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corrado is evil in the snow!

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I spent 30mins trying to get out of my back lane this morning! and a similar time trying to get parked the night before. I didn’t even dear try and get the car in my yard as its down hill!


Goodyear eagle F1's are truly the worst rubber for snow!

I had toyos all rounds on my syncro last year but I’m guessing the 4 wheel drive helped out a fair bit! :lol:


How are you guys doing with the snow?

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Was loving the roof of the car park this morning.


Also offered to move my boss's MkV TDI.


Excellent sideways hand-brake action!


The MkV's ABS is very impressive in the snow. Puts the C to shame - which just does nothing!! (Disabled mine for winter!)


RWD's are a lot worse in the snow. Especially with viscous diffs. 3-point turns end up being 21-point turns, as the car goes sideways at slow speed!

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I'm loving it!


then again, we've got a golf country, and a golf v6 4 motion! (and my corrado is a syncro too :-) )

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I won't have anything else now, FWD is a load of cock in anything other than dry smooth tarmac, which is virtually non-existent in the UK.


I think the VC o the country is a bit lazy, it still seems to spin D fault at the moment, so the 4wd is in "dumb" mode and the ESP and traction contorl isn't working. so as soon as I light up the front wheels the rears spin like a b4stard too and it want's to swap ends on the spot!


It caught me out the other day when I was trying to be clever, I slod into a kerb and took a 3" long chunk out of the FOS alloy :-(


I think I might have to go take some donut vids on the airfield tomorrow :-)

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That's the trouble with summer/wet tyres, they're not designed for shifting snow and I can't be arsed with seperate snow tyres and there's not enough snow for chains!


Corrados are pretty bad though, as were my MK2s! I'm sure lowering and stiffening doesn't help matters, nor wide tyres!

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I still remember a couple of winters ago, taking about 30 mins to get up my road (normally a 30 second drive!) and at one point, getting out of the car, whilst it was still in 1st, and chatting to someone, holding onto the door, whilst the front wheels span on idle in 1st ;)


S'all fun! :D

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my old mk2 VR6 was horrendous in the snow. tyres too wdie, suspension too stiff and too low, used to gound out in about 2" of snow.


I used to leave it at home and get my dad to give me a lift in his sierra, that thing NEVER got stuck, and the big oval road around my old office was just begging to be drifted. even the old man, in his 60's used to love drifiting around there!


[JCB song]I'm paul I'm 21 and my dad's Tiff Needell, drifting around in his sierra so well[/JCB song] etc etc

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If the snow is above the sill forget it.


twas -9° here at the airport today


I reckon if the wind got up,we'd all be dead.


feckin Baltic 8)

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I still remember a couple of winters ago, taking about 30 mins to get up my road (normally a 30 second drive!) and at one point, getting out of the car, whilst it was still in 1st, and chatting to someone, holding onto the door, whilst the front wheels span on idle in 1st ;)


S'all fun! :D


:lol: Now that's just taking the pee

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im not in my corrado as iv sold the beast, but i do have a mercedes at the moment (see signature).


my mercedes is an absolubt tw+t in the snow, id rather walk than drive that thing, its dam near killed me several times, slides sideways when ever it feels like it, breaks away from you with no warning, ABS is just plain useless too.

park n walk!

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i have slightly mangled on side of one tyre, its not as bad a it could have been just a line of rubber removed, managed to eat through the snow and hit tarmac...grrr...


@ conleycrew3: I used to have a 220ce like yours mate, wasn’t so bad in the snow if you took it real (real) easy! i used to put 195/65 non directional for the winter and put in into econo/snow mode. I have to say that the abs is fairly useless on all mercs even my mums 220 turbo (its 2003/4 i think), but it does have really good traction control. It does however kick in a fair bit which i think i should. Im gonna try uprated pads on my dads 320 so ill let you know how that works out.

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We've got an inch here tonight, with frozen tarmac underneath. The ABS does absolutely nothing, I came down a hill near my house at walking pace, touched the brakes and I hadn't come to a standstill 50 yards later...shocking. Luckily there was a dry patch under a bridge just before the tight bend at the bottom, scrubbed some of my 5mph off there! Turned into my road and there's a Jag X type having major problems, he was trying to go fowrads but the back end was just sliding sideways towards the car parked next to it, rwd for you I guess. It took three of us to push it, we could hardly stand up! I then got back in the Corrado and steamed straight through the same tricky bit, no problems hehe! The guy in the Jag had to abandon his car at the next corner and I just went sailing past again then straight up a slippery incline onto my driveway. It was quite impressive really, he must have been pig-sick watching my £3.5ks worth of 11 year old car defeat his Jag. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow morning though.

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I had some fun on a dual carridge way last year. Fresh snow was coming down while I was crusing along. Thankfully the road was empty, so it allowed me to carry on crusing.. was interesting around bends.


This year I've reserved myself to some handbrakes turns :D Looks good on film too

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I nearly crash every day i go to work in this weather :roll: I have a 13 mile journey on dual carraigeway,A roads and the last 3 miles on almost single track stuff.

Toyo R888s are not for these condtions. :lol:

Certainly though i am fully awake by the time i arrive at work!!!

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yeah whats good in the wet/summer is no good in the snow! scary stuff. Would be interesting to get a raddo with snow rubber all round and see how it goes, any one wanna take the challange? :lol:

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Im with you on that mate, my golf hasnt left the drive way most of this week, those 9's just sit on top of the snow.


my old mk2 VR6 was horrendous in the snow. tyres too wdie, suspension too stiff and too low, used to gound out in about 2" of snow.

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For a heavy old bus, the Audi's not too bad. No slipping/sliding problems at all so far (apart from the deliberate ones) but that's probably more to do with it being slow and diseasel than anything else. :-)

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To many people dont have a fecking clue how to drive in the snow nowadays. You guys must be having some amazingly bad weather. We have had a load of snow in the last day or two with back roads fully covered but I have yet to see a car off the road or anyone in trouble. (sods law guess what will happen to me now)


My brother lives in Poole and he said that when ever there is snow down there the locals are pathetically bad at coping with the conditions. We should all have to do some sort of training when we take our test.

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Skinny tyres are best.


Ive said this before, but years ago on the M8 in 4 inches of slush I sailed past everything, including a Triumph Stag. in a 602cc front wheel drive Citroen*.


Horses for courses.


(*Mind you, that is not a proper car, is it guys?!) :roll:

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At my old job we did an interview with a guy that owned a Model T and he was telling us about one of the shows he went to with it when it chucked it down with rain and turned the field into a bog.


So all these guys in all sorts of cars are getting stuck...including the tractor at one point.


Then he sails past in his Model T with the engine ticking over at 400rpm :lol:

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I got woken up at 7am the other morning by two of my Dad's neighbours trying to get up the hill and out of the cul-de-sac they live in. They were revving the tits off their cars and just spinning the wheels, making a little bit of progress and then giving up and rolling backwards to where they started. Almost felt like going out and telling them how to do it properly, i.e. keep the revs down and change up as soon as possible, but couldn't be arsed! :)

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I used to live on a hill and had gret fun as a kid sitting in the window watching the numpties trying all kinds of things to get up the hill :lol:


Then you'd get a guy that knew what he was doing and just drive past all of them with no hassle.

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