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24V Renshaw

Steering rack issues solutions and swaps....

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any diagrams showing this? i havent been in and around that area yet and would be great to see what you guys are talking about!!!


I'll second that... :)

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Dave drop me a PM with your e-mail on and I can send you some, er, 'originals' of the rack section of the drivetrain manual.


About 55megs worth though.

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It will reduce the lock too. will be interesting though.

You coming down to the new meet up north on the 23rd Ian?




where is this at jay? i might be able to make it :lol:

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I have the steering clunk in the mornings too, but it happens when I reverse park when the car is warmed up too.


I have a genuine g60 rack in the garage that is all brand new, not a recon, that I will be fitting soon. My mate paid a fortune for it 'special order' at the dealers, but he told them the wrong year so it wouldnt fit his earlier G60.


Once its on, along with new track rods/ends, I'll let you know if the knocking goes away.


Can't believe racks have gone up to £800+ now, they used to be around £450+vat. Wonder if GPC can get them at a good price from germany?

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Juts read the whole thread, so the feeling is that the mk4 rack should work, does it fit?

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My biggest concern with the MK4 rack is its height rather than its length. It looks high where the column UJ joins it. Need to get hold a MK4 rack to compare to my spare VR one.



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ah balls I think my mams VR's rack is on the way out now :(


on another note theres a bloke in this months Practical performance car who fitted a power rack to his capri, but then powered it using an electric pump from a marc A class. sounds like a top idea to me, what it was able to do then was have full assistance when doing slow speed manuevres and reduce the effect at speed making it feel more like a no PS car. Obviously this has little to do with this thread topic but I thought I would add it anyway.


I will probablies not be going to that meet Jay, our lass is in hospital at the moment with a collapsed lung so I am spending all my time visiting and stuff.

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Nasty business. :( Wish her well mate.


PS racks do that themselves anyway. They have a torsion shaft in them that senses when load is applied which opens a valve and adds assistance. At speed on the motorway etc there will be no assistance as the torsion on the shaft is not enough to open the valve. Otherwise you would go flying off into the armco. :)



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I'm still not convinced that the problem in any of these cases is the rack. Particularly given that many people have swapped their racks, sometimes with completely different models, and it still happens. I am really thinking it's something more subtle than that. Something that people simply don't replace normally.

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Best you gather your ensemble of surgeons and perform an autopsy on a clunking VR then, Doctor. We're all dying to know what it is ;-)

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Looking at those drawings has made me wonder about my rack. My O/S track rod has play. Have you figured out how those are connected?

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Best you gather your ensemble of surgeons and perform an autopsy on a clunking VR then, Doctor. We're all dying to know what it is ;-)


We will compare notes when we have both fixed our respective cars, no doubt, Kev..

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Well here are some pics of the 2 racks

I dont think it will work too easily, but may be wrong, the angle of the input shaft to the rack is totally different and the height as Jay said is a bit of an issue

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Interesting to see the two together. To be honest the angle of the shaft looks the same on both, its just the seal thats at a different angle.

How much taller is the MK4 rack?



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i would say about 30mm, i have measured it but thats at home

Width wise there is very little in it, well from joint to track arm to joint to track arm, the body of the rack is a little wider

with the input shaft, it comes in at a much steeper angle in the mk4 than the corrado

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it looks doable to me. Might need some modification of the corrado column, or maybees even fit the mk4 column, as that has a sliding pillar type affair that goes onto the rack output shaft and therefore would be infinately variable.


p.s. Jay I did wonder how racks didnt make teh steering lighter the more the engine rev'd lol :lol:


y'learn something new every day

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it is doable, you need to have the bottom part of the column shorter, i am not sure how difficult that would be

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Guys why would you go to the hassle of making the Mk4 rack fit when one from a Seat Ibiza/Cordoba will bolt straight in as I said in my post on the first page of this thread??


My mate is running a Seat rack in his corrado since the summer with no problems whatsoever.

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Well all I know is it fits a 16v, I don't know what the difference is with the VR6 racks.


It is from the ibiza model from around 2001. The old caddy van one will also work and they made those up until 2004 I think. So you could have a rack that bolts straight in and is only 2-3 years old for far less than the cost of reconditioning your own 15 year old one.

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