have my seat dropped as far as it will go, and the column dropped as low as it will go.

its a very comfortable car to drive. in the golf i felt like i was swinging from the steering wheel like a chimp

in the C i am sitting as comfortably as if i were playing a driving game . . . .

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I'm 6'4" and was the first thing I adjusted when I went to look at purchasing my first Corrado 3 weeks ago - couldn't even get in the car without making the necessary adjustments first! However I do find that depending on my hairstyle for the day, it sometimes brushes against the headlining! 6'7" tall Scott? People think I'm tall at 6'4"!

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However I do find that depending on my hairstyle for the day, it sometimes brushes against the headlining!


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I'm just under 6 ft and my Cockatiel quiff rubs the headlining when it's at it's peak of Elvisness :lol:


I'd rather cut the seatframe than my hair though :wink:

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I'm just under 6 ft and my Cockatiel quiff rubs the headlining when it's at it's peak of Elvisness :lol:


I'd rather cut the seatframe than my hair though :wink:



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it goes with such a bang that you think the seat is going to rip itself off the rails!


I found out exactly how much force they go with when i dropped some spare change down the side of the seat, got out of the car to look for it and pulled the handle with my head in the way, knocked me on my ar$e!

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I have just got my corrado, 6'3 and no major hassles except that I need to be more elagant! doesnt come naturally to a rugby player :D

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Lippy, it's impossible to get in or out of a Corrado elegantly... My ex used to be a model and could be the most elegant looking person you could imagine until she tried to get in or out of my first Corrado when she was just too leggy to be elegant! :lol: ;)

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