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How not to remove a locking wheel nut

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It's a indicator of the kind of dimwit involved that the thread is titled "Don't buy a VW"


What? Because you're too stupid to remove a locking wheelnut without completely knackering it? Because you're so stupid that you end up cutting the whole wheel off rather than admit defect and get a proper mechanic with proper tools to do the job?


Is there even a word in the English language which can describe this degree of stupidity? Perhaps "Honda" has hidden meanings in Japanese I wonder...

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:lol: :lol:


this has reminded me, my mate has locking wheel nuts and no key bit, wonder what he is going to do :lol:

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Thats brilliant :lol:

I cant wait til the door handle breaks on the rado again, I'm going to chop the whole door off :lol:

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Perhaps "Honda" has hidden meanings in Japanese I wonder...


Nah, much as we atre supposed to not like each other and all that stuff, pretty much everyone on that thread gave the chap in question a good verbal beating, which has restored my faith again :lol:


What gets me is that this chap really doesn't get it, or he's a bot, but that wouldn't explain the very real photographs (or are they all PSchops :lol: )?



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i didnt understand what half the people on there were saying :scratch:


Oh good, wasnt just me then :lol:

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I got a similar problem (three times!) with a crappy set of anti-theft wheel nut I bought a while ago. They got rounded so I couldn't keep the adapter in place.... All I did was the following, and hey, job done!


I used two jacks, in less than 1 minute the nut was out.


*note the garage column on the right, where the bottle jack's bottom is.


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well that just sums up what we all think.






:lol: :lol: :lol:


dont forget fat :lol:

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Oh boy.. car forums sure do bring out the very best! What a complete tool! Never had a problem with VW wheel bolts... amazing what a little bit of copper ease on the threads does when it comes to removing them!

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and heres another dumb american doing the same, this time being helped by his hillbilly cousin. They were probably please with themselves when they finished so went and re-enacted the scene from Broke Back Mountain. :pukeright:


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Thats brilliant :lol:

I cant wait til the door handle breaks on the rado again, I'm going to chop the whole door off :lol:


You don't know how close to truth you are. My drivers door "broke" and unable to open it from inside or out, unable to remove the door card to get to the mechanism, I called in a specialist mechanic who had done similar jobs before and had the right tools for the job. Turned out the latching mechanism was seized. Part ordered from Germany, job done (this was this week)


The pillock on that thread would have screwdrivered the door, broken the glass, and then probably cut the door off with a chainsaw. And then gone on the Honda forum and called VW's crap because of his bad work. I mean how much of a muppet is it possible to be? The word "retardation" just doesn't even do it for me. :)

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Another wind up thread. There are so many of them doing the rounds now, just to generate publicity.


Look at the nice BBS LM on the other side of the Golf. It's fairly obvious the black wheels were going to be binned anyway (cause they look sheeeite!) so they thought they'd take the oppurtunity to pretend to be dumb arses on a forum and see who takes the bait.


I think it's a hilarious way to remove a wheel nut :lol:

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Another wind up thread. There are so many of them doing the rounds now, just to generate publicity.

must admit that was my first reaction to it, it's the posed ppictures at each stage of the 'operation' that made it look sus to me.

it's pretty much like 'you've been framed', set up something half amusing and try to make some money out of it.

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I didn't read the whole thread, but no one is silly enough to cut a door out of a house to replace a lock, surely?. Not even in America :lol:


Smacks of pure publicity stunt to me :D They shouldn't have shown a shot of the 'new' wheels, that gave it away really!

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well that just sums up what we all think.






:lol: :lol: :lol:


dont forget fat :lol:


Hey, I'm an American. I'm not fat or stupid. Well, not that stupid....


I'm finding a struggle going on inside my head. What's worse out of actually doing that or faking it? Both are acts of ridiculous dumbness.

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i'm speechless..........................................................



oh bless his lil cotton socks... he's only simple... look ------------------------> :wave:

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