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which one of you was it?..M .E Cook????

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Ok...who was it that sent me a cheque for £10.50 with no covering letter to explain what its for then???? :) .... :?: ...i sell quite alot of things online so have cheqes turning up quite often....is this anyones on here????




EDIT...Named M E Cook.

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ah..now thats because my avatar is mildly car related...in that it has a car on it....apparently as long as the avatar is car related its alowed on the forum.... :wink:

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If you losers got things right in the first place, I wouldn't have to post useless crap like 'moving' would I?


You think I like moving threads? Yeah, that's how I get my kicks in life.


A car related avatar on a car forum - what an outrageous concept. New policy from now on then eh? If it doesn't have swearing on, or tits and ass, the person should be banned from the forum and shot in the face? Ok.


Oh, and my drivers side door handle doesn't work anymore - can anyone help?













(This is only a joke btw :lol: :) :p)

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the person should be banned from the forum and shot in the face? Ok.


slightly OTT me thinks....although a banning then a quick punch in the throat should suffice. :D


anyway....on reflection...is anyone thinking this thread would be better off in the wanted section...

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Yep - correct.


Someone else can move it. I bloody ain't, that's for sure.

















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Ok you get one choice Walsey, so think about it and make your selection wisely...


Where would you like it?




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didnt i already do that though?...when i put it in the general section?....then VR6 got "that friday feeling " and had a funny turn :lol:



ok...urrrrmmm...i still reckon the generall sec has to be the best...either that or the wanted section..?

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