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Please help my g60 - Err where were we? Page 42

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chill out a bit mate, they're offering to help you at no cost and out of the goodness of their own hearts. I'm sure gibber wouldnt be coming over to plug in the ECU for you :? but maybe once he (or henny/whoever) looks into your problem they'll spot something you havent? no point blowing your stack when these guys are going out of their way to help, or at least trying to.

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...hence my offer to bring my G60 and a spare ECU over as well as my scope, timing lamp and multimeter... ;)

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offers like these dont come every day,, i would be there myself if i didnt live all the way down in devon,,, take up one of these chaps offers and then hopefully no more money will be wasted

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ok,ok of course i realise people are trying to help,and im sure you know i appreciate it.


its at the stage now where its pointing towards the ecu,darren was on the phone to me while we tested everything we possibly could.


i also replaced the chip with my old superchip,no change.


the timing is good,all sensors are good,earths are all good,theres really nothing else to try. :? everything tested with multimeyer etc...


like i say theres an ecu and a throttle body on the way for the measly sum of £5.00 to cover postage (thanks paul) so if it dies through trying it on my car then its no big loss.


could someone testing my (possibly dodgy) ecu not damage there car?


i can post it to someone if they want to try it?


i really dont know what else anyone could test/try for me,surely it makes sense to try the 5 quids worth of ecu rather than have people going out of there way until ive tried it?


oh i tried a known working coil i have lying around too,no change.

and the digital rev counter does work,so the clocks must be fecked.

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An ECU won't damage a car (there's only wires and a relay there) where as a damaged wire/ relay can fry an ECU... ;)

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did you check the lamda probe? is the car runnign mad rich?

i would doubt it was the ecu, although i have seen a couple of G60 ecu's dying.

if either the lamda or the lamda loom were not working correctly you would be getting a reasonable idle but no power and spluttering on accelerator.

Does the exhaust smell of petrol? how do the plugs look once you run it for a few minutes?

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henny,ah i see...


rmn,lambda tested,no smell of fuel.


and my afr gauge flicks from ok-rich on tickover.


the plugs (nearly new) are a little black,ive also tried my old ones with no change.


the afr was doing the same as it is now,before the problem started.

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ok, the afr should remain quite steady, if it makes any large movements, like to rich it will signify there maybe a problem with this, where is it spliced intot he loom of the lamda?

have you disconnected the lamda or tried the ecu in limp mode to see if its different?

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new ecu turned up today.


disconnected battery.

plugged in ecu and vac pipe.

re connected battery.


it started and ticked over perfectly,left it a while and revved it up,perfect.



disconnected battery.

took out the standard chip,and replaced with psd chip.

re connected battery.


started up and instantly had the problem again.


ah,must be the chip?

swapped it for the standard chip,started,still had the problem.



i then took apart both ecu's,


put the original superchip (which came with car) into the new ecu.


put the psd chip into the original ecu.


when swapping them round,it will run on the superchipped ecu and not on the psd ecu.


bear in mind all i have done is have it ticking over/revving in the unit.(lot of hassle to get it out)


un wrapped all the lambda loom to double check it (id spliced a new connector on before),all looked fine,wire next to sensor wire a little flaky...


wrapped it all back up anyway and then realised id left the wiring for the afr disconnected :mad:


just unwrapped it all again and bodged it up.

ive got headache from the fumes and my back is killing me.

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new ecu turned up today.


disconnected battery.

plugged in ecu and vac pipe.

re connected battery.


it started and ticked over perfectly,left it a while and revved it up,perfect.



disconnected battery.

took out the standard chip,and replaced with psd chip.

re connected battery.


started up and instantly had the problem again.


ah,must be the chip?

swapped it for the standard chip,started,still had the problem.



i then took apart both ecu's,


put the original superchip (which came with car) into the new ecu.


put the psd chip into the original ecu.


when swapping them round,it will run on the superchipped ecu and not on the psd ecu.


bear in mind all i have done is have it ticking over/revving in the unit.(lot of hassle to get it out)


un wrapped all the lambda loom to double check it (id spliced a new connector on before),all looked fine,wire next to sensor wire a little flaky...


wrapped it all back up anyway and then realised id left the wiring for the afr disconnected :mad:


just unwrapped it all again and bodged it up.

ive got headache from the fumes and my back is killing me.

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So to clear that up Neil, it'll run with either ECU as long as the Superchip is fitted in it...


confusing eh m8 :lol:


i didnt try the superchip in the old ecu again.


i think which ever chip goes in the original ecu,it wont run,the ecu is dead i think.


as for the new one?

it dosnt like the psd chip or the standard one.


but when i tried the superchip it seems ok.

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go with the suoerchip and start driving again.

check the ecu that was in the car in another g60, like henny offered! :lol:

see if the problem follows it, if so the ecu and or chip may be faulty

see all seems to be coming together now, plus you have rebuilt the head too

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aye at least i know the head is alright for many miles to come.


the original ecu wont work with either the psd chip or the standard one.


do you think the psd chip is killing ecu's?


need to get new t body gaskets and finish tidying the lambda/injector wiring before i can drive it,the t-body gaskets are on back order at vw :x

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guys,what should i do now?


is it time to start testing ecu's in other cars,but which chips? and which ecu's? :? or can we not work out whats what with other ecu/chip combinations?


its confusing i tell ya that much!


standard chip was fine and then after swapping from the psd chip it wasnt :?


just remembered i need to remove the crank pully bolt to loctite it as id run out when i put it in...

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Just thinking about the chips Neil, you don't wear nylon trousers do you. Static electricity isn't good for chips at all.


If you have done that crank bolt up tight enough, I wouldn't go taking it out again just to loctite it. We are talking DX bolt aren't we?



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no nylon as far as i know gavin,ive worn rubber gloves each time ive swapped a chip too.


i always wear em when messing with the car :oops:


yep,dx crank bolt,i didnt torque it up,just 'tightened' it till i got some more loctite.

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With the DX bolt you just torque it up I think, not got a manual here but if you do it tight then I don't see it ever coming out.


I usually give up trying to undo them, when they haven't broken. When I first did the bolt in my Passat, I could only get a stretch bolt. I didn't even do it up as tight as it should have been. When the DX bolt arrived, I was on the verge of giving up removing it. That was with a 2 foot bar, screwdriver in the disk, in gear with the wife jamming the brakes on.


If you went to any lengths like that doing it up then it won't come out easily.


I wear gloves too. Could just be a duff chip or 2, a big coincidence but possible.



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aye,had the car in gear and the brakes on,im just not confident it was tight enough really.


ill just give it one shot,and if it wont budge then ill leave it :)


unless i get the car high enough for room for the torque wrench,and nip it that way.80nm as far as i know.


what to do about the chips/ecu's?


gonna go up to the unit later,shall i try any diffarent combinations of ecu/chip or not bother?


do i need to be sending the psd/sns chip back?



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got mine running in a fashion today. its got a sns chip what i bought to try in it, started it up run fine straight away when cold, but as i left it to get warm it developed a misfire and sounded alot like yours is. so im gonna try the jabba chip back in it. see what happens.

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changed the chip back to the jabba one and its still the same. it sounds alot like yours does now on tick over. dont know what to do now. any ideas anyone?

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im sure whoever sold you the chip would provide another one to try...have you asked them?


i should think so really aye,im gonna be ringing them tommorow. :)


changed the chip back to the jabba one and its still the same. it sounds alot like yours does now on tick over. dont know what to do now. any ideas anyone?


have you tried a different ecu m8?


its weird :? i still cant work it out.


today i minted the lamda wiring which went very well,but of course something had to go wrong-when tidying the injector wiring,i removed all injectors to find that one had half of the yellow cap thing on the end missing :!:


i just knew it would probably be sat in the engine,and thought feck it,leave it.


found some spare none g60 injectors and swapped the cap thing over,but the hole in the end was slightly diffarent so i drilled it bigger and just stuck it in :lol:


first of all i turned the engine over with the plugs removed,thinking the half of the cap might come out but it didnt.


with the original ecu and psd chip,it ran like crap.


swapped to the new ecu with superchip and it misfired like hell! kept it running and the cap thing must have eventually burnt away or sommet.?


took it for a drive,can you say wheel spin in 3rd gear? feck running the charger in.


still dosnt feel right though,part throttle is just crap.


put it back in the unit and left it,it dosnt really amuse me tbh.

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