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Be careful what you write online..

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Blimey, big brother in extremis. That is rather worrying. I wonder if the local police authorities read CF looking for like posts?

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Serves him right for; A) having slopey shoulders, B) bragging about it on a forum and C) being a rich merchant banker bastard!


Unless the police have evidence of an offense to back up what they read on here, they can do Jack Schitt.


I did 189mph in a 30 zone in Bristol last night Mr Policeman....

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Hold on it raises the question of whether teh police were actually doing work or just surfing the internet for ebay bargains :wink: Just goes to show that the public cry out for more officers on the street, catching red handed no gooder Chav's, yet the police deem it more important to catch a speeding driver at 88mph not exactly Maclaren F1 terrotory now is it on the internet :wink:

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Mobile cameras carry a powerful 300-600 mm telephoto lens that can capture the faces of drivers even at high speeds, but in this case the view was obscured by the car’s sun visor. Quas persuaded his girlfriend, Isabelle Fortot, to say that it was her face that had been hidden.


Reckon I'll get me monkey mask out then :lol:

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Hey... less of the 'in Bristol'... they might mistake you for me ... errm but then again

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189 is quirte a claim, reckon you might get more than 3 points and a 60 nicker fine there.


Unless you were practicing your skills as a professional Rado Driver. :D

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I did 189mph in a 30 zone in Bristol last night Mr Policeman....


i'll pick that one up for ya kev. :wink:


Just goes to show, if you're on your way back to cockermouth you may be the one to end up shafted. :twisted:

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189mph? Surely with those larger wheels you'll have a slightly under-reading speedo. Best to say 195mph to be sure.

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Unless the police have evidence of an offense to back up what they read on here, they can do Jack Schitt.


the police had the evidence on camera and as he admitted on a forum that he'd perverted the course of justice by giving false information on the notice to prosecute paperwork he would have received, that was further proof and he deserves what he got for being a nugget - quite worrying tho that the rozzers are -


(a) monitoring forums such as this for what we say and get up to

(b) are not out nicking burglers, bombers an terrorists......

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Unless the police have evidence of an offense to back up what they read on here, they can do Jack Schitt.


the police had the evidence on camera and as he admitted on a forum that he'd perverted the course of justice by giving false information on the notice to prosecute paperwork he would have received, that was further proof and he deserves what he got for being a nugget - quite worrying tho that the rozzers are -


(a) monitoring forums such as this for what we say and get up to

(b) are not out nicking burglers, bombers an terrorists......



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Yeah the evidence was there in that case, but my response was to Randal's query regarding the police reading our forum, on which there isn't any evidence of a crime I'm aware of.


This monitoring is getting a bit OTT, I agree, and if it continues, Minority Report will soon be science fact, instead of science fiction.


But after London's recent events, some might argue that monitoring is a good thing though....and if you've got a clear conscience, then you shouldn't have a problem with being monitored....but the lack of human right to privacy is very grating none the less.

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come on guys, if you aint got nothing to hide who cares.


anyway they might not have been monitoring the website they may just have been looking at it for personal pleasure while at home and the silly bugger fell unlucky.

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if it continues, Minority Report will soon be science fact


good, the sooner tom cruse gets strapped to a jetpack the better.


IMO I've got no problem with the police monitoring the internet, granted theres far more serious crimes going on which they should probably be focusing on, but theres also a large amount of information floating about on the net that could tip the police off to something major. Wasnt there an incident a couple of years ago of (possibly) BNP supporters organising riots via football forums?


anyway whos to say the osserfer who found the incriminating info wasnt browsing the forum in his own time? (damnit beaten to it by jrabarton)

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well i think its a load of bollox...monitoring these forums...Ive admitted to many a dirty crime on this forum in the name of a laugh...how are the filth supposed to know when people are joking/lying etc....and no offence Kev...but what the feck has Londons recent events got to do with speeding fines?.....its just what that pubic hair (( tony blair )) wanted...an excuse to go taking more of our right to privacy away.....i can see where the conspirecy theorists get their ideas from....as much as Mr Hair might be playing the game...he will benefit from whats happened...as long as they keep the fear factor up they have us under their control.....


so if you're reading you dirty pig scum...im off for another fat spliff before taking my panda to its limits on a public road...(( not sure if that will mean that i brake any laws though )).



not that im anarchist or anything :D

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There's a few rozzers on the VR6OC and they're good blokes, they're not out to catch anyone, they're enthusiasts despite their vocation.

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There's a couple of regular posters on here who are police officers too... (and nice people with it too... 8) )

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