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Sore feet [Manky Picture Included!!]

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Well after not playing basketball for 18 years this is how my feet responded after 2 hours...!!!



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Hope your hands won't look same way after 2 hours of drinking a beer.

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  bristolbaron said:
ah man.. that title needs more of a warning!


Sorry mate...!!!!! feels as bad as it looks...

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Ouch! Puts me off my cheese roll breakfast. Do you now have to walk like a penguin?

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Warning added to the thread title!


Your feet must have an easy life if one session of basketball has destroyed em matey ;) Definitely NOT a postie :lol:

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  3corsameal said:
little bit of salt and vinegar in that and it will be fine :)


Thats just cruel..!!! and yes my feet are super soft...

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Could these all be foot fetishists?

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Pull it off and stick another pic up!........


........that sounds a little weird?!

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get some acetone on them, it will sting like a right muvver flocker for about 20-30 seconds but it will seal them, and kill any infection quicker than anything known to man, and this was told to me by an ex SAS trainer and it bloody well stings but the following morning my feet were 10% better.

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If were on with foot paint and injury! I will share mine in the same thread


Dunno how well this will work. But on cleaning out my aquarium i put the scraping blade on the floor, Crawled forwards to unplug the filter back in and crawled over the blade... trigger oo that felt like a scratch, jumped up to find blood literally pooring out my toe. ran into the kitchen and just stuck my foot in the sink. My mum and girlfriend come toddling in wondering what im doing and mother nearly has a tiz wondering what to do. Long story short after ruining 3 towels and a couple of hours in A&E i came home with 5 stitches and a scar to last a lifetime!



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I showed my Mrs this as she is a Podiatrist, she said your needing to get that skin off and your needing that Veruca seen to :doc:

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  Philuk said:
If were on with foot paint and injury! I will share mine in the same thread


Dunno how well this will work. But on cleaning out my aquarium i put the scraping blade on the floor, Crawled forwards to unplug the filter back in and crawled over the blade... trigger oo that felt like a scratch, jumped up to find blood literally pooring out my toe. ran into the kitchen and just stuck my foot in the sink. My mum and girlfriend come toddling in wondering what im doing and mother nearly has a tiz wondering what to do. Long story short after ruining 3 towels and a couple of hours in A&E i came home with 5 stitches and a scar to last a lifetime!






thats just a scratch compared to some of my accidents, but suppose 5 stiches are better than non

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couple of years ago i had an operation on my right hand because i fell out with a bouncer after a few drinks and took it out on a lamppost! had an operation on my hand, pinned stitched. that wasnt the coolest thing ive done :/

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