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Doubt if you'd get this at a dub event

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Un f'ing believeable. You just would not be able to believe it :(

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thats horrible.


we had this happen to us many years ago at Donington, when our MKII RS2000 was broken into and all the nice bits were stolen.


That must be heart breaking.

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Thats shocking, there is some real scum out there, I cant believe that no one saw them stripping down a car in the middle of a car park!

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Saw this this morning on Eastside.


Not really a problem at dub shows as you pay to get in with your car, unlike track days where you park up then pay to get in on foot.


Mind you there are some things that happen at dub shows you would not want to have done to your car..


..involving a chair and a chairman to start with....

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Think I would cry if I came back and found my car like this!


Shame when somone puts in hardwork and effort and scum just wreck it.

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jesus christ - seems unusual that that was the one targetted, maybe the owner has pissed someone off?

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someone must have seen that! its hardly a five minute job to take 4 wheels off, rear lenses, headlights, and even the Bonnets been nicked! its not as if you can just tuck it under your jacket and walk away! i'd be livid if someone just scratched my car at a show let alone walk away with half of it while you turn your back!

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What a bunch of cnuts, you'd think there'd be some sort of security at a place like donny which going by the thread seems to be a target for thieving scum.

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that's not going to do the show many favours, a lot of people already avoid it due to the type of 'enthusiast' it attracts and that just tops things off. What sensible person is going to take their pride and joy down there next year if that kind of thing can happen in broad daylight when there are supposed to be security personnel around?


someone somewhere much have seen something, I could imagine you not challenging a group of lads stripping a car if you saw them at it - I'd certainly not take them on - but you'd at least tell security (if you could find them!) and you'd surely remember seeing it happening and come forward if you saw a thread on a forum about it?

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unfortunately its only a matter of time before this sort of thing starts happening more at v-dub shows, the number of chavs that are now choosing VW's is on the up, mostly due to the way Lax Power magazine has gone all "EURO LOOK" even featuring old articles from PVW.

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That is pretty damned horrific and as people have said - there really must have been someone that saw this happening!!


unfortunately its only a matter of time before this sort of thing starts happening more at v-dub shows, the number of chavs that are now choosing VW's is on the up, mostly due to the way Lax Power magazine has gone all "EURO LOOK" even featuring old articles from PVW.


Then we'll have to stop going to VW shows that are full of chavs and up the ante by doing things like road trips to Monté Carlo instead 8)

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I went down on the sunday to see me mates that had been there for the weekend, there was only about 10 of them there mixture of girls & boys, l8 on the sat night they were attacked by 20 or so army lads that were on leave.

Knuckle duster was used & put one me mates in hospital, another was hit twice in the mouth with a bottle, & another was head butted & was in & out of conciousness (sp). They were out numbered by a long way but stood there ground and protected there girlfriends. Security eventually arrived but it was way to l8 damage had been done.

The police were called & they informed the army yesterday & all involved have been arrested by the millitary police.


There was an van being impersonated as an aa van i heard which was randomly picking cars & towing them away.


the events only been at donnington now for 2years & both years something serious has happened.

Last years was horrific t think of.

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not quite to the same extreme, but a couple of years ago at gti festival someone had their polished alloy oil and water caps stolen. not the biggest theft, but had to run around trying to find spares in order to get home.


unfortunatly, whilst most of us are enjoying the friendly atmosphere of most shows, some scrotes making the most of it.

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Yes, thats what I've been pondering, about the alarm.


Most modern systems have a catch on the bonnet to set the alarm off if anyone tries to get into the engine bay, had one added to my C system a few years ago, so what happened with his Scooby one?


Never heard of any probs when they were at Doncaster. Stopped going when it turned from a custom car show to a 'chavs' day release outing'. But the organisers are just as much to blame, as thats how its marketed.

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Saw this on PH yesterday.. still can't believe it!! poor guy.


looks like some lads on the lancer reg are donating parts to get him moving again.. nice eh.

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The only thing i can think of is that that scooby wasn't alarmed which is why they targeted that one. You wouldn't believe how quick these f*****g s**t head b*****ds can strip the front of a car down. At work i have to take the report when some scrote(s) have taken the whole front of the car (always fords) and i mean bonnet, both wings, slam panel, cross member, bumper, head lights, fogs and radiator.

I'm not kidding when i say the cars look as though they have been involved in a nasty head on. And we're not talking just old fords either. The new Fiesta's are getting hit now. And whats the common link throughout?....No alarms, and nobody ever sees or hears anything.


Get yourselves a GOOD alarm for your pride and joy. I'd hate for anyone on here to go through what that poor scooby owner had to go through.

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