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M15 VW

Peanut's Mk3 estate...

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ill be cleaning the interior today and giving the estate a polish so ill get some more pics up when im done :)

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nice one cheers missus :lol: looks much better in the flesh. Really pleased with how its coming along (even more so now its nice and shiny :-P )

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  g-man said:
Get that rear end down and i will be a big fan of this car...

Fitted the coilovers the other day but cant drop the rear as much as i want till i make the recess in the sill to allow the tailpipe to sit flush. Once thats done therell be a substantial drop on the cards :? Few other bits and bobs on the way. The leather went in without too much hassle and has made a massive difference. Mucho comfiness :wink:

All in well chuffed, first mk3 vr estate in the uk? :?

Cheers for all the comments


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  M15 VW said:
Only just finished cleaning and polishing the Mr's Estate :(


Hope he appreciates it when he gets in from work!


Few pics for you....



















Learn how to post pics dude soooo simple nice

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looks phat.. the side exit is smart.. from the pics dont see it giving you much ground clearance!

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nope, bugger all ground clearance, you can just see the recess ive made in the sill to allow it to sit up in the sill so i can drop the back end.


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cool, 1st pic looks like its a model version! last one looks quality though, properly moody! its really coming together..


dare i say it just needs a diagonal red stripe down the side??!! :norty: :lol:

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well we finally got the zorst raised up into the sill and dropped his bum down....













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well....its been an odd few weeks full of crap.

cracked sump and ripped front splitter off, fitted new sump and splitter (thanks missus) and already found another dent in the new sump and a crack in the new splitter.

On way to work the other day, car died completely, smoke coming from under bonnet. Found loom going to maf on fire. Didnt have phone so had to walk the few miles back home to phone rac then walk back to the car. Got car home and replaced the loom and vroom away he went again.

Parked up in Bromley yesterday, (after arguing with the dealers about ordering the wrong bloody parts for both myself and m15vw) came back and found someone has put a fecking big dent in the tailgate!! this is the day after i spent some time debadging and removing the rear wiper...hmmm....what will today hold for me? going to try and push the dent out, polish rims and get two new tyres fitted....maybe i should just give up and hide under the duvet


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Mate, this is looking so good!


The drop at the back makes it look "Battleship-long" in the photos...


Keep going and don't let the Feckers drag you down... If they seem like they are, stick the missus on them :norty:

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ta, :) , managed to push most of the dent out, its not perfect but itll do till i can afford to get the bodyshop do what i want with it. Tinted the rear lights this morning but got wankers cramp at the moment after having a go at polishing the rim outers :oops:


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Are you planning to flare the arches on the back Gav to tuck the wheels under a bit?


Does look cool, definately.. but I just love the thought that it has a VR6 lump nestled under the bonnet :)

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not seen many side exit exhausts i like, but that actually looks alright


i think when its hidden in a plank of fibreglass side skirt they look naff


could someone burn their leg tho getting out the back?

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Not wanting to sound critical but the rear shot reminds me of the old sierra estate!


Wheels look much much better coloured, really liking the way this has come together, well done for doing something different!

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  Jim said:
Are you planning to flare the arches on the back Gav to tuck the wheels under a bit?


Does look cool, definately.. but I just love the thought that it has a VR6 lump nestled under the bonnet :)



yep. going to use corrado rear arches and weld them on :)


see....I wasnt lying when I said that the estate was mostly corrado :)

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