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stevemac's G60 8) (mapped & back on the road)

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All the hard work was time well spent



well done sir.........glad to hear it meets your expectations now its utalising all four cylinders! :D

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Well I went out in it for a little spin today and she flies!!!!! Sound awesome aswell - VERY Throaty!!!


Good work Fella

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I'd be very very surprised if he bought anything from Jabba going on his past experience with them?!

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  CaiosG60 PWR said:
Nice one Steve!


Did you get your big valve head new from Jabba? If you dont mind saying, how much was it?

As Jim says - I wouldn't ever buy anything from Jabba, after previous experiences with them.


AFAIK - the heads are about £750 (exchange) from them. I bought the head a little cheaper from a guy who was selling it on ebay. Head was unused & still in the box that Jabba supplied it in.


Daz (G-Werks) said the head works & flows very well, in conjunction with the Piper cam & adjustable pulley. After driving the car, I'd be inclined to agree with him .. :D

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nice one :thumbleft:


would be great to see before and after figures too!



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Two of my mates have Jabba big valve heads, one on a G40 and one on a G60. Judging from how much they scare me your car must go like a f'ing rocket mate!!! ;-) :-)


I could do with one to keep up with them!! :lol:

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oops i just noticed page no.6 :lol:


ah well keep up the good work steve.



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Car's now done 1000 miles since the rebuild & pulls really well. Just need time to fit the front mount cooler .. :D


Need to change the rear axle ASAP - the one on the car is slightly bent. :(

I'll do that when I get back from LeMans.

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  h100vw said:
Is that for the one you picked up from me 2 years ago?
Yup - that's the one. Couldn't decide if mine was bent or not - now looks like it is.

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1200 miles to LeMans & back - engine now much "looser" than it was before.


Hit a French speed-bump at 40mph & all 4 wheels left the road. :shock: Broke a foglight but my suspension seems to have survived okay. :D


Just need to get to a rolling road before fitting the front mount cooler.

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yeah I know how those speedbumps knock out foglights, expecially when u dont see them at 70 miles per hour in a lowered corrado, dunno about those french ones though, hehe heres a pic of the one I hit, twas a fun trip through the air though, glad I replaced the steering 2 weeks ago!


http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/ ... 8/Bump.png


about that size too ;-)

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lol - I think the foglight broke when I landed. No other damage to the bumper though - it must have just flexed enough to break the light.

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Lovely looking car mate, dont know if its the colour or the ride height or the wheels but it just looks so right, spot on. Much respect due for doing all that work yourself too, i'd have no chance. Bet it makes you apreciate the end product even more.

Hope your going to E38, would be nice to see it in the flesh.

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nick48480, Cheers m8 - I still have a few bits & pieces to finish off though. I suppose the advantage of doing the work yourself is that you know the job is done right.


Daz at G-Werks finished the engine for me, when I drove it there running on 3 cylinders. :shock:

Given a bit more time I could have finished it properly myself but I had to get the car ready to go to LeMans.


The thing about wheels is that some styles suit some colours better than others. It's just a case of finding what suits your particular car & colour.


I'll be at Edition 38 - camping for the weekend. My car will be on the CCGB stand. Not sure if I'll be able to fit the front mount cooler & new bumper before then. That'll be a job for this winter along with the new rear axle, etc.

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  stevemac said:
Yup - I sort of knackered it when I fitted it - thought it'd be okay .. doh


It's the burned out end that was the problem - the insulation was cut to view the crapness of the core


New set of Beru leads being fitted tomorrow


what make were those crappy silicone leads?

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"Mega Leads" - complete crap, don't touch them with a bargepole.


Beru are the ones to go for - good quality & very reliable.

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did you find any sideskirts to suit the ca yet? in my opinion some of the easy to find sideskirts for the corrado, like the m3 ones, don't seem to go with the body and don't blend with it very well either. Please post a link if you managed to find some subtle ones, i haven't had any luck with that yet

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The only ones that I've found so far, that I like are the ones fitted to Blue_Joe's car. They came from a company called "Raceland" here in the UK. Unfortunately, there don't seem to be any left - anywhere.

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