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Andy Brookes

Watch out, watch out there is an RS4 about

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Hampshire police have a brand new black RS4 Audi as an unmarked patrol car. Saw it twice on the M27 yesterday with its blues and twos on at a couple of accidents. Lucky gits driving that all day!!

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Yeah I saw some traffic cop program on TV and a couple of the cops they interviewed said they're enjoying the sportier cars some of the forces are getting in these days! They were both car enthusiasts aswell. They had an Octavia RS but my mate who's a cop says they get some serious mods!!


You can generally spot unmarked patrol cars though. They drive smoothly, accelerate up to the limit quickly and stick to it and there's usually a few extra aerials...and they're always black!

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always Black?


I'm sure i've seen different flavours?

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I saw it yesterday as well!!! not difficult to spot though - looks like a monster - it was on the M3/M27 junction.

Theyve also got a Skoda Octavia VRS - IN BLACK

Talking about fast fuzzy motors they had that police Lambo on the gumball rally start on 5th gear - nice to see our taxes are being spent wisely

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['H3R4POR]always Black?


I'm sure i've seen different flavours?


Well not literally.....but the unmarked ones in my area are mostly black!

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You can generally spot unmarked patrol cars though. They drive smoothly, accelerate up to the limit quickly and stick to it and there's usually a few extra aerials...and they're always black!


Except on the M4 between Reading & Newbury where the prefered method seems to be to belt past everyone at a ton+ and then dawdle along a few miles down the road & see who comes blasting past. Seen them do it several times now in a dark blue 3 litre Vauxhall with just one ariel on the rear nearside wing.

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Yes, you're right, I was goaded into being rumbled by an unmarked 850 T5-R a few years ago on the M4....also black!


After a section of cones and 40mph limit came to an end, he hammered off into the distance, easily exceeding 100mph....and then as you say, slowed right down to about 60 in front of me. I put my foot down to get past (I have no patience for people playing silly games like that) and as I was alongside, sure enough, two cops onboard....backed off the gas and ended up overtaking at 85ish. He then overtook again, slowed down again, etc etc and then got bored and shot off into the distance. Fools.

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well technically (by law) they can't exceed the speed limit in normal circumstances, so i'm sure if you made a point of wanting to see their onboard footage when they pulled you, i'm sure they may have a change of heart.


I suppose they could always make up a story, but i'm sure as soon as 'see you court' was mentioned they would change their tune.

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I'm sure it's not technically legal for them to exceed the speed limit unless they are in a persuit or on a call, but how do you police the police?


I really hate they way they use underhand tricks like this - it didn't happen in the old days when I started driving 30 years ago.

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There was a program on recently called car wars that followed the manchester high-speed persuit team, they were driving around in scoobys, although they were the lower powered ones without the massive spoiler. iirc there were also vRS's in the car park


Looked like a great job to me, driving round in those all day chasing scumbags knowing they can't get away from you unless they're in something special (the only car that got away was an Evo FQ320).


There was a similar show about them about 10 years ago and they were driving sapphire cosworths 8)

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our local bobbies had an Escort Cossie on trial in the mid 90's..........til one of them managed to bend an alloy driving a bit too enthusiastically while testing it


most of the un-marked ones up here are wither solid dk blue or maroon coloured Omega's

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']['H3R4POR - it does work. My brother got a tug after about 10 minutes of shenanigans on the M25 near Heathrow last year with two porkies in a subaru.


Accused them of entrapment and then asked to see the footage at which point he was politely told not to drive like that again and get on his way.


At least they knew they were out of order!!!

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They need them! :lol:


Seriously, Leeds has sh!tty unmarked Astras and focus'. Havent ever seen so much as a EVO cop car or RS4 for that matter.


Think ive seen the cop show with the cossie on. Chases a motocross right?

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Well well, Northern Constabulary up here in Scotland would appear to have got themselves a brand new BMW 330D Sport in silver. Spotted it coming back from Inverness this afternoon on way back to Aberdeen, parked head-on facing into oncoming traffic coming up a hill on the single carriageway A96.


I gave a fair few flashes to warn oncoming vehicles after I passed it just after Forres and then spotted a pair of police motorcyclists (who BTW were both sporting black visors which I thought were illegal ??) who stared venomously at me flashing other drivers to warn them of the impending silver covert Beemer :roll: :lol:

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who BTW were both sporting black visors which I thought were illegal

I'm pretty sure they're only illegal after dusk. As long as you're carrying a clear visor with you as well you're safe; at least you are around here.

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I thought they were illegal too, and I think it has more to do with The Post Office or TSB than dusk.


same as blacked out windscreens are illegal, as the cozzers like to see you

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Yeah, I saw a silver EVO last week on the M25


seriously do not fuckkk with this car,, apparently he races you gets u inot the sh1t and then put his blue lights on... quite common news round here

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I gave a fair few flashes to warn oncoming vehicles after I passed it just after Forres


I thought that was illegal too, Or is it just highly shund upon? Done it before myself (when coppers werent heading towards me) but I did think you could get pulled for it even if its just for a harsh words. Dont cops see it as obstruction or something like that :lol:

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M3/M27 junction. They've also got a Skoda Octavia VRS - IN BLACK

Yep, saw that this morning at the A3/M27 junction. Registration MX05FBK

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