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HOSPITAL Operation done, Metal Content lol!

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Eek, that´s a proper incision or whatever the medical term for a breat big cut and stitch job is.



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It does look like you've had your hunchback removed !!

No more bell ringing for you,

Only joking,get well soon

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that will be a nice scar mate, at least it was done with a scalpel so should heal very nicely

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get well soon fella, plenty of milk and biscuits!! youll be back on a brand new shiny bike in no time,!!!

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Bloody Hell Paul. Hope you get better soon. Things people will do to save going to Cleethorpes!


It looks like they cut you with an Axe not a scalpel, thats one nasty cut.


I think the wifes Bike will be going up for sale...........

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  ChrisL said:


It looks like they cut you with an Axe not a scalpel, thats one nasty cut.


i have got 882 stiches mate, from falling through a shed window and landing onto a lawn mower, to falling onto a pint glass that went straight through my hand, and having a claw hammer in my groin (claws went into my groin) so trust me being in a hospital with a scalpel is a lot cleaner, when Pauls scar clears up it will be just fine.

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wow Karl, that was some incident! bet you looked interesting with all those stitches in place!

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  KIPVW said:
wow Karl, that was some incident! bet you looked interesting with all those stitches in place!




not all in one incident mate, but yeh i was used to being in hospital when younger.

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Oh Kip, that looks so sore! I'm not good with blood anyway but just the photo made me feel a bit faint! Hope you're better soon and that physio goes well :)



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