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Doh, got pulled by the police Friday night :oops:

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I went for a drive around with a mate on Friday night as we were bored, pulled away at some traffic lights in a dual carriageway 30 zone and plodded along at around 35mph. I knew there was a police car behind but didnt think they'd mind me overtaking a sloooow bright pink limo.


A few meters on, the blues and twos started flashing so I pulled over.

I got out the car and the policeman looked a bit stunned, I don't think they expected a girl to be driving a C-G60.


I got the usual "is this your vehicle?", "do you know what the speed limit is down here" talk and I was like "yeah, bought it saturday and the speed limit is 30. I admit I was doing slightly more than that but it wasnt more than about 35".

He then piped up with "well, we had to do just over 40mph to catch up with you

Me: Oh... I can assure you my speedo read no more than 35mph.

Him: Well, you were going quicker than that...


Then it hit me that because I have 17s on, it's thrown the speedo out and it actually shows I'm travelling slower than I really am - doh! :oops: he did the usual check over of the car - tyres, tax - and also said that he stopped me not only for speeding but because it's quite a rare car and they get stolen quite often (the main reason why I don't mind getting stopped).


I say my apologies and get let off with a warning and a 7-day wonder. He did mention that the C was nice looking and to keep my speed down :wink: I guess getting stopped will be the norm under G60 ownership..?


I suppose the bobbys couldve been a lot worse, I mean, there were 2 of them in the car so could've quite easily given me an SP30 and I'm thinking about fitting 16s anyway so it'll help my speedo read a bit more accurate!

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well done for not getting anything more serious, would have sucked with the new car!


but your 17s are unlikely to have made more than 0.5-1 mph difference at 30mph unless you've got very weird tyres on :)


so dont worry too much about them (but dont get done either!)

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Its good to know they would pull a corrado over when seen. Just the fact that if someone had nicked it they would get stopped! :)

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The 17s should be ok if they have the correct profile of tyre on.


Feed some numbers into this to see what difference it makes to your speedo.


Tyre size calculator


It is a bit long winded by tyre size calaculator is about half way down the page. If you need OEM tyre and wheel sizes check the forum knowledge base here: Wiki Tyre Sizes

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I don't think wheels would make it over read by much/at all tbh... mine was spot on after I put 17's on - checked with GPS! Might be worth doing that your self?

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Note that copper said they had to exceed 40mph to "catch you up". Well duh, it stands to reason you're gonna have to do go faster than the thing you're catching up with, eh?

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dr_mat, quite! But that's just the copper doing his stern manner to make an impression, which is fair enough. It's exactly the same trick teachers use when ticking someone off!


Sounds like old fashioned, common sense policing of the kind many police would practise, if only they weren't being replaced in this sense by machines. I've been pulled once since owning the Corrado (the only time ever) after I exceeded the limit on a national limit road, overtaking a lorry. The copper was polite, friendly and gave me a warning to slow down and drive with a little more sense. I heeded the warning and greatly appreciated his tailoring of his manner to fit the situation. He would have been well within his rights to have given me a ticket and I could have had no complaints at all about the three points, but he recognised that the situation merited a warning.


As a result I have taken more care not to do anything daft, having thoroughly appreciated the police's point. Going back to the parallels between police and teachers having to administer corrective advice (be it to adults or children), the teacher who screams his or her head off every time at a child when they've gone slightly over the line quickly loses any respect from the child, who won't bother listening to the advice.

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I don't think they expected a girl to be driving a C-G60.


and you wonder why you got let off... :-)

An ex-girlfriend of mine got let off for doing over 90 on a motorway by smiling sweetly and fluttering her eye-lashes. Coincidence maybe! ;-)

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I've been stopped by the police twice, I was coming back from work one night (midnight to 1am ish) on the A-roads 'cos they're more interesting, going too fast, luckily they didn't clock me so I just got a ticking off (rightly so) and haven't been stupid enough to do it again since! I think it also helped that i had all my paperwork with me (License+card, MOT, Ins. cert, letter from DVLA saying it's my car and even my Passport!)


The other time I was stopped I was in a company transit, and got ordered out at gunpoint, but that's another story...

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Ah those were the dayz I - got pulled in the old G, and the copper {younger than me} just got out with his tounge on the floor saying how nice the car was - he couldn't get the insurance and how he always wanted one its nice that thier not complete pr1cks all the time, long live the G - hee hee heee

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I have only been pulled over once and that was in my old *cough* fiesta *cough* which i drove like a twat i would admit down this quiet road that i knew rather well and had a nice bend at the bottom!


Anyway i was sh*ttin myself lol and the copper that pulled me was a woman .. and she was FIT :D she asked me if it was my first time being pulled over and i said "yeah but if all cops looked like you i would try getting pulled more often!" :lol: she just told me to stop driving like an idiot and go on my way!

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i was sh*ttin myself :D she asked me if it was my first time and i said "yeah but if all cops looked like you i would try getting pulled more often!"



hee heeeee heeeeeeee :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: girls girls girls :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:

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Lol sorry as I red it couldn't stop thinking that it could be done - girl in police outfit {as i rub my thighs} MMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm police outfitt mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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MMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm women with authority and a set of cuffs and a gun mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm you better take me in luv I've been a very nauty boy mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hee heeee heeeeeeeee heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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I thought i was deff. going to be pulled over last week when i was on a completely clear stretch of the M69. I was going 3 figures but 2 very nice policeman in a feckin quick volvo caught up with me, gave me a nod and just went past me probably doin in excess of ton 30!!!


Every encounter ive had with the police has been spot on. Like you say if you treat em like human beings then they are most accommodating.


There's a stunning blonde lady policewoman who walks the beat in Derby... I always try n catch her eye lol. I might buy some neons and drive past her reapitidly :-)

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Definately not the norm getting pulled in a Rado. I've only ever been pulled once and that was after racing someone in a 205 GTI on the ring road! :|

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There's a stunning blonde lady policewoman who walks the beat in Derby... I always try n catch her eye lol. I might buy some neons and drive past her reapitidly :-)



LOL!! quality comment

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It does seem my speedo is out around 3mph and I had thought about borrowing a mate's GPS to double check. In the meantime I'll just have to make sure my speedo reads just under the limit so I know I'm not doing quite a bit more :roll:


MMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm women with authority and a set of cuffs

I have powers of arrest and a set of cuffs... EEEK *runs away*

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I got stopped the first time me and my bro took our new cars out together. Nailed it down the slip road on to the motorway, nearly hitting 3 figures before even getting on and ran out of revs in 4th. Came off at the next junction and the Omega we had passed on the slip road pulled up behind and put his lights on :|


He complemented us on the cars but no so much the driving. Gave us 3 points which I thought was pretty fair, considering I thought I'd just lost my license. Saving it all for the Autobhans now :D

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bit of annoying plod; cant say Ive ever been pulled, but cant say I'd do 35 in a 30 with plod blatantly behind me. However doing 30 in a 30 with plod about does seem slow too, as you're bound to get a que of traffic behind you too -- grin and bear it. Sounds like he was bored and wanted to pull you. As for his vehicle check, anotehr good reason to keep it legal.


Could always use the markers on the Motorway to check the speedo. Although they say the GPS isnt accurate, mine seems pretty good. Not sure about the bike, but im certain thats a good 3mph out like your C.

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