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Andy Brookes

PVW editorial stinks!

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Have bought PVW a few times in the last 6 months to check out all the Corrado's that have been making the pages. Anyone else think the write ups in the mag are pure carbage?? They seem to change their views on things from one month to the other.

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Never thought much of this mag.

Didnt help matters when the editor pushed in front of me in the queue for VW Action.

Every month I say im never gonna buy it again but i still do!

Sorry to say its the best of a bad bunch!!

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we were saying something similar a few weeks ago when sifting through some of last years copies - 1 mag says the corrado is old, ugly and outdated but 2 months later they think its the best thing VW done... :roll:


have stopped buying it.... not worth the pennies.....

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lighten up guys it's only a mag, there were a couple of beautiful lowered valvers in last months, who gives a sh*t what the ed. says, there's always some quality dubs in there.

if people dont buy it there could be one less vw mag on the shelves.

remember beauty is in the eye of the beerholder :cyclops2:

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I do agree with Phat,it is the best of a bad bunch,but to me they seem very biased towards Golf gtis and only seem to tolerate Corrados as a bit of a filler unless its something really special,and as we all know there all special to us.

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their article on Abass' red Corrado kind of hacked me off as well - he said that everyone on here hates his car (apparently cos it's too low - right, cos Furks' isn't :roll:), when in fact the biggest thing people had an issue with was the Ferrari badges - which, oh look, PVW conveniently chose not to mention...


I just wish they'd get rid of all the "adult" adverts, cheapens the mag (any mag, in fact) to the level of Lax Bowels and all of that ilk...


At least they feature other cars than MK2 Golfs... ;)

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heir article on Abass' red Corrado kind of hacked me off as well - he said that everyone on here hates his car (apparently cos it's too low - right, cos Furks' isn't Rolling Eyes), when in fact the biggest thing people had an issue with was the Ferrari badges - which, oh look, PVW conveniently chose not to mention...



yeah i saw that - i was thinking it was odd, i mean all of the forum dont hate him/his car - for example i was undecided :lol:


As for the mag, its ok but i wouldn’t say that any of the vw mags are consistently good which is why i pick and choose..

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well, I don't see myself as just a "corrado owner" as I also have 3 golfs, so the non corrado content is of interest to me too.


take your corrado blinkers off, it's only a passat coupe FFS, and ther'e aren't THAT many feature worthy ones about. If you think toherwsie, just email them some pics of your car and get it in there!


PVW is a great mag, always has been, and it knocks the socks of The Golf+, I'll be cancelling my subscription to that as soon as the next monthly selection of drivel drops through the letterbox.

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their article on Abass' red Corrado kind of hacked me off as well - he said that everyone on here hates his car (apparently cos it's too low - right, cos Furks' isn't :roll:), when in fact the biggest thing people had an issue with was the Ferrari badges - which, oh look, PVW conveniently chose not to mention...


Never heard of Abass' car, so a quick search brought up his members gallery, click here, can't blame the guy for thinking everyone hated it, hardly the warmest welcome for a new member .... even if he did have small ferrari and Tag Heuer stickers on the wing

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Gibber's car got waaaaaay more of a slating than that and he's still here. He made more of an effort to counter the haters in his gallery thread though, rather than cop a snot and disappear.

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Going back over that thread he hardly got that much of a panning!! Just a few people who were not enamoured with the Ferrari badges (well yeah, it is a VW ffs) and being overly lowered.


At the end of the day it is a public forum - and if you can't take a little criticism then thats to bad! God knows us moderators have to take flack all the time for the 'crap' job and 'over zelous' moderation we do around here yet we're still here!

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all the VW mags are are utter w*nk, they have been for years. They tell you absolutely nothing worth reading about any of the cars, how they drive etc etc. All they do is point out shiny bits, go 'ooo look at his wheels' and then spout a bit shyte about the owner. Every article is the same, its niether informative nor interesting. The past few times I have bought one of these mags I have just looked at the pictures and then chucked it in the cupboard.


I buy Practical Performance Car now, much more interesting and technical, they actually build stuff in there and get proper opininions on how stuff goes/handles/behaves on the road and the track, and its written with a bit of a humour in it.

Ten times the mag of PVW and golf+

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have to admit, i buy PVW to give me styling ideas and to see what trends are and so on, but i read EVO to actually read about cars...

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Coxylad - had never read Practical Performance Car before, but bought the raddo edition last month. V interesting - even if they didnt do the VR any favours ... Defo more technical - which i like. Will be buying again.


Second the Evo comment too. Lovely looking mag - proper car porn !

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I have a look at it from time to time theres not many rrados in there 'cos there not many corrados about!. It's not the best jounalism in the world but it's got some cool pics and it's somthing to read on the sh!ter! :lol:

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it only seems to be Phat who's bashing him tbh, everything the guy does :D

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Pics are great, but the rest lacks.


What really gets my goat is that you may as well get lasts months mag out once you have got 2/3's of the way through as the last third is the same every month. Same old same old.

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