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Pete's new motor - New Gauges

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Howdy all, just thought i would post up a couple of piccies of my new car for those who are interested.


It's a Evo 6, basically standard (for now), had 74k on the clock when i got my hands on it and has been in the same area/serviced by the same mechanic all it's life! :shock:

needless to say i've got all the history for it, and it sees to be a very very straight, very well looked after example.

there are a couple of little niggles that i'm busy sorting at the mo, but the plan for now is to leave it pretty much standard (while i build a monster engine for it in the mean time) and just get it all up together so everything on it is mint.

the stickers are going asap and it's having a full service (engine, gearbox, transfer box and diff oils, coolant, brakefluid etc etc), cambelt and new front bearings in the next week or two.


i'm also going to refurb the wheels, so in the mean-time i've arranged to pick up some other wheels with tyres on them to run me round on (see bottom pic - not my car, but my wheels)


hope you all approve (sorry again all to break my car - i can assure you it was more heartbreaking for me than for any of you watching...)




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Like i said when i spoke to you, i hate you for having such nice motors! :lol:


But seriously, that is soo nice, absolutely love the evo's. How does it compare to your r32 corrado? obviously handling is a no brainer but the rest of the car. Bet you will have norris design's number on speed dial soon hehe

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hi mate,


sorry i did not answer your phone calls, i will call ya later. And i must admit i actually like Evo's there just more menacing than the boring scoobys.


speak later



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i was going to buy one a few years back as the misses wanted a FAMILY car lol but when she saw it she went mad and i bought a vento very nice motors and go like stink when test drove it i took it down some lanes and the guy with me insisted he drove back think i scared him :lol:

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:grin: Nice one mate my sis has an Evo 6 TME http://www.lancerregister.com/reg_carde ... arid=872#/ and they are awesome! You will love it Im sure.


Bit like driving in a computer game compared to the C but you cannot deny (or fail to love) the pure speed of the thing LOL


What sort of power are you going for 500bhp? More? You can get almost 400bhp from the std engine you just need exhaust, fuel pump, ARP bolts (if you want), filter, a boost controller, remap. Or if you are planning on big power get an aftermarket ECU that will take you all the way up to big numbers with the right mods.


If you arent a member already then you should head to http://www.lancerregister.com/ Few more knobs on there than there used to be but...... :grin:





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Nice car mate, my brother-in-law has just picked up an Evo 7 FQ300 and it is sooooo fast even without fettling. Grip is amazing as well and I much prefer it from his old Impreza which was very all or nothing and the Evo seems a lot better behaved.


Only problem with these and the scooby's for me is the styling/image......but there is no denying how capable the are. Well done sir! :salute:

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Pete, lovely motor mate! No doubt you'll find an awesome project car sometime in the interim!


What are you doing with your old shell? Are you gonna (scrap) it when all the parts are sold?

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You got me looking at EVO's last night, of all the EVO's i would have the 6 for the looks, its the classic EVO but the dash does my head in something chronic, based on i see that the most after looking around i would have to go for the 8 or 9 as its slightly more Corradoesqu been flatter.


Sniggers at your going to leave it standard..... :ignore: :epicfail:

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Hi Pete-chav, :lol:

Nice motor, Step or two up from the Saxo :lol:

I thought you had said you are not going to modify your daily driver, you need a project rado to play with :norty:

Still hope to catch up with you at the BVF :wave:

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Look decent and standard is always a good thing with these. I do prefer these over the Subaru's as well, dont know why though.

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Look decent and standard is always a good thing with these. I do prefer these over the Subaru's as well, dont know why though.


Because they are better in pretty much every way.... Way way better looking than the Scooby...

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I recently drove both an Evo 8 and Scooby WRX STi back to back on a trackday and must say I much prefered the Evo. All round better car I thought. Definitely the right choice in my books although not quite as 'balls out' as the Scooby on full attack mode.

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I recently drove both an Evo 8 and Scooby WRX STi back to back on a trackday and must say I much prefered the Evo. All round better car I thought. Definitely the right choice in my books although not quite as 'balls out' as the Scooby on full attack mode.


Unless you get the Impreza Type 25 with the trick dif, scoobies are very prone to understeer. In the Evo turn into the corner twice as fast as you dare, get your foot on the loud pedal and laugh like a hill billy on crack as you get sling shot onto the next straight with a whiff of oversteery goodness :nuts: :grin:

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I recently drove both an Evo 8 and Scooby WRX STi back to back on a trackday and must say I much prefered the Evo. All round better car I thought. Definitely the right choice in my books although not quite as 'balls out' as the Scooby on full attack mode.


Unless you get the Impreza Type 25 with the trick dif, scoobies are very prone to understeer. In the Evo turn into the corner twice as fast as you dare, get your foot on the loud pedal and laugh like a hill billy on crack as you get sling shot onto the next straight with a whiff of oversteery goodness :nuts: :grin:


i used to have a 2004 impreza wrx sti wr1 - that had the trick adjustable diff - it still wasn't a patch on the evo - NOT A PATCH!!!

like all other imprezas it was horrifically understeery, you could get round this through power oversteer, but not only was it a pretty snappy/nasty transition between the two, it wasn't exactly what i would call "recommended" for public roads! i actually think the older classic shape imprezas were less prone to understeer; my friend used to have a P1 which i got to drive quite a lot - i actually preferred that to my wr1 in hindsight - even so, it would still understeer.

the steering on all imprezas i've driven is just so wooly and lacking decent feedback - especially when compared to that of the evo - i'm really shocked abut just how much of a day/night difference the evo is to my old impreza - the steering is almost like that of a rear-driver - BRILLIANT is all can say! :grin: :grin: :grin:

the impreza always left me cold at all the wrong moments - definitely not a drivers car like the evo


Matt - further to your comment - i have a small story! :D

i haven't been giving the evo much beans yet as i need to get used to driving a rally slag again before i'm competent and so i don't bend it! however....

the other day it was about 15 mins after a shower (just when the roads are really greasy) and the sun was out. the traffic in hereford was a bad as usual! as i was coming off a roundabout with a nice clear run off i saw a friend of mine in the queue going the other way. there was a nice clear, wide road off the roundabout, so i gave it a little beans (not loads, but a squirt) and came off the roundabout beautifully with just about a foot or something (small basically) of oversteer and flew off down the road - i felt like a driving god! - i was chuffing brilliant! obviously the car was resposible for 99% of it, but it felt so brilliant - really wish i could have seen it from my friend's perspective...

anyway, on that note - the backside of the evo is soooooooo muc more manageable than the impreza - driving in front of my friend's gt4 the other day, hit a massive oil-slick on a roundabout (thankfully taking it easy!) and the backside came out quite badly; but it was so controllable. once i came off the roundabout there was more oil and it sung out again (this time in the opposite direction),but it felt so eay to sort it all out - i know i would have been spinning there if i was in the impreza without a doubt.



anyway, thanks very much for all the coments above - i really am LOVING the car. it has to be said, i really don't like the image - i think the car looks like it's been repeatedly punched in the face until the person doing the punching got so tired they had to stop! - HOWEVER (and it's a big however) - that is all made up for the second you get behind the wheel and the car pins you back in your seat and puts a massive grin on our face from ear to ear! (it's stll not fast enough though - either it's not making full boost, or i'm just used to fast cars and will clearly need to make it faster! - watch this space....)


(by the way Dave - thanks for your comment. i have the cables etc off the car; just gimme a buzz to remind me about the show and whatday you're going etc, as i guarntee i'll forget! thanks again pal - take care :) )

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:grin: Nice one mate my sis has an Evo 6 TME http://www.lancerregister.com/reg_carde ... arid=872#/ and they are awesome! You will love it Im sure.


Bit like driving in a computer game compared to the C but you cannot deny (or fail to love) the pure speed of the thing LOL


What sort of power are you going for 500bhp? More? You can get almost 400bhp from the std engine you just need exhaust, fuel pump, ARP bolts (if you want), filter, a boost controller, remap. Or if you are planning on big power get an aftermarket ECU that will take you all the way up to big numbers with the right mods.


If you arent a member already then you should head to http://www.lancerregister.com/ Few more knobs on there than there used to be but...... :grin:






hey there pal - meant to say thanks for the steer - liking your sisters car :)

i'm already a member of the club - they've got so many resources it's unreal!


as for power - well; check out this ebay item that i may have just aquired and you'll get the idea for what sort of power i'm ultimately aiming for - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 0356779394


by the time i've got the engine all built up, i'll almost certainly take the evo out of daily service and put it somewhere to be used only at weekends. for the time being though, i'm going to get it so it's all runnnng nicely (hopefully) and just drive/maintain it in the mean-time while the beastly engine is being build on the side lines (mwahahahaha! :nuts: )

that way, i can have a (hopefully) reliable and fast daily, while having a project on the side too - just what i was after :D

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Wow, I hate you!!! I love Evo's, could never afford one though! Really does look great. You lucky sod!! :salute:


Bit of a boring question but what's the MPG on it?!

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hey there pal - meant to say thanks for the steer - liking your sisters car :)

i'm already a member of the club - they've got so many resources it's unreal!


as for power - well; check out this ebay item that i may have just aquired and you'll get the idea for what sort of power i'm ultimately aiming for - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 0356779394


by the time i've got the engine all built up, i'll almost certainly take the evo out of daily service and put it somewhere to be used only at weekends. for the time being though, i'm going to get it so it's all runnnng nicely (hopefully) and just drive/maintain it in the mean-time while the beastly engine is being build on the side lines (mwahahahaha! :nuts: )

that way, i can have a (hopefully) reliable and fast daily, while having a project on the side too - just what i was after :D


He he you arent holding back then LOL :grin:


I must admit that the best Evo's I have been in 'only' run 400bhp. They are just such a good package with that sort of power, a really well set up chassis and fast spooling BB turbo. You have to bear in mind that if you are going big power 500bhp plus then you are going to suffer from a bit of turbo lag and hence reduced driveability. No doubt that they are insanely fun though! :grin: I think my sis's car is pretty fast at 365bhp. Easily quick enough for every day driving, as fast as anything you are going to come accross bar 911 Turbo's. However at bruntingthorpe on a 30-130mph day I did the aforementioned in 20 secs and the Norris Designs Evo running silly Evo power did it in 6.19 secs! Now that IS SERIOUSLY fast :lol:


So if I was you I would get your's Ecuteked (ECU remap) with a new fuel pump, exhaust and filter (if not already fitted). This will give you 360bhp for everyday and then you can have fun in the evenings building the BEAST :norty:


You certainly seem happy now which is the main thing, glad you have managed to move on from the C.





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Wow, I hate you!!! I love Evo's, could never afford one though! Really does look great. You lucky sod!! :salute:


Bit of a boring question but what's the MPG on it?!

thanks very much for that pal :)

the conomy is not great; but tbh - you don't buy an evo/impreza etc expecting it to be economical (i know all to well from my previous scooby!)


if i'm driving sensibly (i.e 60-80mph) and on a long run then the car will return 30mpg without too much hassle.

if driving it hard on b-roads, you can expect that figure to sink to the mid teens! it all depends how you drive it in all honesty; but be under no illusions - they really are not cheap to run, so make sure you are aware of that if you're thinking of getting one....






hey there pal - meant to say thanks for the steer - liking your sisters car :)

i'm already a member of the club - they've got so many resources it's unreal!


as for power - well; check out this ebay item that i may have just aquired and you'll get the idea for what sort of power i'm ultimately aiming for - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 0356779394


by the time i've got the engine all built up, i'll almost certainly take the evo out of daily service and put it somewhere to be used only at weekends. for the time being though, i'm going to get it so it's all runnnng nicely (hopefully) and just drive/maintain it in the mean-time while the beastly engine is being build on the side lines (mwahahahaha! :nuts: )

that way, i can have a (hopefully) reliable and fast daily, while having a project on the side too - just what i was after :D


He he you arent holding back then LOL :grin:


I must admit that the best Evo's I have been in 'only' run 400bhp. They are just such a good package with that sort of power, a really well set up chassis and fast spooling BB turbo. You have to bear in mind that if you are going big power 500bhp plus then you are going to suffer from a bit of turbo lag and hence reduced driveability. No doubt that they are insanely fun though! :grin: I think my sis's car is pretty fast at 365bhp. Easily quick enough for every day driving, as fast as anything you are going to come accross bar 911 Turbo's. However at bruntingthorpe on a 30-130mph day I did the aforementioned in 20 secs and the Norris Designs Evo running silly Evo power did it in 6.19 secs! Now that IS SERIOUSLY fast :lol:


So if I was you I would get your's Ecuteked (ECU remap) with a new fuel pump, exhaust and filter (if not already fitted). This will give you 360bhp for everyday and then you can have fun in the evenings building the BEAST :norty:


You certainly seem happy now which is the main thing, glad you have managed to move on from the C.





thanks very much pal - don't think i'm going to do much to it (certainly no more than what you've said anyway) until i have the uber engine ready to go in. recon i'll just enjoy it until then and spend my time underneath my girlfriend instead of my car every weekend!

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.....recon i'll just enjoy it until then and spend my time underneath my girlfriend instead of my car every weekend!


Sounds like a fun time ahead in the absence of the Corrado then chap! :wink:

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well the evo is getting a FULL service this weekend, hopefully after that i won't have to touch it for a while for anything other than to drive it.



anyway, i managed to get some gauges fitted last weekend (i really should have been doing oher things as my time is so limited, but i thought bugger it - i want to know what my engine is doing and they look cool to boot!)

there are a few shots, unfortunately there was very bright sunlight on the day and the pics were only on my phone - i'm fairly happy with them though - but i'm very interested to hear peoples thoughts on them...

the stereo surround is being replaced and done nicely by the way - it only looks that rough as i was running out of time and needed to finish.

also before anyone asks - i've earthed the two oil pressure/temp gauges as they flash if they don't have a signal. and one of the pics has the stereo/gauge switched off - it's not the glare from the sun



pics -

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Like those Pete 8) Nice high positioning too with good visibility I should imagine - not like the ones in the cubby hole in the Corrado :wink:


Is that an electronic air flow direction screen above the dials in pic no:1?


What' do they all look like at night? Is there a color scheme going on there?


Meant to ask a few more questions about the car on Sunday but needed to get back home - will hopefully have a closer look on the 18th.

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Nice car Pete, when I've finished the rado in August we'll have to get onto the track. :D Well soon sort the men from the boys :lol: :lol:

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