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Cheese and ham.....

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Im a bit fed up of cheese and ham at the minute as been having continental breakfasts for the past 2 weeks in europe and they have quit frankly schitt cheese and ham out each morning! I need some proper cheese and ham now to rekindle my love for it :lol:

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cheese and tinned heinz spagetti in toastie machine. but how to add teh ham without going over the top?

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just had a grated cheese sandwich on brown bread with sensations chilli crisps in... :) tastey!

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  scottyman said:


cheese and tinned heinz spagetti in toastie machine. but how to add teh ham without going over the top?


Cheese and ham toastie first then tip over a tin of spaghetti. MMMMMMMMM

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ummmm cheese and ham sandwich with lettuce and phili.


brie and grapes...



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Danish Salami and Remulade FTW! :cheers:


Or for Breakfast.... Cheese and Jam... sounds wierd but isn't... Like Jaffa cakes and Salsa! :shock:

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i just indulged myself with a Extra Marure Cheddar cheese, Pepper Cured Wiltshire Ham, Branston pickle and Salad sandwich on fresh warm bread from the bakery..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................SWEET AS A MO FO MUTHA F******!!!!!!!!


I am already thinking of having another one this afternoon with the addition of some salt n vinegar walkers but i dont want to over step the mark!

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  kaiserVR6 said:
i just indulged myself with a Extra Marure Cheddar cheese, Pepper Cured Wiltshire Ham, Branston pickle and Salad sandwich on fresh warm bread from the bakery..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................SWEET AS A MO FO MUTHA F******!!!!!!!!


I am already thinking of having another one this afternoon with the addition of some salt n vinegar walkers but i dont want to over step the mark!

Yeah woahhhhh there! Pickle to cheese ratio is way off the mark. Keep it creamy. :nono:

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Fresh granary bread, a light coating of helmanns, parma ham, creamy cornish brie and some rocket.


God I am hungry now!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  timg60 said:
Fresh granary bread, a light coating of helmanns, parma ham, creamy cornish brie and some rocket.


God I am hungry now!!!!!!!!!!!!

And me, I have got the munchies now. Am going to rustle up a tomato, tuna, hellmans and horseradish sauce sandwich in granary bread.

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On the subject of ham, I bought a racing game today and despite the title it had NO HAM CONTENT AT ALL :sad:




Or any batman for that matter, but this isn't the cheese and batman thread.

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  boost monkey said:
On the subject of ham, I bought a racing game today and despite the title it had NO HAM CONTENT AT ALL :sad:




Or any batman for that matter, but this isn't the cheese and batman thread.



Best post ever! :lol: :lol:

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/\ PMSL! :lol:


Man I'm starving and it's only 10:30.... really fancy one of these right now...



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Will you lot stop going on about food, I'm trying to not eat my lunch before 11am for once!


On a related note, due to an unforced error in the missus' shopping trip yesterday our ham supplies have run out. Forcing me to have just cheese sandwiches........ what is the world coming to? :?

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  mic_VR said:
Will you lot stop going on about food, I'm trying to not eat my lunch before 11am for once!


On a related note, due to an unforced error in the missus' shopping trip yesterday our ham supplies have run out. Forcing me to have just cheese sandwiches........ what is the world coming to? :?



Time for a trip to see the lawyers... grounds of ureasonable behaviour! :lol:

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