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Phil K

Phil K's old C and others - new German Coupe!

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needs new front spoiler and no colour coded crapp wither then it will def be a sexy beast... atm it looks like a nice bird with a fat lip :lol:

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There's nowt wrong with twins :wink:


Cheers for calling earlier btw mate - I'll give you a call Wednesday to see about a chip 8)

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Looking good mate, Corrados come up so well with a good clean! Just need to sort out that splitter...

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Cheers fella - it's Pearl Grey Metallic 8)


And yes the splitter will be done by popular demand :lol:

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I'm in a mood with it again! Damn C!


Tried to do my rear pads this afternoon to discover that the caliper piston really doesn't want to move and I have to take it in somewhere and spend even more money on it!




Also after all that effort 'someone' forgot to tighten the bleed valve back up so I've had brake fluid all round the inside of my wheel and arch... washed that out and dropped the wheel on its face causing slight scuffage :mad:


Still looks nice though!


Anyone know if kwick schit are open tomorrow - happy to let them swear at my brakes for a while :?

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I don't have one tbh.. so were trying alternative methods! I'm guessing the wind back tool is essential ;)


I did ask advice from a mate yesterday and he didn't mention that I would need one - have since spoken to somone else and they have said that you do need one and it can be a right pain to wind in once the pads wear right down to metal on metal!


Why is nothing ever straight forward :(

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Definitely need a windback tool to get the pistons back in the callipers - they're about £15 from Halfords/GSF (make sure you get the right one for a C!).


And god, don't take it to schitt fit.

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It would be cheaper to by a wind back tool and have the satisfaction of doing them yourself than it would be to take it to Quick Fit phil.. Im Sure they will have one in halfords tomorow ..

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Well the brakes were done a week ago and are bedding in nicely - got the tool and did them my self! Easy enough to do and I'm in the safe knowledge that I didn't let a kwick shidt gimp near my car 8)


We went to Big Bang at Santa Pod for the weekend which was cool if a little cold and I stuck the C in show and shine on the monday which was a good laugh too...

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lol not sure tbh.. must have been up a slope I guess - hadn't really noticed that tbh :lol:

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Car looked good! I rode around the campsite a few times but couldnt see you anywhere! didnt get up until 1pm on monday so missed the show and shine!


If you look in the top right hand corner of the last pic you posted you can see a Transit Luton. I was about 2ft infront of that as the tranny is my mates van!!

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