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Bournemouth James

How long should my fan stay on?

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When i switch my engine off the fan only stays on for about 10 seconds, and then i can hear bubbling where the engine (i think) is still hot

Is it normal to stay on for such a short time?

I was thinking my immobiliser cuts it off

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i would think this is normal............when i had my 944 turbo it had a coolant run on fan to let the turbo cool down with the ignition off,so i would imagine with yours being turbo'd its the same idea..........anyway my VR's fan sometimes comes on after the ignition is off too

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I know its normal, my 16v did it aswell, its just i think it should be staying on longer cause i can hear water bubbling when it goes off


ah get you now james :wink: .......didn't read your first post too closely :oops: ........could well be the immobiliser switching it off......u checked with the people who sold you the car?

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No, i havent checked with him, dont really wanna bother him about it cause i dont think hes the type of person that would know

I dont think its anything seriuos, its probably the immobiliser cutting it of, therefore it just needs rewiring slightly differently

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I dont know what its like for the G60s and 16Vs but the trigger timer on the Vr6 post-ignition fan is set for 29-30 seconds. This setting is the relay itself.


I'm also not convinced that the immobiliser is responsible: (i) the coolant control circuits are seperate from the ignition relay circuits (ii) the alarm system should not attempt to lock down the secondary relay circuits for 2 mins, (iii) the immobiliser should not cut in for 30-60 secs, because there are so many sensors that need time to reset after ignition is turned off.


All the alarm system should do is sense that 20mAmps has been exceeded after 2 mins and if so, it shouts. It should not have the capacity to shut off secondary relays such as the fan relay.


I strongly suggest that you get someone who knows how to trace electrical faults to look at this car. Theres more to this than meets the eye.

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mine does about 10 - 15 minutes after a good drive and high temperature


Same here, evn after a short drive just reaching temp it will run on for a few mins... you should also here the fuel pump running on also

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There's a little thermo switch on the fuel rail of the G60 which controls the fan run on time, it's got a brown/white wire on it. I don't know where it'll be on your 20VT, but if this fails then the fan will only run for the 10 seconds you mention.... My G60's fan used to only run for 10 seconds or so until I changed this thermo switch... I can't tell you how long it runs for now as the engine died the day after I changed the swtich due to a bolt shearing off... :roll: :cry:

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G60 fan is controlled by 2 seperate sensors - water temp sensor & engine bay ambient air temp sensor. The G60 fan can run-on for quite some time after the engine is switched off, 15-20 minutes on a hot day.

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you should also here the fuel pump running on also


Wouldn't that be quite dangerous ??


Nope, it's a looped fuel system so the fuel pump will fire even when the engine's not running and all it does is recirculate the fuel from the tank through the pipework to the engine and back again down the return pipe... It does this when hot so that you don't get fuel evaporation in the lines so the car will start from hot after you've left it for a little while... 8)


I wondered about it when I first found out about it too, now I'm actually quite glad there's a system fitted to keep the fuel cool in the engine bay... :) 8)

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Wouldn't that be quite dangerous ??


Nope, it's a looped fuel system so the fuel pump will fire even when the engine's not running and all it does is recirculate the fuel from the tank through the pipework to the engine and back again down the return pipe... It does this when hot so that you don't get fuel evaporation in the lines so the car will start from hot after you've left it for a little while... 8)


I wondered about it when I first found out about it too, now I'm actually quite glad there's a system fitted to keep the fuel cool in the engine bay... :) 8)


VW think of everything ehh

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VW think of everything ehh


Apart from making Crank pulley bolts that won't shear off and screw up your engine... And interiors that don't fall to bits too easily... And....... :roll:


Sorry, just a bit miffed that my C is still in bits and is likely to stay that way for a while yet... :cry:

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