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The girlfriend has moaned about the Corrado pretty much since the day I got it, not so much the car itself but more the way it looks, and even before then when I was only looking for one she still moaned!


But sat in the lounge last night discussing the fact that if we move I want a house with a big garage so I can work on the car because there was no way I was getting rid of it. I was expecting stiff opposition and had a great arguement ready about the fact that it owes me nothing and it's a future classic etc so i'm keeping it no matter what, and to my surprise she agreed with me! :shock:


She went on to tell me that she'd been sat looking at it while I'd been out at work the other day and decided that she now can't help but love the way it looks! :D


I'm still in shock :lol:


Excellent work mate! I'm trying to work to the same end...will let you know if I achieve it. :D

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Cheers mate but I can't take any real credit for it, she just came out with it. I was amazed!


And as for the garage, I think you'll agree that its just vital. Not really bothered about the rest of the house tbh! :lol: :lol:

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That makes 3 of us then!


The irony being that once we get the garage space we've always wanted, the car will suddenly become reliable as heck and never need anything doing! Although the space is useful for fitting turbos though, cough, Mic, cough.....

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well i thought i was gonna be startin a whole diff thread,i've been moved over to our new warehouse to start puttin stock in,so i'm allowed to drive my car an park it right were i'm workin,anyway the amount of people i've heard callin it a rocco !!!i eventually got a bit annoyed an shouted over "its a corrado mate"


anyway one of the wagon drivers who's trailer i was goin to tip said "is that your corrado" woooooooooo finally someone knew that it was a corrado!!!

he then went on tellin me how nice it was, how beasty it looked an then took some pics on his phone :D

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The VR had a new downpipe fitted today and the mechanic said it was the nicest VR he'd driven and it was faster than another they have in at the mo which has BMC, stainless 6-branch, decat & cams! Well chuffed 8)

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On the way back from the Scorcher today, pulled on to the M40 at J10 in front of what turned out to be a 911 C4S (reg. 50 FAB :lol:). Got up a bit of speed in the outside lane and then moved back to the middle and he came past so I began to follow him, at a reasonable distance :). Ended up playing not entirely legal tag all the way back to London!!


Finally got to the traffic lights around Acton and put windows down and the guy says "Thats a lovely looking car, I always wanted a Corrado!". I replied saying it wasn't bad to have gone straight to a 911 instead! Was chuffed though, it certainly put a smile on my face for the rest of the journey! :cheers: :D :D

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That makes 3 of us then!


The irony being that once we get the garage space we've always wanted, the car will suddenly become reliable as heck and never need anything doing! Although the space is useful for fitting turbos though, cough, Mic, cough.....


How so true that is, since buying my house with a garage i have not had half as many probs with mine!!!!

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That makes 3 of us then!


The irony being that once we get the garage space we've always wanted, the car will suddenly become reliable as heck and never need anything doing! Although the space is useful for fitting turbos though, cough, Mic, cough.....


Don't forget mate, if she ever asks its just expensive, but vital, routine maintenance that requires it to be off the road for a few weeks...... definitely not a engine conversion!! :lol:

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When I bought my K-reg G60 last weekend near Cirencester, I had to fill her up on the way home, so as I'm standing at the pump late in the evening a young chap in his late teens comes over and asks 'how long have you had you Corrado?' - top marks for knowing what it is mate! :cheers: So I said 'about five minutes, I've only just bought it', and proceeded to give him a quick viewing of the interior etc. He was well chuffed and took a couple of pics on his phone.


My wife was watching this whole thing develop from her car on the other side of the forecourt, and as I pulled away past her, I wound the window down and said to her 'it's the Corrado effect!' - got a big smile from her :D


Then yesterday we were sat in slow traffic going south towards Southampton on the A34, and another young guy leans out of the back of a people carrier and takes some photos as we cruise by - he looked quite excited, perhaps Corrados score big in automotive I-Spy?! :wink:


Will be on the lookout for next weekend's chuftie - watch this space! :lol:

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Just gave the C a good clean and wax. Next door's boyfriend turned up, shaking his head. 'That really is some mota, mate. Amazing condition- don't see many around, do you?' etc etc. Asked a few questions about it too :)

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From a member of the No-Rice forum:

Your car sounded awesome on Sunday. Does it run on liquid evil?



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I was down at the garage last night to see the progress on my car which has just been resprayed and 4 people have been asking if I'd sell it as they want to buy it. That was before it was sprayed, so chuffed with that :D :D

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Got pulled the other week for a 'on the spot road worthyness inspection sort of thing' The PCSO called it a sirocco(much to my anger) had a good look round it all was fine ,Then he saw the mileage (267k) so then he had an even closer look round it determind to find something the best he could come up with was,





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was re-fitting the interior at the weekend when i heard my parents neighbour saying to my old man how much she liked the sound of the car when its running,loved it.

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just joined, but have had my dream machine since Jan '07 to needless to say it's been a none stop Chuff'a'thon ever since :lol:


first one: was pulling into local Tesco, 3 young lads sitting on bench outside shop, they all clock the freshly washed/polished/wheele trimmed/cock-pit shined.....u get the picture. The first two are pulling 'an i bovva'd faces. The last lad just shakes his head and proclaims loudly..''that's is a beast'' :D Me think someone's done their proper homework!


2nd: was in 'over taking lane' cruising along coming up behind a respectable if somewhat sorry looking MK2 Golf. Couple in the car, bloke driving, suddenly starts throwing his arms around and shifting excitely in his seat. i thought a 'mobile domestic' was about to kick-off! I actually backed off, worried he was a mentalist and would at any moment stop the car and get out 'Falling Down' stylee. He eventully pulled into slow lane and I did my best Cole Trickle and dropped the hammer to get past and away from THIS MADDNESS!!! Wasn't till we came side to side at next round'about I glanced over, he had his window down full and a face like a kid in a canny store! Cue his MASSIVE thumbs-up and shaking head in probable disbelief (it being Ireland!) I could only manage a cheshire cat type grin and a mini thumbs up of my own.

was so chuffed I could've stalled....but thankfully didn't. That wouldv'e been a comedy come down :D

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i had a really good one,


driving along and came up behind this old car, my mate said, look, its a sciroco. i was like.... oh ye, its the mk1 and id not seen many of them about!

this model



this one was mint, no rust, all chrome gleaming, really look after!

came to a dual carrage way and i went onto fast lane, didnt over take, just stayed behind it looking at its beauty, the guy must of saw what i was doing, put it arm out of the window and a thumbs up! so i flashed and put thumbs up!


followed it for ages just gob smacked how god the condition was!

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Had a guy on a bike pull up next to me at the lights today.

'That a G60?'

'No, VR6'

'That's really nice, I've had a few Corrados myself. They're excellent motors'

'Thanks, this is my second' At which point the lights change and I treat him to a nice wheelspinning launch and we have a little play for a mile or so before I turn off and he honks as he goes past.


Also had a guy at Halfrauds moaning about how his VR6 goof only has the 2.8.

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A guy in a red VW transporter bus was following me round the Worcester ring road, I noticed he was taking pictures of my car with his camera phone balanced on the steering wheel!


The lengths people goto for a few Corrado pictures!

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got my first chuftie since owning the C, was driving home from a club about 2am and stopped for a kebab...there's was a group of young hoodlums loitering so felt a bit uneasy leaving the car but as i walked past heard 'nice car mate', i just said 'cheers' and cooly walked into the kebab shop to order my food...it turned out to be the best tasting kebab i've ever had

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Got a couple of chufties in the same day last friday.


First one was a delivery bloke who came to the house, he commented how nice my car was. Got chatting and he said he used to own a Scirroco but always liked the Corrado. Even gave me a few contacts incase i need work done, or where i can get cheaper tyres.


Second one was while i was at the bank machine. A taxi had pulled up opposite to where id left the rado. The taxi driver asked if it was mine and that he owns a Storm. Seemed to like the inpro lights on the front and asked where i got them. Told him i got them from off here, but he didnt seem to know that a Corrado forum existed, so i told him the web address and told him to get registered :D

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Got my 1st on sat after spending about 50 quid on cleaning stuff, and then spent 4 hours cleaning/polishing/vacuming and admiring it :) and then went out for a drive. filling up i got a 'wow nice car mate' didnt rly knw how to respond apart from, 'cheers'. but it felt good! lol

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in the slog to work this morning, I passed a group of lads waiting at a bus stop. They all gawped at the S5 in front of me, but it was my C that provoked grins and pointing. I wish I could have heard what one of them was saying to his mate - he looked quite enthusiastic :D

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Was waiting at some traffic lights near the arndale centre in manchester and i get a tap on the window from a guy saying what i thought at the time was "do you want to buy a telly" i said no (i thought im not rolling down my window to make sure i heard right)! Any way parked up and walked down to the printworks to meet up with an ex (just mates now) and told the story to her and it became clear when the ex said he probably said "Are you selling" and it was at that point i remember him giving the car a good look over as he walked away! Was pleased to say the least and glad i gave the right answer NO! :lol:

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Was at a car boot sale (C's aren't the most suitable cars for this...) and this fella stared longingly at my C. Said he used to have one, but had to give it up when he had kids.


I've got a two year old and a 2 month old. No plans to sell it as yet!

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