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Phil K

Phil K's old C and others - new German Coupe!

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Phil You do actually realise their not Cup 3's but Cup 1's


they look awesome though

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They look awsome Phil, but i've allways loved your old rims too. The new ones definately give it that classy solid look. Im 60/40 in favour the porkers for the classy look.

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It says on the back of the rims that they're cup 3's :?


try a google image search for Cup 3's ;)


The bottom line is are they better than the Enzo Cups I had before?

(I feel like I've just dumped a girlfreind that I'm still in love with :( )

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Keep both? Winter and summer wheels.


I have a similar dilema at the moment, my Azevs are rare, only seen them on one other car, which happened to be a Green Corrado too, so I like that because they are individual, sometimes I think they are really nice, other days I don't. I have a set of freshly refurbed D90s in the garage with brand new Pirellis and hub adapters, all they need is a dust off and fitting, but not sure what to do now.


As the Porsche wheels are on, I'd wait for a month and see how you feel then, when the novelty and "new haircut feeling" has passed, you will be far better placed to make the right decission. Either way both wheels are very nice and suit the car, so you cant loose really.

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i reckon the porka's are really well suited to it m8 8) look like they were made for it!



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they look ok Phil K, i think quite a few c owners have more than one set of wheels hanging about for those times when a change seems to be in order, i preferred your previous wheels tbh, when you buy a set of wheels like the ones you have now is that they look `directional`, one side of the car will have the right look but the other side looks as if they are facing the wrong way .......... if that makes any sense :)

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Phil K, defo keep the porka ones they look very cool!!


sorry but samG60 had my car and a blue storm as his wedding car about 4 years ago and it was in PVW :p :lol:

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They look smoooove mate. less ASBO than the others but I cant make up my mind weather thats a good thing or not.


are they real porkers? or the RC jobbies?

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They say made in Itally on the inside of the spokes... I'm guessing they're MilleMiglia (sp) - don't know if they're discontinued but AFAIK they have stopped casting them for now so they remain fairly exclusive(not that it's the be all and end all) :?


Still don't know what to do though and sleeping on it hasn't helped much...

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Still don't know what to do though and sleeping on it hasn't helped much...


Doesn't sound very comfortable Phil - your back ok??

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Backs fine ta... used them as a pillow! The Mrs wasn't too happy though :lol:


andy, I know they're on there which is why I don't think they're dicontinued but I don't think they're easy to get hold of either - happy to be proven wrong though ;)

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They look really nice and are indeed cup 3's as i had cup 1's on mine and they weren't like that.

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andy, I know they're on there which is why I don't think they're dicontinued but I don't think they're easy to get hold of either - happy to be proven wrong though ;)



So I can't have them then?

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Um... no :lol:


I've just driven to work and have noticed a couple of things... the ride is deffo smoother and less crashy on these and where I'd normally arrive with a mpg reading of 23-24 I'm now getting 28 :?


Not that I'm complaining but can a change of wheels really increase your mpg?


Tyre profiles remain the same but the track has been increased and the rim's are a half inch wider... I don't get it!

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comfort would always win for me, both rims look good. Personalyl, I prefer the new ones

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yup, tyres selection (or even tyre pressure!) can affect the rolling resistance of the car and therefore change your MPG figures... Letting as little as 5PSI out of your tyres can knock quite a few MPG off!

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I thought Cup wheels scooped air into the middle to cool the brakes?


In which case - they're the wrong way round...

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In which case - they're the wrong way round...


they arent sided porsche wheels never are so you get 4 the same keeps your right hand brakes cool i guess!


oh and phill its 50 quid extra for 5 mpg more!!

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