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Phil K

Dirty, filthy C!

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Haha, my girlfriend got it on her face - so glad I have leather! Wipe clean...


Please, not on a public forum :lol:


:lol: :lol: :rofl:

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I was merely stating a fact Dinkus! ;)


Its down to you to put your own meaning to the comment, which you obviously did - your filthy mind disgusts me. I call for him to be banned!



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Not the worst, but here's mine sporting a rather fetchin two-tone dirt/black paintjob...


really not looking forward to cleaning those wheels :(

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nah leave it dirty ;)


My wheels used to take me 15 minutes a corner... hence why I changed to a simple 5 spoke design :lol:

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There is a reason people fit winter wheels. and it is not for the sake of the wheels. Dont you just love kneeling in a puddle with a cloth up to your elbows in brakedust. :)

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There is a reason people fit winter wheels. and it is not for the sake of the wheels. Dont you just love kneeling in a puddle with a cloth up to your elbows in brakedust.


Set of 3 spoke 14" for winter it is then :wink:

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There is a reason people fit winter wheels. and it is not for the sake of the wheels. Dont you just love kneeling in a puddle with a cloth up to your elbows in brakedust.


Set of 3 spoke 14" for winter it is then :wink:


*shudder* :lol:

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jboyslick, did you just clean yours? that's how mine is after about ... let's say 10 days of regular use. I hate to see it so dirty, but it only gets dirty within a few days anyways. F**k Norway and snow and winter and salting.

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Well i decided i had to wash mne and the wifes car today as they were becoming a joke......

The funiest thing was i was washing the car and at the same time the soap suds were turning into ice!!!!! I got there in the end though

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You grubby buggers, shame on you for letting your pride & joy get like that! jboyslick did you back into a porta-loo?! :)

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After 3 days in the ROI, Roads here are :onfire: Not the cleanest.

Pictures speak for themselves :roll:

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v Happy I im in the running for something then :D

Who needs scrubbing v dubbing or Road rolling when you can have a manky C :lol:

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how low can you go???? Does your exhaust scrape on speed bumps?


cheers all.. its as low as it will go on the rear at the mo :D


Furks took that pic of the backbox at E38 lastyear... :wink:


The exhaust catches now & again, the backbox never grounds out..


K, see the rados getting well used! :D

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